
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
11.234 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

NVAX sigue en verde.


Re: Farmas USA

SI, Hoy toca subida del IBB. Voy a estar una semana desconectada, a ver a la vuelta por donde andamos!
AÑADO: después de este pullback que hemos tenido, espero a mi vuelta encontrarme con la grata sorpresa de ver el IBB a $285 de nuevo. Y este verano en algún momento sobrepasar los $300. Después del verano con elecciones, etc, ya veremos...)


Re: Farmas USA

Hola Jesus, la declaración de la renta o la haces bien o te pondrán una multa, sea lo que sea.


Re: Farmas USA

framus, me lo imaginaba a veces hago preguntas de gili, perdona, gracias.


Re: Farmas USA

TGTX, te dejo mi conversación de ayer con Ozgur Ogut, a raíz de ver en twitter un comentario que hizo AF (como siempre AF ayudando a la causa)
Le pregunté por su opinión sobre el dual pi3k y su respuesta: (Ogur es uno de mis habituales en DD y su opinión es bastante válida)
"I don't have too much of an opinion on the drug insofar as efficacy. However, the rallying cry behind this drug (on twitter) is centered on its putative improved AE profile versus competitors. Although this may be true (i think the data can be debated), i know at least one competitor who says they've identified the area of PI3K targeting drugs they believe is responsible for the transaminase elevations seen in the class. Preliminary clinical data from this new candidate drug appears to support their claim.
Therefore, I don't think the AE profile of the TGTX drug remains a unique advantage for them. In that regard, their lead in development time may be the one remaining advantage. We will see how well they execute".

Hay otra empresa que tiene también un perfil limpio de AEs, por otro comentario de otro inversor en TGTX, entiendo que se refiere a INCY, que van por detrás, por lo que TGTX sigue liderando.
Como sabeis soy inversora de INCY desde los inicios y es uno de los temas que me llamó l atención, el estudio del combo Jakafi-1202

You're referring to INCB-50465, I take it (if not, what?). That program seems to be about 18 months behind, so it would take a pretty good flub by TG lose their lead. Meanwhile, I wonder what the IP situation is here. At this year's AACR, TG pointed to preservation of Treg function versus idelasib and duvelisib (which just flamed out) as an explanation for the lack of hepatotoxicity versus those two. But they didn't point to the responsible moiety. Has Incyte found a different way?

And how would you debate the data re AEs? So far, seems pretty clear per my research; the short case is that it's early and the bad AEs will show up later, or that TG is underdosing and will suffer on the efficacy side. I think the AACR poster addresses that issue, though how well is beyond me.

Differential regulation of human T-cells by TGR-1202, a novel PI3Kd inhibitor

I will grant that exact patient population data is lacking for TGR-1202. Did patients in early idelasib trials get more infections because they were sicker? Maybe, hard to handicap.

Attempted infection comparo

AMG-319, now licensed to Acerta, has decent liver tox, but isn't much better than idelasib and duvelisib on infections and anemia, to my eye. Oncology is definitely in Amgen's wheelhouse, but they got rid of it.

Do not know how potency of TGR-1202 and INCB-50465 stack up. The literature on the latter is bare, and the related IP is waaaay over my head.

Interestingly, a Vanderbilt investigator is combining INCY's Jakafi with 1202 in PCV. The trial started last year.


Re: Farmas USA

Si se mantiene a niveles actuales, haré una compra modesta, guardándome 2-3 "tiros" por si corrige en próximas sesiones.