
Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

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Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA
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Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA
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Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

Yo con esas Coca Cola sería prudente, esperaría por si le da por seguir con la caida.

Dejo semanal con un canal roto.

De momento, como bien dices, las medias de, en esta temporalidad, 50 y 100 están juntas en esta zona sirviendo de soporte, pero no descartaría que se fuera a apoyar sobre la 200 semanal.

Es difícil tenerla, pero trae muy buenos resultados.....


Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

Eso eso !
queremos ser ricoooo$$$$ >_<

3 Turnaround Stocks That Will Make You Richer in 2021 | The Motley Fool

Kirkland Lake Gold
Next up is gold-mining stock Kirkland Lake Gold (NYSE:KL). Though Kirkland Lake doesn't have any operational or legal issues like Teva, it was a big disappointment last year. Despite the price of physical gold increasing by more than $400 an ounce, Kirkland Lake ended 2020 modestly lower. That doesn't make a lot of sense. That's why it fits the definition of a turnaround stock that can make you richer in 2021.

The first part of this story entails higher gold prices in 2021 and possibly beyond. The Federal Reserve has pledged to keep its federal funds rate at or near record lows for three more years. At the same time, investment-grade bond yields are near historic lows in many parts of the world. There simply aren't many avenues to find inflation-topping yields. This, along with a ballooning U.S. money supply, should make gold a sought-after store of value for years to come.

More specific to Kirkland Lake Gold, its mines are firing on all cylinders. This past week, the company announced that all three mines hit their highest quarterly production for the coronavirus-impacted year. The company, which boasts one of the lowest all-in sustaining costs among gold stocks, produced nearly 1.37 million ounces of gold. 

It also happens to have the best balance sheet in the entire industry. It ended 2020 with $848 million in cash with no debt. Considering how many gold stocks overextended their balance sheets between 2009 and 2013, this is saying something. What's more, the company returned almost $848 million to shareholders last year by tripling its dividend and repurchasing 18.93 million shares of stock.

Kirkland Lake Gold is a cash flow machine perfectly suited to take advantage of a higher physical gold price.


Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA


Añado 100 cromos. Por ser consecuente con lo que he visto en el gráfico y porque los fundamentales no me han parecido malos.


Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

dentro PAAS 29,5 ... me ha podido el dedo aun viendo un posible latigazo rapido a 28,3-28,6
también entré prematuramente hoy en SOLO a 7,7
y ya solo tengo las DKNG en vigilancia ( edito: in 51,45 con posibilidad de segundo paquete en 49's ) ...
mañana veremos si fue una buena idea

edito: bueno, y tambien entre en GENE a 4,3 pero los chicharrus magnificus no los voy a comentar por aqui

por ahora double bottom en el gap ... y que siga asi porque el roto es majo ...
ya podria cerrar con una vela martillo , venga vamos

ahi que va la figura
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