The decision concerns certain shortcomings relating to internal governance and treatment of risk that were identified by the MFSA in July and August 2016, as part of the MFSA's Supervisory Examination Programme for Less Significant Institutions. The aim of the MFSA was to assess the risks that emanate from Ferratum Bank p.l.c.'s operations and the procedures adopted to control those risks.
Ferratum Bank p.l.c. has been in active dialogue with the MFSA since the time of the findings. None of the findings required any changes to the financial statements or risk provisions of Ferratum Bank p.l.c., and the MFSA's review has not resulted in any losses for third parties.
The Group regrets that the MFSA has determined to impose an administrative penalty and will continue to cooperate fully with the MFSA.
I just read this news: please, can you explain why the MFSA imposes a fine on FERRATUM BANK?
03/04/2018 FERRATUM BANK P.L.C. On 28 March 2018, the Malta Financial Services Authority (“the Authority”) decided that the bank, between 18 July 2016 and 8 August 2016, breached the provisions of Article 17B. (1) and (2) of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 of the Laws of Malta), and the technical criteria on Governance Arrangements and Treatment of Risks specified in paragraphs 1(a)(i), 5(a), 8(a), 14(a), 14(b) and 15(a) of Annex 2B of Banking Rule 12 on The Supervisory Review Process Of Credit Institutions Authorised Under The Banking Act.
The Authority has imposed on the bank an administrative penalty of one hundred eighty-eight thousand, four hundred, and forty-five euros (€188,445).
The bank may appeal the decision of the Authority before the Financial Services Tribunal within 30 days from the date of notification.
This notice is being published in terms of the powers vested in the Authority under Article 16(8) of the Malta Financial Services Authority Act (Cap. 330 of the Laws of Malta), Article 35B of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 of the Laws of Malta), and Regulation 7(2)(a) of the Administrative Penalties, Measures and Investigatory Powers Regulations (S.L. 371.05).
Y todo ese lio para sacarle un miserable 0,90 % anual al dinero? Caramba para "el banco senZillo"! Tal como se las gasta la banca española,cada vez estoy mas satisfecho de haberme llevado mis ahorros al extranjero.
Como comentó otro compañero,es que no es un banco,es un taburete,por eso nadie le presta atención. Mejor que ni se hable de NEMEA BANK para no contaminar el ambiente.
Y estás mal informado,los intereses corridos hasta el dia en que se decreta por las autoridades la quiebra de una entidad bancaria forman parte de la indemnización del FGD,junto con el capital depositado:
"Any compensation payable by the Scheme will be calculated on the amounts credited to that depositor’s accounts, including any interest which is accrued up to the date that the Scheme is obliged to pay compensation."
Pero es que le estais dando credibilidad a las "noticias" publicadas en una web creada por los gestores del banco? No publican información objetiva e imparcial sobre la situación del banco,unicamente artículos de opinión criticando la intervención de la entidad por las autoridades. Esta web me recuerda a la actuación de las Plataformas Blancas de Afinsa y Forum Filatélico, orquestadas por las empresas para manipular a los afectados.