
Pulso de mercado

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Pulso de mercado

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7 suscriptores
Pulso de mercado
11.751 / 12.966

Re: Pulso de mercado

Se confirma que Montoro ha quitado hoy la exención fiscal por el pago de dividendos. Ya hay que pagar por todo.


Re: Pulso de mercado

Si tio....lo siento.....
nuestro ibex se va a resentir....
Por cierto, leete en enlace de nuestro compañero blueorchid....eso creo yo como experto es mas interesnte...


Re: Pulso de mercado

ya hemos tocado los 10300 y nos hemos dado la vuelta, esperemos que sea para tomar impulso y buscar los 10400

cuidadin que es día de vtos.


Re: Pulso de mercado

siempre peros¡¡

Balance del BCE
Sin embargo, a pesar de las nuevas medidas adoptadas y del compromiso de Mario Draghi de expandir el balance de la institución hasta niveles próximos a los tres billones de euros, el BCE parece haber encontrado más dificultades de las previstas y, por segunda semana consecutiva, en vez de aumentar el balance de la entidad ha disminuido.


Re: Pulso de mercado

No sé que está diciendo pero que el Ibex esté a punto de llegar al +1% significa que al menos malo no es y Draghi no está haciendo lo de siempre: hundirnos

"Lo que todo el mundo sabe en la Bolsa a mí ya no me interesa" André Kostolany


Re: Pulso de mercado

Draghi ha dicho lo mismo de siempre:

"Monetary policy in the euro area
Opening keynote speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB
at the Frankfurt European Banking Congress
Frankfurt am Main, 21 November 2014

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, today opened the Frankfurt European Banking Congress, with an analysis of the economic situation facing the euro area and of the ECB’s monetary policy response.

The economic situation in the euro area remains difficult and confidence in the overall economic prospects is fragile and easily disrupted, feeding into low investment, Mr Draghi said. In this context, the inflation situation in the euro area has also become increasingly challenging.

The ECB President emphasised the risk that a too prolonged period of low inflation becomes embedded in inflation expectations, and that the firm anchoring of inflation expectations is critical under any circumstances. This is why the Governing Council has communicated its expectation that the combination of all the monetary policy measures it has decided on will expand the Eurosystem’s balance sheet towards the levels prevailing in early 2012, Mr Draghi said. The addition of purchases of covered bonds to ABS purchases will allow us to conduct interventions on a scale that will achieve the intended effects in terms of portfolio rebalancing and signalling.

He added the ECB would continue to meet its responsibility: “We will do what we must to raise inflation and inflation expectations as fast as possible, as our price stability mandate requires of us. If on its current trajectory our policy is not effective enough to achieve this, or further risks to the inflation outlook materialise, we would step up the pressure and broaden even more the channels through which we intervene, by altering accordingly the size, pace and composition of our purchases,” Mr Draghi said."


Re: Pulso de mercado

A eso me refería con el "sí, sin embargo"...