
CIT.A (+125%) Target $6- $8 A corto plazo.... No dejéis pasar esta oportunidad

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CIT.A (+125%) Target $6- $8 A corto plazo.... No dejéis pasar esta oportunidad
CIT.A (+125%) Target $6- $8 A corto plazo.... No dejéis pasar esta oportunidad
2 / 4

Re: Folleto

Creo haber leido que el canje seria 7 a 1 es decir una preferente valdria 7 comunes. Lo que las coloca en un rango de unos $7


1 mes para que se calmen las aguas

Yo creo que con tantos rumores voy a esperar a Septiembre para volver a replantear posiciones. A rio revuelto...

Yo por olvidadizo perdi una ganancia de +30% en 3 min. Ahora me toca comerme una espera grrrrrrrrr :)


Re: 1 mes para que se calmen las aguas

Junto con esta noticia y el 8K que sale a finales de mes. Creo que en Agosto estaremos bien. Demasiado importante para el comercio para dejarla morir es mi opinion.

CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--CIT Group Inc. (CIT) could raise more than $8 billion from the sale of its profitable transport assets, though the value likely would be pressured by weakening end markets and rival sellers.

In recent quarters, the aircraft and rail leasing units have been the most profitable for CIT, the U.S. financial services group that staved off bankruptcy this week with $3 billion in fresh financing. The parent company still faces serious financial challenges.

CIT used part of its aerospace unit's assets as collateral for the fresh funding, which it secured after the U.S. government last week backtracked from providing support. Lenders would likely have to approve any transaction involving aircraft.

The company hasn't confirmed whether it would seek buyers for the aircraft and rail units, and couldn't immediately be reached for comment Wednesday. Both businesses have attracted interest from prospective bidders over the past two years.

CIT dropped plans last year to sell the rail unit after finding offers unattractive, while the larger aircraft business would join three or more rivals seeking buyers, and market conditions in both sectors have softened.
General Electric Co. (GE), which owns the largest aircraft leasing business, also explored a sale of its rail unit last year.

The CIT Aerospace unit leases and manages a fleet of 302 aircraft, according to consultant UBM Aviation Worldwide, ranking it among the top five in the industry by value. It has an additional 109 on order.

While CIT hasn't signaled plans to sell transportation assets, any effort to raise funds faces the hurdle of efforts by American International Group Inc. (AIG) to sell International Lease Finance Corp., one of the two dominant aircraft leasing companies. GE's Gecas unit is the other major world player.
Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace consultant with Teal Group, said valuing CIT Aerospace may hinge on the fate of ILFC, given the latter's size.

AIG's protracted talks with potential private-equity buyers have seen the price tag shorn from a book value of around $7 billion to less than $4 billion, according to people familiar with the process.

CreditSights said the unit could realize around $5.3 billion after repaying debt.


Re: CIT.A (+30%) AYER

Enhorabuena Jesus, esperemos que todo siga bien.

Me gustaria saber tu opinion, ya que la pasada semana puse una orden de compra por 1300 shares de CIT.A a 1,47, hubo una jornada en la cual el rango llegó a 1,45 y sin embargo mi orden no se ejecutó, ni tan siquiera en parte (precisamente no estaba activado la funcion de "O todo o Nada"). ¿Motivo?

Sin embargo ayer, modifique la orden a 1000 titulos y precio 2,05, si miras la grafica, la orden se ejecutó a las 9:36:58 AM , con lo cual es de suponer que ese pico inferior es mi orden de compra que se ejecutó.

la pregunta es ¿ Porqué oscilando el precio entre 2,40 y 2,65 se ejecuta una orden en 2,05?
¿ Poca liquidez?



Re: CIT.A (+30%) AYER

Si has comprado a $2.05 ole !!!

No hay poca liquidez porque todos los dias hay un volumen de unas 300,000 acciones, hombre no es Microsoft pero hay movimiento.

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  2. Prima de riesgo geoestratégica y mercados. Atención a la deuda corporativa!