
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
15.015 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA


AAPL, igual os interesa a alguno

Es difícil tenerla, pero trae muy buenos resultados.....


Re: Farmas USA

Chartis,  dejo a  tu mente preclara para que nos sigas ilustrando y describiendo tu día a día que para todos es de gran interés.

Re: Farmas USA

Como comentè ya tuvimos ayer el primer ingreso grave además a como mucho 1km de casa. Una persona que habìa estado en centro Europa
Ya no hace falta ir a verlo. Ha venido a visitarnos.
Hasta que se manifiesta se puede contagiar hasta el tato.
En un post no muy lejano comenté que si la evoluciòn seguía su curso llegarìa un momento en que los mercados serían nuestrà última preocupación.
En cuanto a los mismos, el hecho es que el viernes entrò dinero a mansalva. 
Lo normal es que hayamos visto suelo a corto plazo.
De nuevos màximos nos olvidamos vigilando la confirmación de una nueva tendencia bajista que se confirmarìa si tras el rebote se pierden los mìnimos recientes.

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

CRN  (Coronavirus)

Transcripción de la Conferencia  de Trump, ayer en la Casa Blanca 

As an important part of our efforts, on Monday, I’ll be meeting with the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, actually.  They’ll be coming to the White House, and we’re talking about a vaccine and developing, very quickly — and they’ve already started working on it — developing, very rapidly, a vaccine for the virus, to combat the virus.  And we’re having very good initial feedback.  But these companies will be coming to the White House on Monday. 

Re: Farmas USA

Que bueno el post de Bill Gates.
Gracias Mcario 

Es difícil tenerla, pero trae muy buenos resultados.....


Re: Farmas USA

Cosas interesantes de la rueda de prensa de Trump (y un discurso muy bueno técnicamente hablando, por cierto)

Lo de siempre con las farmas:

THE PRESIDENT:  By the way, the meeting with the pharmaceutical companies was actually set up before, over drug pricing, because we want prices to go way down.  But it turns out to be a very convenient meeting as it pertains to the vaccine.

we have more than 40 million masks available today.  We’ve contracted now with 3M.  Thirty-five million more masks per month will be produced, and we’re also going to be working with other manufacturers.

Esto :-o

DR. FAUCI:  No, there’s no indication that that’s going on at all.  If this virus acts like other viruses — which I have no reason to believe it won’t — once you’ve gotten infected and recovered, you’re not going to get infected with the same virus.

Palo a la Fed, en su línea:

We should have the lowest interest rates.  We don’t have the lowest interest rates.  Our Fed rate is higher.

You look at Germany.  You look at Japan.  You look at other countries.  They have — many of them have negative rates.  And we are not put in that position because of our Fed.  And now we have this problem.  You saw where Germany is lowering and also infusing a lot of money into their economy — a tremendous amount.  I haven’t heard our Fed say they should do this.

Our Fed should start being a leader, not a follower.  Our Fed has been a follower.  We need a Fed that’s going to be a leader.  We should have at least the same rates and ideally lower rates than other countries.  We shouldn’t be paying more, but we’re forced to pay more in interest.  And we — we are the most prime.

Y al final de la rueda de prensa, retoma:

Q    Are you considering any tax breaks to help ease the pain?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think the big thing we’re looking for is the Fed to do its job.  If the Fed does its job, that’s what we are really looking for.  We’re — prior to this, we — as you know, we announced that we’re going to be — at the end of the year, we’re going to be — toward the end of the year, we’re going to be announcing a middle-income tax cut in order to get that through.  I don’t think the Democrats are going to be approving any tax cuts because they like to raise taxes instead of lowering taxes.  But we’ll be, in the not-too-distant future, announcing a very major middle-income tax cut.  Okay?

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