AMRN, still hindered by lack of M&A Activity and NCE Designation
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It's very interesting that with a great financial condition, a lot of cash with no debts, and a vast amount of test cases with great potential THLD is still lagging behind in stock price. What are people and other big firms waiting for?
yo, esque estoy a ver si consigo meter todo en saxo, que ahora tengo 4 brokers
ING, shares a 6.3
Clicktrade cfds a 5.9
Saxo las de hoy a 4.1
vaaaariedad señores, variiedad!!jaja
la putada es que quería pasar los cfds de click a saxo para promediar y vender y recomprar más abajo, pero resulta que los cfds nos e pueden traspasar y yo no lo sabía
opinión sobre THLD. Si es que no hay más que sacar ya, está todo dicho
There are plenty of possible reasons. Tax-loss selling is one. People are also waiting on Celgene's Phase 3 results from Abraxane in pancreatic is another. As there re no pending updates likely from any of their current trials management doesn't have much to say that wasn't said countless times fom July to October at various conferences. It is true that they have payments from Merck but not much more to report than that. Investors will not pay for future royalties until they are paid so that shouldn't be considered a fact until THLD cashes the check. Lastly I would add that the biotech sector which has had blistering '12 performance looks like it 's undergoing a nice bout of profit-taking. Other than mid & large cap names in the sector not much else in biotech is currently working, especilly in the microcap sector.
error xq?
claro que puede ser, si alguien compra caro...
lo más imoportante, es que mires siempre el volumen, ahora mismo hay 4,083 shares, por lo que es = a naaaaaada