
Participaciones del usuario ErickSpace369 - Bolsa

ErickSpace369 16/09/24 22:51
Ha respondido al tema Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd (GILT)
Buenos contratos...
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ErickSpace369 16/09/24 19:07
Ha respondido al tema NuScale Power...
Llevará tiempo, pero es el único camino posible...BWXT está en todo...Nuscale, tiene que pasar estos 2 años malos y empezar a demostrar la valía de su tecnología...
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ErickSpace369 16/09/24 19:00
Ha respondido al tema Planet (PL)...
Gran acuerdo con la DLR...
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ErickSpace369 13/09/24 23:52
Ha respondido al tema Rocket Lab...
Resumen de la última conferencia de Spice...$8.2 million ASP for electron currently-36 electrons in the backlog-"Haste is the fastest growing part of electron's launch portfolio"-“it’s not hard to squint and see 20 plus, 30 plus launches per year for electron “-“our non GAAP and GAAP gross margin (for electron) were actually pretty close, call it the low 30s, we see a path to it being a 45% to 50% gross margin business “-“if we get to 2 launches per month that the sweet spot for electron, where we’re really get north of that 40% gross margin “-“ I think we can get there (50% gross margin) without reusablity, before I had my doubts, but if we’re doing 30 launches a year I think we can pretty safely get their without reuseable “-“I think reuseable probably add about 5% of margin improvements “-“recover actually takes about 40kg worth of payload “
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