
Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

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Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)
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Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)
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Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

No me convenció porque no la veía con fuerza y los resultados habían empeorado, pero visto ahora, era una buena opción. En cualquier caso, enhorabuenan (se nota que estás disfrutando, claro que sí :)!)

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Hoy tocaba recortes, -4%, veamoslo, positívamente relajamos indicadores


Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Campeona internacional de santo olímpico de... resistencias
Hoy otro +10% 

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Madre mia, la tenía en seguimiento. Me he despistado un par de dias, porque no me terminaba de convencer al ser bajista a largo plazo, y mira....
Alguna entrada posible?

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Pues ahí no se que decirte lleva mas de un 60% de revalorización desde mínimos, pero quizá dentro de unos días veamos que los 72€ era un buen/mal precio para operar de determinada forma.
Ayer recortó un 4%, a toro pasado vemos que hubiera sido bueno entrar antes de cierre pero...
Esto no es ninguna recomendación de compra/venta

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Vaya bandazo hoy Unibail Rodamco, de apretar por arriba mas de un 6%, ha cerrado bajando un -2,29%

Rumores de ampliación de capital

La compañía "desmiente" los rumores de la ampliación de capital pero viendo la sangría de la cotización el marcado apuesta por lo segundo

URW refers to recent market rumours in relation to a potential rights issue.
As detailed in its H1-2020 results communication, as at June 30, 2020, URW had €12.7 Bn of cash and undrawn credit facilities at its disposal. URW has taken a number of steps in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen its liquidity and balance sheet, including the cancellation of the second dividend instalment, deferring non-essential capital expenditures, a further reduction of the development pipeline and the completion of the disposal of five French shopping centres.
As previously communicated, deleveraging is a priority for URW, starting with asset disposals as evidenced by its intention to sell €4 Bn of assets in the next couple of years, on top of the €4.8 Bn of disposals the Group completed since June 30, 2018. In addition, the Supervisory Board and Management Board continue to weigh the merits of all potential strategies to strengthen URW’s financial profile in line with their respective fiduciary duties. However, no decision has been made yet on any of the available additional deleveraging options. Announcements on relevant decisions, if any, will be made as appropriate

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Supongo que una ampliación de capital sería malo para los que estamos dentro no? 

Ampliación de capital de Unibail Rodamco de 9 mil millones

Aquí el comunicado de ampliación de capital:

Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (“URW”), the premier global developer and operator of Flagship destinations, announces a €9.0+ Bn “RESET” plan to strengthen its balance sheet and increase financial flexibility to execute its
long-term strategy, and provides update on footfall, tenant sales and rent collection
Key highlights of the “RESET” plan and its five strategic priorities are:
• RESTORE financial strength through a €9.0+ Bn deleveraging plan consisting of:
o A fully underwritten €3.5 Bn capital raise to be used to immediately reduce leverage;
o Limiting cash dividends through scrip and/or a lower payout ratio, resulting in €1.0 Bn cash savings over the next two years(1)

o A further €0.8 Bn reduction in development and non-essential operating capex; and
o €4.0 Bn(2) of disposals expected to be completed by year-end 2021.

This plan is designed to enable the Group to preserve the Group’s strong investment grade credit rating, with an expected rating of A- (3) / Baa1(4)
, and maintain a sustainable capital structure with an LTV(5) below 40% and net debt / EBITDA(6) below 9x.
• EXECUTE the €4.0 Bn asset disposal programme (European assets, c.50% retail/50% offices & others) by yearend 2021
o Acceleration of the previously announced disposal plan by outright sales of non-strategic assets across all asset classes, on the back of the Group’s proven track record (€4.8 Bn disposals
completed since June 2018 at a 5% premium to book value, including the disposal of five French retail assets in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis in line with the prior unaffected appraisal);
o A €6.0+ Bn(7) identified pool of assets;
o €1.0 Bn of disposals are well advanced; and
o JV stakes in most liquid and mature assets to reduce capital obligations and leverage.
• STREAMLINE operations and footprint to enhance agility and optimize use of resources
o Further reduce capex by c.€800 Mn, of which c.€600 Mn of development capex and c.€200 Mn of non-essential operating capex. The development pipeline has been reduced by €2.2 Bn compared
to FY-2019, and by a further c.€0.6 Bn compared to H1-2020;
o Downsize the US Regional mall footprint in the near-term; and
o Simplify structure and reduce gross admin expenses further.

Re: Seguimiento y opiniones de Unibail Rodamco (UL)

Salió alguna noticia que esto está on fire? 
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