
A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco

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A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco
A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco

A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco

The former mayor of the municipality of Calvia, Miguel Bonet, has hung the Franco flag as profile picture Facebook, although only a month ago that left the session. But it's not the only one in the Balearic PP with sympathy for the symbols of the dictatorship. The current and newcomer Majorcan town mayor, also the, Antonio Alarcon, People's Party and the deputy in the Consell de Mallorca, Esperanza Català, soon give 'I'. Initially also another conservative councilman, Daniel Perpiñà, published his gesture support Bonet, but soon recanted, according to newspaper

Calvia Open Esquerra has announced in a statement that it will present a motion to the full City Council condemnation to Bonet, the Councillor and other PP members who have expressed their support.

"Despite doing on a personal level, it is still a public space," he recalled the leftist coalition. Bonet, however, remains today the official City of Calvia and party member.

Open Esquerra has also criticized that, after learning of his use of the flag on the Internet, Bonet, "far from apologizing, has claimed the action."

Is the Prosecutor will act?

Municipal spokesman leftist group, Rafel Sedano, said that "you can not allow public representatives make apology of fascism."

"Such statements incite hatred and violence and therefore we would like to know if the State Attorney's office will act with the same forcefulness that on other occasions, consistent with what he has done in recent months against citizens contrary to the claimed in this situation ideology, "he questioned Senate, referring to cases such as the former councilmen of Culture in the city of Madrid, Guillermo Zapata, who resigned over a controversial tweet alluding to ETA victims written several years .

Open Esquerra Councilman Alfonso Rodriguez has said that despite its opposition to the "gag rule", this "still in force" and should not be allowed to "make distinctions" in its application.

Two years ago, New Generations (NNGG) PP Burgos expedientó an affiliate and mayor pawn Castil (Burgos), Mario Laso, to appear on social networks exhibiting a keychain in the Franco flag.


Re: A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco

The arrest of former VicePrime Minister Rodrigo Rato, from de Puptrid Party (PP), as he came to record his home and his office on April 16, was justified at the time explaining that agents Customs Surveillance which dealt with the operational and its practice arrest the suspect is in the records needed in the operation.

Yesterday the Ministry of Interior reported that investigations into the head Rato 'judicial authority, the anti-corruption prosecutor and the Financial Intelligence Unit (UNIF) of the Inland Revenue. "

He added the caveat that "any action that is required of the Forces of State Security will be in its capacity as judicial police and therefore act at all times under the supervision of the judicial authority" and not of Interior.

In fact, since at least May 13, the Civil Guard responsible for investigating the crime of laundering. That day, the press department of the High Court of Madrid sent a statement to the media saying: "The Court of Instruction No. 31 of Madrid, acceding to the request of the anti-corruption prosecutor, agreed that the UCO (Central Unit operational) Civil Guard succor to the Tax Office only with respect to the investigation of the possible commission of a crime of money laundering in known as' Rato case ''.

The report on the last 3rd Anticorruption requested that the case should be referred to the High Court is insisting that the UCO was the "police body" that had been appointed by Judge Antonio Serrano-Arnal 'research Bleach ".

To "safeguard the success of the investigation," the public prosecutor asked that the investigations carried out by the UCO on the corporate network of Rato 'are carried out in a separate part secret. "


Re: A former mayor of the Putrid Party ( PP) in the Balearic Islands with flag of Franco

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