
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.105 / 3.346

Re: Una fustracion tras otras fustracion

Besugo , hasta la fecha creo que el tiempo ta ha dado la razon, no hay nada , solo cascara de huevo vacio, todo es secreto, nadie sabe realmente lo que pasa, por que en realidad no hay nada , solo especulaciones,fustraciones seguidas


Re: Opiniones a considerar

Es verdad Besugo! Mi empresa me paga therefore cobro una nómina. Me has pillado... que alguien llame al DOJ que Dimon tiene algo que decir :) :) :) :)

O lo que es lo mismo Café con leche in Plaza Mayor... tan absurdo como tu comentario.


Re: Opiniones a considerar

Lo sabía Simpson, siempre pensé que eras un corrupto.


Re: Opiniones a considerar

No hay mayor ciego que el que no quiere ver... lee bien anda y sacate el descifrador criptológico. Entenderas todo y nada.

Greed is good! ya lo decía Gecko.


Re: Opiniones a considerar

La duda que tenia es si cobrabas a comisión pero ya la has despejado.


Re: Opiniones a considerar

Pues me alegro hombre...que eso de estar todo el día pensando es malo para el coco.
Si necesitas que te despeje cualquier otra duda tu dispara. Tenemos una próxima reunión de la gestora de fondos por si quieres tomarte un picoslabi a nuestra salud. :) :)


PIERS: Feb 1st 2014

From the Sept LTI Quarterly statement:
Note 3: "In accordance with the priority of payments described in Exhibit H to the Plan, the distribution will be allocated solely to claimants in "Tranche 3". After the distribution, CCB Guarantees Claims will have been paid in full. The Plan provides that, after the CCB Guarantee Claims have been paid in full, the Liquidating Trust can distribute the Runoff Notes held by the Trust to holders of Liquidating Trust Interests; which distribution would occur on the next scheduled quarterly distribution date of February 1, 2014."

Note 7:
"Pursuant to the Plan, creditors were entitled to elect a distribution of Runoff Notes in lieu of cash received on the Effective Date. To the extent that eligible creditors did not elect all of the Runoff Notes, any remaining balance of the Runoff Notes was transferred to the Trust. The Plan provides the conditions under which the Trust can distribute the Runoff Notes. As of September 30, 2013, the Trust owned $101.4 million of Runoff Notes (including paid-in-kind interest) at face amount and interest receivable of $1.1 million for the benefit of all LTI holders. In addition, the Trust (through the DCR) holds $29.2 thousand of Runoff Notes (include interest) on behalf of disputed claim holders who elected Runoff Notes in lieu of cash."

My interpretation of these statements is:
1.) They are notes, not cash
2.) These notes will be distributed on Feb 1, 2014 to all Piers holders (regardless of elections to receive notes, according to plan documents).
3.) The notes will not be sold to an outside institution for cash (as someone speculated above - regardless of record keeping needs)
4.) The holders of the notes will continue to receive 13% interest until WMIH repays the notes (subject to cash available - and business decisions)
5.) My calculation based on subsequent schedules in the above mentioned LTI quarterly statement is Piers holders will receive approximately 34% of their face value of their LTI interest or for ease of conversation $3.40 ish per share of the old H's.


CNBC: JPM no puede obtener WAMU Claims

Large Green Thursday, 11/14/13 03:24:54 PM
Re: None

Post # of 391436

NO Link Yet But CNBC Just Announced JPM CANNOT PURSUE WaMu Claims.

This is part of the 13 billion dollar settlement that JPM will announce very soon. CNBC is reporting that the agreement is all but announced however JPM CAN NOT pursue the old WaMu claims.

Now there is almost $2 BILLION setting in the FDIC fund that will be free and clear from the criminals at JPM. This puts a new spin on this money.

Pero antes van estos Bonistas...

Other Claimants Claim
Balance %
General Creditor $ 6,077,557 43.98%
Senior Debt Holders 19,203 0.14%
Subordinated Debt Holders 7,723,052 55.88%
SubTotal - Other Claimants $ 13,819,812 100%

'The Receiver received $843.9 million pursuant to the terms of the Settlement. When added to the approximately $1.87 billion currently held by the Receiver (WAMU Quarterly Receivership Balance Sheet Summary ) , the Receiver will have a total of approximately $2.71 billion to distribute to holders of claims allowed by the receivership, according to the priority established in 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(11)(A). Before the Receiver can distribute these funds, however, it must pay administrative expenses and resolve a number of lawsuits that have been filed against it, the largest of which was filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. claiming $6 to $10 billion in damages arising out of WAMU's alleged breach of representations and warranties made in connection with mortgages sold to securitized trusts. (Amended Complaint)

Also, the Receiver must resolve a number of indemnity claims made by JPMC. JPMC has submitted over 35 notices of potential indemnity claims. (Notices can be found at JPMorgan Chase Notices relating to Washington Mutual Whole Bank P&A in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Service Center Reading Room). Some of these claims for indemnification will be resolved through the implementation of the settlement, but many will not. In addition, JPMC has until September 2014 to provide the Receiver with notice of additional potential indemnity claims. Should the Receiver be found liable on any of JPMC's indemnity claims, under the P&A, those claims will be satisfied as administrative expenses and thus before the claims of general unsecured creditors. Current information indicates that the Receiver is unlikely to have sufficient funds to distribute to holders of receivership certificates issued to junior note holders or equity holders of WAMU."