
¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

4 respuestas
¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?
1 suscriptores
¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

La semana pasada, la CNBC invitó a sus platós a Bill Gates, Warren Buffett y Charlie Munger . Becky Quick, les preguntó qué libros se habían leído en los últimos meses. 

Estas fueron las respuestas

Bill Gates
  • Reinventing American Health Care: How the Affordable Care Act will Improve our Terribly Complex
  • Blatantly Unjust
  • Outrageously Expensive
  • Grossly Inefficient
  • Error Prone System
Charlie Munger
  • Faraday
  • Maxwell
  • Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
Warren Buffett
  • Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises


Y ahora un poco de formación gratuita.  La CNBC ha colgado una transcripción y los vídeos del coloquio.  


La transcripción completa de la entrevista


Los vídeos de la entrevista






Bill Gates


Consulta los Mejores roboadvisors


Re: ¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

Interesante hilo, Enrique.
Respecto a los videos, suponiendo que el Buffet de abajo en realidad es Gates (no lo habrías puesto repetido a posta), me hace gracia que tanto Munger como Gates salen en un video de cómo conocieron a Warren.


Re: ¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

Sí, los últimos vídeos son de Bill Gates. 

Charlie, ¿en qué te pareces a Buffet?

MUNGER: Well, the Omaha background, and I think we're both very intellectually curious. We both kind of like competing in games. And I think we both love ideas. And I like to ask Warren what he wants to be remembered as, and he says a teacher. Who else in America who is a CEO says he wants to be remembered as a teacher? I like it. 
Para terminar,  Becky les pregunta como ven los mercados y esta es su visión:
GATES: Well, relative to interest rates, equities are still a bargain. And, you know, so you've really got to have an opinion about interest rates to be an investor of any kind in this market. It's such a key factor. You know, by historical measures, yes, interest rates were very different in most of those time periods. 
Munger: Well, I think under what Bill Gross calls the "new normal," common stocks may not do quite as well in the future as they did in the last 100 years. But that doesn't mean that the Mungers are going to sell their common stock in an effort to buy them back later cheaper. 
BUFFETT: Well, the option is to own equities or own fixed dollars. I think it's clear you own equities. I do not think they're in crazy territory. But most of the time stocks have been in a zone of reasonableness over my lifetime. I think they're in the zone of reasonableness now. And certainly if you said to me it's either going to have to be long the 30-year bond and short an index fund for 30 years or vice versa, it would be long index fund. I would be long in stocks. 


Consulta los Mejores roboadvisors


Re: ¿En qué están pensando Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger y Bill Gates?

Muchas gracias por los enlaces!

Siempre es interesante saber que opinan y que visión tienen esos monstruos.

Aquí hay otra charla de Buffet (subtitulada)

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