
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
176 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
1.013 / 11.627

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

SPHS- B.O A 35$? X20. X 1.0000. juer se os está pegando el mundillo yanqui que no veas.
Tiene una fase dos chicos, pero de ahí a multiplicar por 20 es surrealista, incluso 35$ me parece una pasada, digo yo.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Business Highlights:

On June 9, 2016, the Company announced successful results from its completed Phase 2a study of topsalysin in localized prostate cancer. (2 casos cancer de prostata curado totalmente, algunos mas con desaparicion parcial bastante avanzada según he podido leer...ésto es lo que está moviendo el cotarro)
On May 12, 2016, the Company announced the engagement Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. as its financial advisor to assist with the evaluation of various strategic options for advancing topsalysin development programs.
On May 11, 2016, the Company announced the closing of a registered offering in which the Company raised net proceeds of $4.6 million. During June and July, the Company received proceeds of $2.4 million from the exercise of warrants included in this transaction bringing the total proceeds from this offering to $7.0 million.
On May 7, 2016, the Company presented positive data from its successful Phase 3 clinical trial of topsalysin as a treatment for the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia ("BPH") as a late breaking poster at the 111th American Urological Association Annual Meeting.

Edito: lo encontré!!

The results support advancing topsalysin into a Phase 2 study to confirm dose and optimize delivery.

"These promising early results open up the possibility of treating early prostate cancer by the simple administration of an injection into the prostate - something that could be done in an office setting," according to Dr. Mark Emberton, Investigator, Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London and Honorary Consultant Urologist at University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

All 18 patients enrolled completed the study. Biopsy data at six months following treatment showed that:

Two men experienced complete ablation of their targeted tumor with no evidence of any tumor remaining at 6 months;
Seven men experienced a partial response, defined as either a reduction in the maximum cancer core length or a reduction in Gleason pattern;
Nine patients had no response to treatment.

"It was impressive to observe complete tumor ablations in this proof of concept study. We have demonstrated that topsalysin can safely ablate prostate tumor cells, so these responses increase our confidence that topsalysin could obviate or prolong the time to the need for radical therapy in this patient population," stated Dr. Hashim Ahmed, Principal Investigator for the study, Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences, University College London. "With the experience from this study, we believe we can further improve responses by optimizing dosing topsalysin based on the size of the tumor and not the prostate and optimizing the delivery of topsalysin, which we will confirm in a larger Phase 2 study."


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

SPHS- ya, esos datos me los sé de memoria...he llevado Sphs desde hace algunos años. Yo mismo dije que estaba infravalorada la empresa totalmente tras dichos datos, pero juer vaya burradas de precios que manejáis, no? Aún queda una fase 3 por delante. Ojalá multiplique por 20, pero me parece un poco stocktwist esto, jejeje.
Que conste que yo también sueño a veces, hasta que me meten un r/s o una ofering, y ya me bajo del Bugatti Veyron sport y me subo al Peugeot 206,XD.
Saludos y palante.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Otra que se calienta despues de tocar la parte baja de la alcista que os puse ayer creo recordar
Sólo 3600 cromos pero ya ha llegado a tocar 0,85 y ahora mismo en 0,8013 +19,6%

Me suena que les dieron un toque hace poco por estar por debajo del dolar....que suba alli que las empaqueto con un lazo


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

SPHS, ojalá me equivoque, pero dudo mucho que haya BO hoy o mañana, o esta semana. Quiero aprovechar el calentón, pero no sé en qué punto salir, si tirará tanto como la otra vez, o se quedara a medio gas.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

ETRM para los que la lleveis viene calentita a ver si es verdad y con volumen


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

eso acabo de ver Antes de mercado : 0,20, que siga asi!!!

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