
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.641 / 3.346

2 telediarios

Es vergonzosa vuestra actitud de promover mas pillados a 5 dias del final de estas acciones, pero que esperar de vuestra conciencia hacia el capital ajeno, si no la conoceis, no os importa porque pensais en el propio bolsillo, no es de extrañar que hayas vendido y mantengas la accion pumperiana porque ya se ha visto mas veces esta actitud anti-solidaria y macabra.


Sigue el volumen de Preferentes

Y veras donde estan las masas que huyen despavoridas.

Yo no mantengo ninguna actitud pumperiana, no estoy bombeando nada ni alentando a que nadie haga nada. Lo unico que yo digo es que a día de hoy no voy a vender y voy a esperar unos días más porque me gusta lo que veo está ocurriendo. Si eso te jode... ajo y agua. Es mi inversión y es mi decisión, si tu deseas ponte corto y echale un par de huevos.

De verdad Besugo a parte de no mojarte quieres que la gente haga lo que tu digas... vamos de juzgado de guardia.


Re: Sigue el volumen de Preferentes

Hola Simpson:

No dijiste que ya solo te enfocarías en la materia?

A mí eso me gustaría mucho.

O te divierte rociar las calles bajo la lluvia?

Saludos Mr. Homer.



Opciones en la Mesa de Ajedrez

>> If Judge Walrath's hands are tied due to Supreme Court (Stern) and Appeals Court (Anico) decisions, what are the plausible steps for her to move this BK process forward?

>> Using ANICO and Stern, Judge can reverse herself on the GSA, which means Rosen/Debtor's POR efforts upto now become meaningless since POR is based upon the GSA.

>> Judge can probably rule that A > L, based on $4B deposit, Tax refunds, NOLs and other valuation matrix already submitted by PJS. But, will she do it?

>> EC/Susman can be asked to present an alternative POR because Debtor/Rosen has failed miserably to present an approvable POR.

>> Judge Walrath has to find a way to move this BK process forward. Probably, she can do it by shooting down the GSA due to lack of jurisdiction and then shift the main focus to valuation/claims/assets of the estate.

>> If Judge/Debtor decides to take chance with current POR v6 based on the GSA, then they will be faced with same dead end when the por v6 gets shot down by EC & TPS.

>> Rosen may come up with a slimy response to TPS, as usual. But, can/will the Judge depend on Rosen to circumvent Supreme Court and appeals court decisions? I doubt.

>> Judge should know by now that her rulings/opinions are primed for appeal and hence she can't pretend to be naive. Judge will have to find a way to move the BK process forward. One way to get it done is by slamming Debtor/WGM/JPM/FDIC/SNHs for their lack of cooperation to reach a concrete settlement with Equity holders to end this BK.


Re: Sigue el volumen de Preferentes

Chikis: No te he entendido. Nome gusta rociar nada... lo que deseo es que me dejen tomar MIS decisiones sin presiones ni metedura de miedo.
Un fin de semana + 2 días dan para mucho. El 12-13 de Julio tendre el gatillo preparado dependiendo de como vea los acontecimientos.
Si son ++++ me mantengo o vendo un 50%. De momento aquí seguimos.


TPS Corners Walrath

TPS Corners Walrath
As I've said before, when a court's jurisdiction is challenged the court MUST make a conclusive finding regarding the matter before any substantive rulings may occur.

Stern is such a seismic ruling that Judge Walrath has already reviewed it and knows whether or not she can approve the GSA. TPS' request forces her to issue a ruling on jurisdiction in advance a hearing on confirmation.

The ANICO ruling is powerful and I knew it would, at a minimum, change the character of the GSA. However, Stern is a godsend NO ONE could have counted on. (Doubtless the SG lawyers as former Supreme Court clerks were watching this case closely, but would not have counted on the ruling saving equity. However, in timing and substance it was the miracle SG/EC needed.) It puts the GSA in the hands of higher courts who (if reason prevails) will take issue with Walrath's decision to provide an expert opinion, etc.

Judge Walrath can do no more than make recommendations to Sleet and Collyer after all parties agree to allow her to make findings and conclusions which will form the basis of the recommendation. Fat chance that will happen.

So far the market has shrugged off TPS' objection. Next week should be very interesting.


Re: TPS Corners Walrath

yes bop....WaMuers have been fortunate in the delays that have take place to date (almost 3 years) such events have only strenghten equity's position in combating the adversarial teams.... Where if THJMW would have blocked equity long ago we no longer would even be here at this point and probably a FINAL DECREE would have already been adjudged....

The recent events must have debtors/WGM/SNHs/JPM/FDIC more concerned than at any other point in the history of this case....

THJMW could use the STERN/ANICO decisions to justify her reconsidering her previous F&R/GSA and give her some shelter to now go foward in the correct manner allow a higher court to assist...


Re: Sigue el volumen de Preferentes

De juzgado de guardia es la atrapada que creaste tu con tus bombeos, ahora para despistar dices que te juegas tu dinero, claro que vas a decir a la trupe de pillados que dejaste y que van a perder lo poco que le queda de los restos de las compras, que cada palo aguante su vela, menudo rostro que tienes.