
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
1.197 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Scott Mattuson sobre AMRN

Hi guys, rough gap up today on OMPI; I feel a bit down because I missed my opinion on OMPI’S 8k effect from yesterday after the close. From now on, I will give a more precise opinion in terms of whether or not I think buying a stock pre/post market is the best course of action or not. Unless something fundamentally changes with the OMPI likely buyout coming soon, (i.e, I hear rumor it might be delayed,, chatter, etc) I will let you guys know. The trading pattern continues to affirm what I believe—Announcement coming soon. Frequently, “professional traders for hire,” work for the underwriters of an upcoming tender offer, “under the table” so to speak, to control and maintain a price, to accumulate shares far lower than the agreed buyout premium, especially shares of a low floating stock. Google about these things and see what you find J

Concerning AMRN; Feurestein looks like he is at it again—creating doubt, and he is good at this. Adam does what he does best—write articles to help shorts, mainly to get out even or a little ahead before the big pop. I use Adam’s articles like this one to gage pops in prices. Usually within 5 trading sessions, the stock he tends to be “ warning on” breaks out J Go back and look up his results and see if what I am saying shows to be correct. Back-testing Adam can actually be very profitable. I refrain from publically calling him out, as it is best for all of us looking to make money in the market to be on his “good side” and refrain from publically questioning his intentions and motives. Unless I am way off on AMRN, I believe both FDA approval, and NCE status will be granted with AMR101; WHY?

My sources continue to tell me that the FDA is under enormous political stress to approve treatments such as AMR101, especially when they are proven in clinical to be effective and safe. The real question with AMR101 is whether NCE status, like Adam points out, is granted. In this case, I think it will be because Adam is doing again, what he does best—create doubt, which creates fear = helps shorts out, and usually he releases these types of articles to help the shorts out. This is another reason I hate perennial short sellers—Biggest liars and manipulators in the market, worse than normal pumpers, and equal with pump and dump micro penny stock pitchers.

I will try to make a video soon with some additional opinions, take care all!



Re: Farmas USA

A mi me ha entrado la compra que dejé puesta para ACHN a 6,00 :)),no hay nada como comprar y ver subir.
ZLCS en 1,15 parece que no se deja, sigue con ese lateral.

Hace tres de días entré en CYTK Cytokinetics, Inc. (Zavoico la tiene en cartera, han salido dos fondos comprando 'passive stakes' T Rowe Price 9,2% y Biotecnology Value Fund 9,98%; además Needham inicia cobertura con 'Buy' y un precio objetivo de 2,5$)ahora está a 0,68$ y cayendo, así que paciencia.

Nadie está hablando de las conferencias del día 12 de JMP Securities. Exponen la mayoría de farmas de aquí... No se si dirán cosas que harán mover las cotizaciones, ya que los movimientos de los últimos días son con poco volúmen en general, como 'esperando acontecimientos'.


Re: Farmas USA

Aviso que suiza no es Europa y necesita una prueba independiente aparte de la prueba para la comercializacion en Europa (EMA).

No obstante es una buena noticia, veremos si sale adelante.


Re: Farmas USA

Como se nota que vendí :(. Aguantaste la embestida del otro día...


Re: Farmas USA

Desde que Jim Cramer a comenzado a largar de ARNA en el Show TV el After Hours de ARNA a bajado 0.10$ en pocos minutos.
No dejo de flipar con los Usanos.
Cada dia estoy mas convencido que esto acabara tirando para arriba pese a Cramer, los cortos, seeking...


Re: Farmas USA

Hola chico este; "Feurestein", le esta cayendo la del pulpo por que ha liao el tio con su post!!!
