
Catalonia Towards Freedom

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Catalonia Towards Freedom
Catalonia Towards Freedom
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Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

The new government of Badalona has sacked Badalona political head of the public media in the city, Alberto Fernández Saltiveri. He was one of trust charges the former mayor, Xavier Garcia Albiol from the Putrid Party(PP), which had appointed him. The office of Saltiveri was questioned especially at the end of the term, after the controversy over censorship of "L'estaca" in the Short Film Festival closing Badalona. It was for this reason that last January the opposition forced it to be removed from office, which was dismissed, but Albiol hired as executive coordinator.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Iñigo Mendez de Vigo will replace José Ignacio Wert head of the Spanish Ministry of Education has highlighted the work process against the sovereignty of Catalonia. And one of the most controversial episodes happened in Barcelona in February last year, in an event organized by the European Commission, with Viviane Reding, vice-president community then.
That Sunday February 23 became the 45th Dialogue with citizens, an act designed to make European citizens can address questions and concerns EU representatives. In this case, Viviane Reding. The debate revolved around the process of independence, the right to decide, consultation and continuity of Catalonia within the European Union. Reding stressed the need to find a formula to solve the fitting of Catalonia within Spain without 'preconceived ideas'. Then gave the word to Méndez de Vigo, who made comments totally out of tune:
'The representatives of the European Commission are already sick to make them the same question, "he snapped, after a question about what would have real consequences for Europe a new state. The territorial integrity is an exclusive competence of the member states, "he said. And on that, he added: "The EU has no competence. As Lenin said, only fools discuss the facts. And that's a fact. ' The intervention of the pubic Mendez angry that followed the event live in the quarry, which has responded with whistles.

Méndez de Vigo brother in law of Iñigo Perez de Herrasti Urquijo, one of the attackers of the headquarters of the Catalonia Government in Madrid on 11 September, and a historic leader of National Alliance, which was condemned in 2000 Fourteen years in prison for possession of weapons and inflammable material (intended attempt, along with three more Nazis against relatives of ETA prisoners when they move to Madrid). Perez de Herrasti is also cousin of the Spanish Defence Minister, Pedro Moreno. On the other hand, a sister of Mendez, Beatriz, is the secretary general of the Spanish intelligence service, the CNI; In practice, the number two of the organization (nomination BOE).


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

On 10 June 1975 opened the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, ​​Montjuic mountain city hardest. Until four days ago were still poor houses,shaks. Lived memories of the shootings of Republican military museum and also the internment camps of migrants who arrived in the city as they could from Iberian lands. If no one claimed a few days, family or friends, returned home. Montjuïc was also a small amusement park for families and loved Popular Barcelona, ​​mountain motorbikes circuit, and the place of wild nights clandestine sex, homosexual and heterosexual, "Foguerada" hot desire. Months later, on 20 November Franco died. Just that day, the Foundation had met reporters at noon to present the exhibition "Art Tantric. The collection of the Museum of New Delhi "and was then the director, the admirable Francesc Vicens, asked if the death of the dictator who had just met, alter the day's agenda of the Foundation, said that of "That does not affect us."

This does not affect us. Sensational Vicens. It meant that the bond internal Miró was the republican tradition and no other. Would not be mourning the death of the dictator. The architect Sert, referring Republican, vetoed by the regime to the point of not being able to sign the architectural, had refused to fit into the old palaces Montcada street, next to the Picasso Museum, precisely because it was performed brand new art center. This was another bond of Miró connection with this brash. A place of culture that was the direction that was established in Europe, the promotion of young art and especially attention to cultural expectations of an audience but active minority and more and more plural. --ara Almost a perspective quite different recordem-- not establish that the Centre Pompidou in Paris two years after Miró in Barcelona in 1977, beginning the business of museums as epicenters of cultural tourism and new market art.

So the Miró was opened in June, with the wonderful source of mercury Alexander Calder in the permanent collection that came directly Republican Pavilion for the International Exhibition of 1937 in Paris. Picasso's Guernica would still take years to leave exile and crossed borders to Madrid, but the Miró who declared direct daughter of Republican Catalonia, water and mercury calderians flowed sweetly. Joan Miró I smiled, happy and playful, near the stamp he painted for the Republic and his other works of those years and what he did afterwards.

