

3 respuestas


Es otra de las plataformas que mejor está sorteando la crisis. Llevo invirtiendo en esta plataforma desde febrero de 2020 y va como un reloj: todos los préstamos tienen garantía de recompra*, que se activa a los 30 días en caso de impago.

Ahora ofrece un interés del 11% (+1% adicional si se invierten €1000) a corto plazo, con BBG (+ Garantía del Grupo Kviku)*.

Si mal no recuerdo, KVIKU comenzó a funcionar a finales de 2019, aunque previamente ofertaba sus préstamos en otras plataformas como MINTOS, BONDSTER o IUVO y había comenzado a funcionar como entidad financiera en 2013.

Si queréis saber más sobre su funcionamiento , he elaborado un TUTORIAL DE KVIKU  (aviso: contiene plan amigo).

*Por mucho que las plataformas afirmen que la inversión está “asegurada”,  nunca  debemos olvidar  que este tipo de inversión conlleva riesgos…  

Re: Kviku

Following the recent geopolitical events, we would like to update our valued investors with a recent list of FAQ. Should you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

How is your Russian entity LLMC AirLoans operating at the moment? Is there a Group guarantee for LLMC AirLoans at Kviku Finance?

LLMC AirLoans operations in Russia remain stable, with borrowers making payments to local bank accounts. Visa and Mastercard have also been working as usual inside Russia. NPL rates are currently unchanged and are monitored by our Risk team on a weekly basis.

It is worth mentioning that Kviku Holding Ltd (operator of Kviku Finance and holding company for non-Russian Loan Originators) and LLMC AirLoans are separate entities, but with the same beneficial owners. Since LLMC AirLoans is not placing loans on the platform, it is not covered by the Group guarantee. The guarantee is applied only to the Loan Originators of the platform.

Do you expect the Ukrainian loans listed at Kviku Finance to be bought back in case of default?

Our portfolio in Ukraine has been historically less than 1% of the Group’s portfolio and we have enough liquidity to cover the buyback guarantee for all outstanding loans. No new loans from Ukraine have been placed at our platform since February 25th. We guarantee zero loss for investors who have invested in Ukrainian loans at our platform.

Are there any delays with withdrawals or deposits at Kviku Finance at the moment?

We do not experience any delays in withdrawals or deposits being made at Kviku Finance bank accounts. All our current accounts are located in Europe and have not been affected by recent sanctions.

How do SWIFT restrictions imposed on Russian banks affect Kviku Finance?

Neither the Kviku Finance platform itself, nor its loan originators (none of which are based in Russia) have any relationships with Russian banks. All related transactions, as well as loan disbursement activities of the companies are done through the respective local banks. We can confirm that none of the money invested at Kviku Finance is in any way transferred to or from Russia, and is not affected by any geopolitical tensions and resulting sanctions.

How did the ruble currency depreciation affect the Kviku Group?

All our EUR liabilities in Russia have been historically hedged.

Are there any issues or restrictions in the day-to-day work of Kviku Group employees?

The daily activities of our loan originators remain business as usual, with all our employees working remotely and safely from different regions all over the globe since the very start of operations in 2013.

What are the main risks currently for investors at Kviku Finance and how these risks can be mitigated?

Kviku Finance is legally and operationally independent from LLMC AirLoans (Russian business entity). The risks, implied with the current geopolitical situation, remain low for investors at Kviku Finance.

Do you think that the current situation will cause interest rates to rise again for investors at Kviku Finance?

We believe that interest rates will increase over time across all P2P platforms, and once this happens, our interest rates will follow the market. The current rates at Kviku Finance (before bonuses) remain in the range of 10-12%.

Do you have any expansion plans for this year?

Despite the recent market volatility, we aim to continue our Group expansion into Asian region, with Indian market expected to launch in the second half of 2022. As soon as the new country breaks even, we will start listing its loans for our investors at Kviku Finance.

When will the audited Group accounts for 2021 be available? Are Loan Originators at Kviku Finance Platform profitable?

First audited full year accounts of Kviku Group should be ready by the end of Q2. We will share them at our web site as soon as they become available. We expect the Group’s 2021 Net profit to exceed EUR 10 mln.

Atención al cliente de Kviku.Finance


Re: Kviku

Lo que vienen a decir es que de momento la invasión de Ucrania no está afectando a los inversores de Kviku porque en su plataforma NO ofertan préstamos rusos y el porcentaje de préstamos de Urania apenas llega al 1% (curiosamente sí que afecta a otras plataformas -PEERBERRY, MINTOS, IUVO- que sí ofertan préstamos rusos de KVIKU).

Han anunciado que previsiblemente subirán algo los tipos de interés ofertados, igual que lo están haciendo otras plataformas.


Kviku. Hasta pronto (espero)

Hoy he pausado mi inversión en esta plataforma; es decir, durante los últimos 2 meses he estado vaciando la cuenta y hoy ha quedado a 0. 

Todo ha resultado per-fec-to, y la rentabilidad obtenida ha sido del 12%.

Pero siendo rusos... no se sabe qué puede pasar si se endurecen las medidas contra Rusia.

Espero que la pesadilla de la guerra en Ucrania acabe cuanto antes, para volver a invertir en esta plataforma.

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