
An open letter to Carl Icahn - Deoleo - SOS (OLE)

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An open letter to Carl Icahn - Deoleo - SOS (OLE)
An open letter to Carl Icahn - Deoleo - SOS (OLE)

An open letter to Carl Icahn - Deoleo - SOS (OLE)

Dear Mr Icahn,
we invite you to check Deoleo stocks (OLE.MC) in spanish markets.
There are many movements among the big shareholders that confim very strong posibilities of takeover.
But, as it often happens, the deals are flying over us, the small shareholders, that are looking how our stocks fall a 20% in just a week. Many of us had to sell for their stop-loss or for being afraid to loose their savings.
How could an active accionist act?
We feel very small because it seems that are making what they want with the prices of stocks. The most indicative is the fast-selling by an accionist of Deoleo that has brought the stocks to fall a 20% in a few days: we are seeing how they are just throwing away the stocks and from the same Deoleo no one says nothing and reply to our mails.
When press reported that Cargill and Bunge are interested in buying stocks of banks, that together own the 30% of Deoleo stocks and have asked to JP Morgan to find a buyer, from Deoleo suddenly denied to have had any conversation, though the press didn't say they had, only talked about interest of Cargill and Bunge.
Last month, Deoleo anticipated part of the annual report:
It was a surprise because the date of official releasing is 27th february. So they released a month before and we don't know why. We suppose for some hurry.
How would Carl Ichan act?
Do you want to support us?
Thanks for your reading and attention.
The community of small Deoleo shareholders.