
Contenidos recomendados por raclit

raclit 24/01/13 02:13
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
deja vu con ARNA? volvemos a tener 100% profits doblando posiciones.... ;-) moooola!!
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raclit 24/01/13 01:47
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
ARNA Arena Falters on Belviq EU Approval;_ylt=AvF.buFHt5bFeo_uoFt58vCiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTIxbzQ4OG80BG1pdANXaWRlIFF1b3RlcyBNb2R1bGUEcG9zAzI3BHNlYwNNZWRpYVJlY2VudFF1b3Rlc1BvcnRmb2xpb3NXaWRl;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
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raclit 23/01/13 22:17
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
no, ni idea sobre CLSN y ANAC Amarin Announces First Notification of U.S. Patent Allowance Based on ANCHOR Clinical Trial Results
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raclit 23/01/13 22:05
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Sobre AMRN "We believe that the company may be issuing a press release tonight or tomorrow to announce the US availability of Vascepa." "Within the next few days, possibly as soon as this evening, AMRN will issue a press release announcing US availability of Vascepa" "Depending on how the initial script numbers come in, AMRN stock will either begin a gradual recovery to the $10 - $12 range or drift lower to the $7 - $5 range over the next two months."
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raclit 09/01/13 22:12
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
te subo un gráfico de CLSN con toda la info resumida
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raclit 08/01/13 14:20
Ha respondido al tema Celsion
efectivamente estos se suela dar mucho a menudo, con la peculiaridad que se dan en todas las empresas sean del sector q (o casi todas) por lo que pienso que tienen que sera fondos o algo a´sí
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raclit 08/01/13 01:45
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
-------------Upgrades-------- ----Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: PPHM) was upgraded by analysts at Roth Capital from a "neutral" rating to a "buy" rating. They now have a $2.70 price target on the stock. 100.0% Upside. ----
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raclit 07/01/13 14:58
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
si, además cambio de tendencia en MACD, RSI bajito, sangre azul un puñaito ha entrado...
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raclit 04/01/13 20:06
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
otra pharma mas que inicia andadura en hepatitis C es de OTC, Aethlon Medical (OTC: AEMD)
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