This does not affect us. The tantric art became master of the rooms of the Miró that 20 November. Space was also open 10 aimed at young art. For Miró, the foundation should not shelter his work preferentially, but it was the subtitle says: Study Center of Contemporary Art. Hence the space 10, which is now called Area 13. Area 10 would show that first action Jordi Benito: a couple copulating in the room while screens for a bull dies bravo. One of the works staged at the precise moment of this story named Franco.

And 30 years also fulfilled these days, Spanish accession to the Treaty of the European Union. This does not affect us?

Oh, the Spa Europe. Not that there is nothing happening past nor are we die of boredom, not now. Things that have happened in Europe in these three decades. Its leaders are now looking to get rid of the ball hot Greece behold, the storied Greece should be (the History likes melodramatic symbolism). Meanwhile, Greek leaders as they try to gain time to see if other European people, not their leaders, they take us more aware of what we are playing now in the Union.

A Europe that does not think the floods of refugees confront political and social that already exceed the numbers of refugees from World War II. Oh Europe.

The screens appear as who does not want the thing, as if they were the most significant moment of the images Spa Europe Hotel war for tourist apartments in Barcelona, ​​Paris pitched battle between taxi drivers pie tourism and civilization (?) of leisure, which are in the summer, farmers who harvested a fruit that Europe is not interested in the Spa ...

What say the resort, in a Catalonia indepe?
It might be time to talk about it seriously, so that among electoral list to do and undo, no talking to voters how they would.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Two young neo-Nazi aesthetics prevent LGBTI hang a banner in Nou Barris,Barcelona.
The incident occurred last night in the square Viceroy Amat in Barcelona. This afternoon there will be a protest rally at the same place, in the same day of celebration of gay pride.
"Neither patients nor obedient dissident sexualities" This is the message of thhe banner. A young couple with neo-Nazi aesthetic -a boy and a Woman- snatched the banner, they offered insults and threatened. One of the neo-Nazis wearing a shirt Condemned 84, a band that relates to the environment fascist British. According to several witnesses have described the two attackers "are known in the area," starring for other violent episodes against social activists in Guinardó and Nou Barris.

In response to the attack yesterday today at six o'clock have called a rally in the same square Viceroy Amat, hang on, "the banner that we left hanging yesterday." This incident occurs within the weekend of the day by releasing gay, lesbian, bisexual and intersex, which will reach its climax with demonstrations and events that celebrate the Catalan Countries, including unit demonstration This Saturday afternoon in Plaza Universitat de Barcelona, and a demostracion by Paral.el and Montjuic magic fountain.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

The full City Council of Perpignan voted in favor of the motion presented by Unity Catalan in favor of the ratification of the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages. The National Front fascist bloc (FN) voted against the recognition of Catalan and the other councilors voted in favor. The FN has openly declared against normalization of Catalan and the European Charter. Deputy Mayor Brice Lafontaine, chairman of the Catalan nationalist party unit has strived to present this motion "beyond political divisions between left and right."
The text supports the will of President François Hollande to relaunch the process of ratification of the signed letter 1999 and blocked the decision of the French Conseil Constitutionnel. Lafontaine is part of the municipal majority in coalition with the Conservative Republicans (former UMP). Deputy Mayor catalanista states that "we will be vigilant on the realization of this vote-favourable, but the renewal of the commitment of the North Catalan capital is already a strong signal that we send to the president of the République like also residents of the territory. "

The motion passed it reaffirms the unity of the Catalan language, with phrases like "Catalan is the language we share with eleven million speakers. It is a national language, considered a regional language in France. " The European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages ​​signed in 1999 by France was never ratified, despite a constitutional reform in 2008, which recognized that "regional languages ​​are part of the national cultural heritage and French." Perpignan has "a policy of normalization of Catalan for over 20 years," says the motion, "especially with the approval of the Catalan municipal charter in 2010."

This regulation inside the Catalan has not been implemented in full and few municipal services have standardized Catalan. On June 4, Hollande had promised to amend the constitution and the Conseil Constitutionnel can not, again, interpret it as an impediment to the recognition of langues régionales. Perpignan has given his support to the desire of the Presidency of the Republic.

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