
Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
87 suscriptores
Farmas USA
9.440 / 17.057

Re: Farmas USA

Me llamaras "atrevido" pero hablando de farmas y con la situación actual de los mercados,
compraría sobre los 80 altos. Los precios actuales para nada son un descuento má allá de
de subidas cortoplacistas, y abrá que ver los resultados anuales como evolucionan, ya que
será una inversion para largo.


Re: Farmas USA

Ya te digo, no me cabe la menor duda, estos cabrones saben mucho.......

Importante detalle, una fase lateral antes de iniciar la tendencia bajista,


Re: Farmas USA


El artículo de fístulas en perros que se esperaba para el día 1 ya ha salido:

All six dogs in the trial had complete fistula closing by 3 months post-treatment. Two of the six dogs experienced some recurrence of fistulas by 6 months, suggesting that more than one injection may be needed in some cases. Nonetheless, the data is encouraging and the first to demonstrate the safety and potential efficacy of hESC-MSCs in a large animal autoimmune-like disease setting.

This is the first report of treatment of fistula activity using a pluripotent stem cell-derived therapy in a large animal model.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA




Re: Farmas USA

Yo tengo puestas un par de órdenes de compra...

GILD 225 @ $98.80
THLD 5,000 @ $4.44 me entrasen ambas, liquidaría todo el cash que generé hace tres semanas con la venta de fondos.


Re: Farmas USA


Y con PR y todo. Guau :)

Canine Patients Treated with Ocata’s Hemangio-derived Mesenchymal Cells (HMC™) Achieve Remission in a Model of Crohn’s Disease

reported in Regenerative Medicine that it has successfully used its proprietary hemangio-derived mesenchymal cell (HMCTM) technology to treat dogs with canine anal furunculosis (CAF), which shares many features with Crohn’s disease.

“This study provides the first evidence of the safety and therapeutic potential of human pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a large animal model,” said Robert Lanza, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Ocata. “Canines have a physiology and sophisticated immune system that closely resembles that of humans, and canines are the only species that naturally develop symptoms and pathology similar to human fistulizing Crohn’s disease, including recurrent fistula activity, a difficult-to-treat manifestation of this chronic inflammatory bowel disorder. We treated six canines that were refractory to standard treatment, including cyclosporine therapy, and all of the canines were found to be completely free of fistulas at three months post-injection.”

“Ocata has developed a mesenchymal stem cell population from its proprietary hESC-derived hemangioblasts called HMCs, which are a self-renewing source of starting material, capable of generating a significant supply of minimally expanded cells with potent immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties,” said Paul K. Wotton, President and CEO who added “This successful study, along with other work we have conducted, provides a unique platform that can potentially be used to target significant autoimmune related disorders with high unmet needs such as Crohn’s disease and Lupus Nephritis.”

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

Esto nos cierra el gap y se va hasta los 7 no? ;-)

Y más hoy que pintan bastos, que es cuando mejor se porta la niña! jeje



Re: Farmas USA


Dime que conseguiste meterle corto al final...

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»