
Catalonia Towards Freedom

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Catalonia Towards Freedom
Catalonia Towards Freedom
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Catalonia Towards Freedom

L'autonomisme is completely finished; was valid during the transition, which already belongs to the past-permanently, just serves to "entangle" the staff pseudoprogressistes vagueness and lack of definition, while others simply did see that they left knowing they had done -and control authority - and others always invoked national unattainable paradise while they were "cutting the cod." A certain classes already going well, and even made a blind eye to certain excesses "their representatives". Today this is no longer valid, nor possible, because the model does not already over and it leads nowhere, nor the public is willing to hold more arbitrary; there is no excuse.

We are now clearly two camps in the so-called national axis, which does not mean it did not exist before, they were simply disguised -interessadament- unionists who were clearly because it was not well seen openly defend certain positions. This is especially clear in the field of state organizations linked to alleged progressivism, which when defined nationally and see that this was no longer participate seriously in comedy, even doing without makeup. Regarding the predecessors of the current sovereignty, dared not make this explicit sovereignty, rather, had not yet come to formulate clearly because at that time were more interested in obtaining small pieces of power and full sovereignty objective was far away.

As we have noted, this is history, and not worth half measures. The "process" has been a "tsunami" that has washed everything and everyone is forced to redefine themselves, and even to begin again, apart from opening the doors -of arm to the economic crisis new players who until then were the margins of the political system ...
Within axis have national sovereignty in the field CDC, ERC and CUP, occupying the entire political spectrum from right to left. CDC has changed, and the hand of the current dome dirgent, especially the president Mas, we could say that it has imploded finally becoming a band that clearly pays independence, without complexes or fear of the past. Clearly, this has a price, as seen with the "divorce" with UDC and the loss of seats, as many voters have opted for other options or more alleged separatist tradition, or simply s' have passed the unionist camp. ERC, meanwhile has taken advantage of social mobilization in the field produced sovereignty and profitable tradition of democratic and popular struggle for freedom. This tradition has also been cleverly exploited by a political party -the newly minted CUP- has managed to capitalize on the contradictions of the system and benefit directly from the struggles carried out by more assertive and combative sectors of our society .

In the other ground -the uninionist- , we have -the Putrid Party PP , and (PSC-PSOE) They are the embodiment of the old Spanish conservatism , but the incompetence and lack of sensiblilitat their leaders at the state level and the lack of power of the ruling and its representatives at the tail Catalan has led to a position almost marginal, which has taken advantage of the new fomació CIUDADANOS with a embocall of supposed modernity that is no more than an updated version of Jacobinism classic ethnic nationalism in the service of a hidden and never explicitly clear.


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

The new municipal government of Badalona, ​​formed by Guanyem Badalona, ​​ERC and ICV-EUiA, has taken the first step aimed at breaking with the style of former local mayor, Xavier García Albiol, from Putrid Party (PP). Now Dolors Sabater, mayor of Guanyem, has dissolved the local police unit, a body of 16 riot police, againts te poore people.

The members of the unit, launched by the conservative mayor known for his xenophobic statements and initiatives, from now reinforce night patrols. The measure is part of a wider local security bodies reorganization. In the reform package, it has also announced that it will consider changes to the civility ordinance for it to be less punitive and educatorfor the people with needs.


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Que curioso resulta ver artículos "de fuera" que transmiten la realidad a la perfección..tal cual es y no sesgada ni manipulada. Que pena de periodismo hay en la capital...


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Para periodismo el catalán subvencionado por todos nosotros y encamados para sacar editoriales conjuntos cosa que no ha ocurrido ni en Caracas, ni siquiera en La Habana y si me apuras tampoco se ha visto nunca nada comparable ni en Pyongyang, me encanta vuestro "PERIODISMO PLURAL EJEMPLAR".


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Imagínate para sacar una editorial conjunta prensa tan distinta y de posicionamiento tan dispar como el Periódico, la Vanguardia, el PuntAvui o el Ara. Todos de acuerdo.
Quién consiguió tamaña azaña??.

...y no me seas demagogo!


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Serra. .. Está mal traducido al inglés. . No es un artículo de fuera. ..Me resulta raro que a ti te lo cuelen aún cuando estés de acuerdo con el fondo.


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Fomació ..

Inglés de Gibraltar supongo


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Los idiomas no son lo mío Cajero...será esa la explicación.


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Periodismo catalán no...será periodismo en catalán.
Por cierto el Grupo Godó y el Periódico son los que se llevan más de la mitad de todas las subvenciones...personalmente es algo que no entiendo...ya que se limitan a traducir del castellano al catalán y a cambiarle el color a la portada.

Siento decepcionarte. SI Paco SI...que la edición en catalán es la misma que en castellano. Y además son dos medios claramente no independentistas...algo que naturalmente tampoco sabrás...dado tu desconocimiento y sesgo que te limita el raciocinio en este tipo de cuestiones.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Espero que eso no explique que venga una extranjera y el pruses se rinde a sus pies y casi la hace jefa. . O lo de Martin sala ... Ufff complejo de inferioridad por lo de fuera? ? Tú mismo felicitabas el artículo simplemente por estar en inglés y pensar que era de fuera. ..

Este paletismo era propio de otras regiones españolas. .. no lo esperaba de un lugar tan mega guay. .



Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Que haya errores (o erratas) no quiere decir que la traducción esté mal en términos generales. Las he visto bastante peores, incluso en letreros.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Es bastante peor estar subvencionado por el Gobierno de Guinea. De esos también tenemos alguno.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

Y encima esto me lo dice un "Hidalgo" mesetario...voy a por una pastilla para superarlo. ;-)


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

La orden de SAN puesta después del cierre a 6,801 es normal que no se te haya hecho, no ha vuelto a tocar esos precios.
La de GRI sí porque ha superado el precio de venta

Pero lo dejo, si no pones horas y tal es muy difícil entender todo, ya lo escribí antes.

Acepto privados.


Re: Re: Catalonia Towards Freedom

EVIDENTEMENTE ESTO ES UN FALLO DE RANKIA, el BUG que se repite desde hace días

Acepto privados.

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