
Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

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Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)
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Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)
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Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Link 30  April  201 8  TERNA ENERGY: Annual Results 2017 TERNA ENERGY Group  has installed 986 MW of RES production units so far in Greece and abroad, namely:    561 MW in Greece, 293 MW in the USA and 132 MW in Southeast Europe. The  year end 2017 financial results of the Group have been formulated as follows: Consolidated  sales  amounted  to  276, 5  million   EUR   compared  to  225 ,6  million  EUR  in  2016,  increased  by   22, 6%. The  electricity  production  sector  generated  173 ,0  million  EUR  of  sales,  compared  to  151, 1  million   EUR  of  the previous year, increased by 14 ,5%. The energy trading activity assumed the  amount  of 13, 6 million  EUR  versus 31 ,5 million EUR  in 2016.

The  construction  division   of  the  Group  marked  a  turnover  of  38,7  million  EUR  in  2017,  v ersus 30 ,3 million  EUR  in 2016. The concessions’ division generated  51 ,1 million EUR  of sales, compared  to 12, 7 million EUR  in  2016 .  Total  earnings  before  interest,  tax,  depreciation  and  amortization  (EBITDA) 1   amounted  to  147, 5  million   EUR,  27,4% higher than the corresponding figure of 115,8 million EUR of the previous year.  Total earnings before interest and tax (ΕΒΙΤ ) 1   amounted  to  10 9,3  million  EUR, 49,1% higher  than  the  73,3   million EUR of EBIT marked in 2016. Earnings before tax  amounted to 57, 0 million EUR  versus 36 ,3 million  EUR  in 2016, increased by 57 ,1%.

Net earnings after minority interests  marked a significant increase of 79,6%, from 20,6  million  EUR in 2016  to  37, 1 million  EUR in 2017,  mainly due to non -recurring revenues .   The net debt position 1  of the Group (bank loans minus cash available) as of 31 December  201 7 amounted  to   563,9   million  EUR  versus  636  million  EUR  at  the  end  of  the  third  quarter  2017 ,   despite  the  heavy  investment programme of 232 million EUR realized by the  TERNA ENERGY Group  in the year 2017.

With  178  additional  MW  currently  under  construction  or  ready  for  const ruction,  the  c ompany   will  soon   have 1.164 MW (1,164 GW) of RES plants in full operation, targeting to further grow its portfolio to 2.000  MW (2,0) GW in all countries where it has selected to extend its activities.  1   The  performance  measures  were  determined  in  the  same  manner  with  the  note  5   of  the  Financial  Statements  of   31/12/2017. Information:  Investor Relations : Aristotelis Spiliotis, tel. + 30 210 696800, tspiliotis@terna Press Office & Public Relations : Danai Kalantidi, tel. +30 210 6968000, [email protected]


Excelentes noticias de 2017:

Ventas: +22%


Net earnings: +79%

Deuda: -11%

Potencia para 2018:178MW(+18%)

Lo unico malo: el numero de acciones sube un 4.5%.


Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Resultados 1Q 2018, en terminos interanuales:

-Ventas = +29%


-EBIT= +46

-Net Income = +37%

Potencia Instalada  = 986MW.

Potencia Instalada + en contruccion= 1,166 MW. Para finales de 2018 , esperan tener 1264 MW.

Deuda Neta = baja de 563.8 a 518.5 M€ un -8%.



Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Dan un dividendo de 0.042€ por accion.

Ademas de que la accion ha subido a 5.60-5.70 voy a investigar mas.



Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Puede ser devido a la recompra de acciones y tambien a la reduccion de capital (ya que han entrgado 0.22 por accion alos accionistas, un 4%).


Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Consolidated sales in the 9 ‐ month period of 2018 amounted to 208.5 million Euro compared to 208.4 million Euro in the 9 ‐ month period of 2017, remaining almost unchanged. Income from the electricity production sector amounted to 154.4 million Euro compared to 125.5 million Euro in the respective period of the previous year, increased by 23%. Sales from the division of electric energy trading amounted to 9.6 million Euro versus 8.2 million Euro in the 9 ‐ month period of the previous year.

Total earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 1 amounted to 120 million Euro versus 106.8 million Euro in the 9 ‐ month period of 2017, increased by 12.4%.

Resultados de 9M 2018, siguen en la buena direccion, aumento de Ebitda del 12% anual.



Re: Terna Energy (Grecia TENERGY- ATH)

Compran 200MW eolicos:


‐The company buys a wind farm with 200 MW installed capacity

‐ Exceeds the 1.5 GW of the company’s RES portfolio

Han sobrepasado los 1500MW totates construidos y en construccion. Esto supone un crecimiento interanual mayor del 20%.

The Group has RES installations currently under construction or ready for construction with acapacity of 280MW in Greece and abroad. Overall, the Company operates, is constructing or has full licensing of 1,512MW of RES installations in Europe and the USA.The Company is targeting to reach 2,000MW of RES projects in operation


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