LOI completado con éxito...https://x.com/Int_Machines/status/1896558692553691594Athena completed her scheduled 492-second main engine Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) burn at 6:27 a.m. CST on March 3 and is currently orbiting the Moon. Over the next several hours, flight controllers plan to analyze data to verify the lander’s targeted circular orbit and confirm Athena’s expected landing time.Athena continues to be in excellent health and is expected to send lunar orbit selfies over the next two days before a landing attempt on March 6. (3MAR2025 0750 CST)
Llego el comienzo del programa Cargo para la Space Force...https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2025/03/03/2025-03359/notice-of-intent-to-prepare-an-environmental-assessment-for-rocket-cargo-test-and-demonstration-athttps://spacenews.com/air-force-selects-pacific-landing-sites-to-test-space-cargo-deliveries/https://www.rankia.com/blog/small-is-more/6545143-dod-trabaja-grande-vienen-cargas-espacio