
Running the bulls of Putrid Party (PP)

1 respuesta
Running the bulls of Putrid Party (PP)
Running the bulls of Putrid Party (PP)

Running the bulls of Putrid Party (PP)

Guindos, Rajoy and Montoro toreros make the short list under the watchful eye and gag law of the competent authority ofFernandez Diaz.It is the party of the putrid democracy. Since its advent, there has been no policy livestock who suffered such persecution. No political, judicial, labor, economic, military, church, media or any other agency such as attacked. We want to spear like the Toro de la Vega. Advantage to parliamentary debates on the Budget or to discredit Greece can and instil fear, and without any opposition party will take a cloak to his absence having no parliamentary representation yet. Apparently not enough to meet the required standards and are only entitled to those designated by the provosts existence of democracy. Faced with contempt or indifference of happy people, the calumnies and traps mamporreros of power, and devastating the unhappy disputes. Until the old Izquierda Unida we embrace is like a boxer sounded to prevent noqueen. Emetic Spain. He has destroyed, preventing. Advocates can take the cheapest tickets and worst places closures. The Putrid Party (PP) and his followers do not support someone decent, as the mayor Carmena. If necessary adulterate his actions or his biography. (Indeed, if we have talent and practicality lead to Carmena as a candidate to head the government of Spain. Phy. It is gentle, close and causes the fear that may cause Pablo Iglesias). Do not support the new mayors and presidents of autonomous communities do not pose a biblical catastrophe. Do not support these 'invaders' does not embody siren or populist impossible dreams. Support not continue representing millions of social humiliated. Do not support the desire for change of millions of Spaniards. No support not to send the usual and why they cast bulls and steers for Spanish baba good run to freedom, that goal, that utopia, that need, the next reality. It may be that we get killed, but at least we will have to give back the ring. We, the smart revolution.


Re: Running the bulls of Putrid Party (PP)

No hay que preocuparse demasiado. A fin de cuentas se trata de campaña gratuita.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.

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