Ya tenemos los datos (es decir los acabo de leer)
Grains and Cotton
The USDA estimated the 2010 planted area for:
Corn at 87.87 million acres, up 1.6% from a year ago.
Soybeans at 78.87 million acres, up 1.8% from a year ago.
All wheat at 54.31 million acres, down 8.2% from a year ago.
Spring wheat at 13.91 million acres, up 4.8% from a year ago.
Cotton at 10.70 million acres, up 18.8% from a year ago.
The USDA said that, as of June 1st, stocks of:
Corn totaled 4.31 billion bushels, up 3% from a year ago.
Soybeans totaled 571 million bushels, down 4% from a year ago.
All wheat totaled 973 million bushels, up 48% from a year ago
Asi a primera vista.. me parece que hay mucho trigo en stock , pero si que es verdad que ha bajado (por el precio) la platacion de esta año..
Ahora falta ver como se lo toman los grandes.. para tomar posiciones..
Ser buenos