
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.615 / 3.346

Re: Veremos las Objeciones mañana???? ¿donde está todo el mundo?? :) :)

jajajaja GRACIAS !!! es lo que deseaba oir.
Que os vaya bonito a los 2... no os echaré de menos.

Sigue los pasos de tu viaje y acompaña al maestro.


Re: Veremos las Objeciones mañana???? ¿donde está todo el mundo?? :) :)

Calla paleto que aun no he acabado contigo, ya se que disfrutas con mis acometidas aunque hay noches que no duermas. Lo que pasa es que ya empiezas a aburrir con el bombeo.


Re: Veremos las Objeciones mañana???? ¿donde está todo el mundo?? :) :)

Mira al menos ya posteas aportaciones. Vas mejorando Gurú !!!

Más consideraciones:

1. I don't think not getting the additional discovery is really that important. AOC was willing to give us the new company without depositions even taking place. They had no ethical wall as per the filings and everyone acknowledges all trading records were turned over. Edgar even wanted to put some trading record data into evidence (I'm assuming guilty) but everyone jumped that it is highly confidential. The EC has had them guilty from the start and while the additional discovery may have put more pressure to force settlement and strength the case, we have them anyway.

2. The only claim of an ethical wall was Auerlis. We were granted discovery regarding that wall. That is a big win if we can show the wall was BS and I think that was the big goal of this motion.

3. Every attorney put on the record that the EC has everything regarding all requested info from the original request. EC said we got documents not produced from other sources. This could help later during the hearing.


Resumen de Ilene del Hearing 29 Junio

I think our position is as good as it ever was, even though it felt like a loss today, or at least not a slam dunk win.

Our guys seemed happy with the outcome, and the lack of Ed Sargent jumping up and down beating his chest tells me that 1)he was not surprised and/or 2)it doesn't matter.

The problem with a little bit of that its not all of the information...and even though we uncover and dissect so much here, the one thing lacking is a knowledge of the strategy. Which is why I keep saying that I trust them. To me, other than arming myself with as much information as I can stand, in the final analysis, it comes down to that.

When I look at the price action, it makes me sick, but is that really the true indication of the potential outcome here...and if it is, why is it not back at $.04 or lower?

I know nothing...these are just my musings...


Re: Resumen de Ilene del Hearing 29 Junio

Te das cuenta Simpson ya han rebotado, ayer le dije a Ptolomeo que se preparara para las Telepizzas, seguro que por llevarme la contraria no compró, pues finde en ayunas. Jejeje


Re: Resumen de Ilene del Hearing 29 Junio

Esta semana es de fuego + US


Re: Resumen de Ilene del Hearing 29 Junio

De aqui al 13 de julio se va a poner la cosa interesante. Que mal que estamos verdad? Anda ya!!


EC Order and Motion (under seal

8050 Order Approving Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Motion for an Order Compelling Aurelius Capital Management L.P. to Produce Documents

8051 [Filed Under Seal] Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for an Order Compelling Aurelius Capital Management L.P. to Produce Documents