

5 respuestas


De los creadores de  PEERBERRY llega ahora su plataforma de crowdlending regulada CROWDPEAR (a esta gente parece que les gusta la fruta), con licencia supervisada por el Banco de Lituania. La plataforma ofrece inversiones inmobiliarias a largo plazo en bienes raíces y préstamos comerciales con hasta un 15% de interés. Las inversiones están aseguradas* con una garantía hipotecaria. 

En Crowdpear, el interés comienza a calcularse desde el primer día de inversión –a diferencia de otras plataformas, donde el interés comienza a calcularse sólo el día después de cobrar todo el préstamo. 

Plan amigo: Invita a un amigo a Crowdpear para que invierta al menos 300 € en un plazo de 60 días después de registrarse, y recibirá una bonificación de 15€ + el 0.5€ de lo invertido durante los primeros 3 meses. La inversión mínima es de 100€.


En fin, una vez alcanzados mis objetivos de inversión en  MINTOSESKETIT, e  INCOME MARKETPLACE, comienzo a probar  CROWDPEAR, principalmente porque viene de la mano de  PEERBERRY:  
 "PeerBerry ha sido la plataforma más estable durante la pandemia y lidiando con el impacto de la guerra. Dentro de los 11 meses posteriores a la guerra, PeerBerry ha reembolsado  a los inversores 31 millones de euros (o el 62 %de los préstamos afectados por la guerra ) . Ninguna plataforma en el mercado puede siquiera compararlo."

* Por mucho que las plataformas afirmen que la inversión está “asegurada”,  nunca  debemos olvidar  que este tipo de inversión conlleva riesgos… 

Re: Crowdpear (mi gozo en un pozo... seco)

Después de registrarme en la plataforma, he querido invertir... y resulta que ahora mismo no tienen ningún proyecto por financiar!

Esperaremos a ver si surge alguna oportunidad.

Re: Crowdpear

Bueno, por fin han publicado un proyecto. Habrá que probarlo:

About the project

The project (a 116 m2 residential house, land plot 6 acres) is being developed away from the city's (Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania) hustle, in a wooded area near three lakes; the center of Vilnius can be easily and quickly reached from the residential building under construction in just 20 minutes. The current completion of the project is 80%.

The project developer borrows funds to complete the project and to cover the previous financial obligation. The project is planned to be completed and sold this year, so the investment duration in this funding phase is very attractive - only 6 months.

Project owner, real estate developer MB "Rapsų Sodai". The company's shareholders have over 10 years of experience successfully developing various residential real estate projects in Vilnius and the Vilnius region.

Offer for investors

The first phase of the project "Šeštoji 5" funding:
🔘 total annual interest rate: 11% (base annual interest rate – 10.5% plus additional 0.5% interest*),
🔘 investment duration: 6 months,
🔘 interest payment frequency: quarterly,
🔘 the amount for funding – EUR 86 000,
🔘 repayment of the investment: after the end of the contract,
🔘 LTV: 72%,
🔘 project rating: C,
🔘 collateral: primary mortgage,
🔘 collateral value: EUR 120 000.

*additional +0.5% interest is applied to all investors who started/start investing within 30 days after registration on the Crowdpear platform and is valid for all investments made within 90 days after registration. Additional interest is automatically added during the investment.

More benefits for Crowdpear investors

🔘 On Crowdpear, the interest starts to be calculated from the first investment day. It is a great advantage for our investors because, in the market (on other crowdfunding platforms), the interest starts to be calculated only the day after the entire loan is collected.

🔘 Referral program
Invite your friends to invest at least EUR 300 in CROWDPEAR, and you and your friends will receive a EUR 15 bonus each. The more friends you invite, the more rewards you get.

With warmest wishes,
Your Crowdpear team

Re: Crowdpear: nuevo proyecto publicado

Nuevo proyecto en CROWDPEAR:

About the project

The real estate developer MB "iCUB" is developing a block of ten two-apartment residential houses in the Vilnius suburb of Didžioji Riešė, (15 km from the center of Vilnius). 307 m2 and 322 m2 houses are under construction. Each two-room apartment owns ~ 5-acre plots of land. The project is being developed successfully, 3 duplex houses have already been built and are ready for sale. The construction work of two more houses is progressing rapidly. Currently, three apartments have already been sold.

MB "iCUB" borrows funds to accelerate the project's development. Investors are pledged one of the project's assets under development - a 322 m2 house, the registered completion of which is 59%, and 10 acres plot of land belonging to it at the address Žemoji st. 44, Didžioji Riešė, Vilnius district. The funding of the project will be carried out in several stages. The company borrows EUR 70 000 (LTV 18%) during the first phase.

The owners of the MB "iCUB" have accumulated experience in implementing different real estate development projects with a total area of more than 10 000 square meters.

Offer for investors

🔘 annual interest rate: 10.5% - 11,5% (depending on the additional interest applied to the client),
🔘 interest payment frequency: quarterly,
🔘 investment duration: 12 months,
🔘 repayment of the investment: after the end of the contract,
🔘 LTV: 18%,
🔘 project rating: C,
🔘 funding amount – EUR 70 000,
🔘 collateral value: EUR 398 000,
🔘 collateral: primary mortgage.View project details

Additional benefits for Crowdpear investors

🔘 On Crowdpear, the interest starts to be calculated from the first day of investment. It is a great advantage for our investors because, in the market (on other crowdfunding platforms), the interest starts to be calculated only the day after the entire loan is collected.

🔘 +0,5% welcome bonus
Additional +0.5% interest (welcome bonus) applies to all your investments made within 90 days of registration.

🔘 Up to 1% loyalty interest
Depending on the size of your investment portfolio, you are granted loyalty status and up to 1% higher interest. Read more about Crowdpear Loyalty Program.

🔘  Referral program
Invite your friends to invest at least EUR 300 in CROWDPEAR, and you and your friends will receive a EUR 15 bonus each. The more friends you invite, the more bonuses you get. See full terms and conditions.

With warmest wishes,
Your Crowdpear team

Re: Crowdpear: primer trimestre / 2023

Q1 2023 | CROWDPEAR performance review

short review of our performance in Q1 2023:

🔘 EUR 407 602 – the amount of loans funded in Q1 2023,
🔘 7 – real estate projects funded,
🔘 63% - the average LTV,
🔘 10,68% - the average annual ROI,
🔘 1306 – the number of investors at the end of Q1 2023,
🔘 EUR 1162 – the average investment portfolio size.
There are currently 1 369 investors in the Crowdpear investor community, 30% of which actively invest on our platform. The average portfolio size of an actively investing Crowdpear investor is EUR 1162.

Crowdpear borrowers will pay the first interest to Crowdpear investors in May.

Crowdpear has the most investors from Germany, France, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Romania.
The main Crowdpear development plans for Q2 2023
Our nearest plans include a secondary market which is in the final development stage and should be available to our investors before the end of April.
Since the platform is growing and we are accumulating more and more data, a page dedicated to platform statistics will be launched before the end of Q2 this year.

Crowdpear: mercado secundario

Pues eso, que ya está disponible el mercado secundario en CROWDPEAR. Siempre viene bien -si necesitamos liquidez- poder vender nuestras inversiones...

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