12/05/20 15:59
Ha respondido al tema Necesito un fondo de Renta fija con bonos AAA
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Me han contestado, dicen que tratarán de notificar a la CNMV antes de que termine el mes (será cierto??), y que por favor los temas de "no institucionales", que no les demos la vara directamente y que vayamos a través del comercializador al mail ese que ponen ahí abajo.Os animo a que les escribáis en masa jajaja .......................Dear xxxxxxxThank you for having reached to us with your question. We intend to communicate it to CMNV before the end of this month. * Please note that at State Street we are not authorized take care of queries coming from retail investors. In the future, the adequate process to follow, would be to kindly ask your intermediary or your advisor to reach to us at: [email protected] or via our website, both work.We will ensure he or she obtains the information on time for you. Wishing you a great day in advance.