
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
14.115 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Toi aburrido, le he echado un vistazo a esas entradas y desde luego tienen mala uva

AKER cortos desde 26

CELG cortos desde 102

TGTX cortos desde 12

GNCA cortos desde 15

OMER cortos desde 22

TSRO cortos desde  106


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno, ahora hay un verde tremendo a ver si aguanta. Ya me extraña que recupere en 4 dias lo que ha bajado en ptros tantos. Bajar bajarapido pero subir ya cuesta mucho mas.


Re: Farmas USA



Hoy he comprado sin mirar. Kirk se ha sacado todas de encima y la bicha se ha cascado un -20%. Mi gozo en un pozo. Supongo que las soltaré mañana.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

bueno, pues asi ha quedado el dia de hoy para nuestro sector.

IBB diario, a ver que pasa con la bajista por los 96's

IBB Semanal

la resistencia seria esta obviamente en esos 100 que anteriormente han sido fuerte soporte …

SPY DIARIO, aunque los mínimos de Febrero en 252's como nivel a reconquistar, primero hay que superar la resistencia de ese canal por los 249 para mañana …

Ya veremos que pasa … de reconquistarse los 252 la cosa no creo que vaya mas allá de los 260 , nivel de soporte previo …

Esto hay que verlo día a día … viva las maquinitas, como menean el circoooo!!!! 

Hasta que se demuestre lo contrario esto es un mero rebote técnico … 


Re: Farmas USA


 The problem with ZIOP is that without a deal that brings in cash and a strong partner, there are not any near-term catalysts to move the stock.  The deal they announced with KP in China is nice, but any revenues are years out.  They bring SB and CD-19 to the table and the other side brings 35 million for a 50/50 JV. Nice but not earth-shaking.  I really expected a deal in IL-12 before year-end, but it's not looking like it.  If the KP deal was what they were hinting at for the last 6 months, I am not impressed.


ZIOP made lots of mistakes in 2018.  We all know what they were. The TCR NCI trial is their future, but we don't even have an IND yet.  Since everyone knows its coming and that the NCI is running the show, I don't think an announcement of its filing or acceptance will do much.  I don't expect any trial data until late next fall, if not later. 


It is also clear from the XON call today that there isn't much of a relationship between ZIOP and XON.  I hope ZIOP can piggyback on XON success with SB, but I am not sure.  I would have thought with XON's success that ZIOP would move up the timeline.


I give the TCR trial a 50/50 chance of success, which is really fairly high.  If it works as planned and ZIOP gets the right commercial deal,  the stock will fly.  The new P1 mono trial results are a year out.  Remember they need to replicate the 17+ months mean survival found in the low dose steroid cohort of the first P1 trial.   I have to guess that the FDA required a larger sample for the low dose approach before moving it ahead. Since a P1 trial is mostly about safety,  I wonder if they needed better data on it before using low dose in the combo trials.  The combo trials are interesting, but the fact that they got no support other than the drugs is a little disappointing.   The Regeneron

 is a 2020 event.  I guess we could get some BMY trial results by summer, but it is very slow in registering patients.  We need median survival rates above the 12+ months of the mono P1 trial to really matter.  It just takes a while to get there.

Kirk took what he wanted and now he/Helen/Precigen have a filed an accepted IND for 2 day POC for faster cheaper therapy. Wasn’t this the war cry from king pumper...faster at 1/10th the cost? The long awaited IL-12 partnership is not happening. ZIOPs 2 day POC held to at least yr end 2019.
Dr Cooper was hired 4 years ago with a big fat contract and much fanfare that he came from MDA ( top cancer hospital in the country) and would certainly work closely with MDA and former MDA colleagues to advance ZIOP therapies in clinic. 4 yrs later ZIOP /Cooper have accumulated a $30mill credit because for the last 2 yrs NOTHING has been accomplished at MDA. Kirk had a front row seat to it all.

Today’s Precigen call had Kirks finger prints all over it. Helen was very clear to articulate all the IP/ therapies Precigen/XON own. And very clear what ZIOP does not own. SB and Rheo remain XON but for extremely narrow licensing. And Precigen is moving faster and closer to clinic than ZIOP. The first 15 minutes of the call was Kirk through Helen giving a big FU to Barton- RC.
Kirk is selling ZIOP because he knows what ZIOP has and doesn’t have. He knows which big pharma ZIOP approached and why they passed. The king pumper fantasy that Kirk registered his 9mill shares to sell in anticipation of a partnership agreement and subsequent big move higher with volume has been debunked. Even the shaman charlatan is now acknowledging Kirk is selling sub $2. Thank you Mr Barton and thank you RC for pressing Kirk and forcing his hand. Kirk is getting even.
It won’t be long before these guys will threaten another litigation because Kirk tore up the cvt preferred in exchange for all the IP/ therapies he wanted and left ZIOP crumbs. THANKS to these guys Kirk fleeced ZIOP shareholders with no faitnesss letter no independent audit and no shareholder approval.

No more pumping about IL-12 rGBM going Ph3- no more pumping about 2day POC - not hearing much about cash up front partners. All that is left to pump is the TCR at NCI/ CRADA IND filing which will likely AGAIN miss a timeline. King pumper expects it soon and then thinks “Rosenberg will talk about it”. Because even if the IND is filed soon the trial won’t start for months and data likely not available until yr end 2019. It appears that the catalyst for ZIOP is hope that Dr Rosenberg talks it up


Y una última explicación: tax selling


«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


No sé si Zocatira ha comentado que se han recogido fondos y contratado a un abogado y se está luchando en el proceso de Chapter 11

Synergy Investment Group

December 19, 2018

Hi   Ana Ramos

Our chances of a positive recovery have increased with the retention of Cole Schotz. At least, we are going down with a fight against management. Yesterday the company filed a reorganization plan which wanted to wipe down all shareholders. Now, those plans are standard bankruptcy plans, but it just shows you that nobody was going to care about you if we didn't raise an objection.

Please look below for an update from our lawyer. A particularly interesting development yesterday was that Troy Hamilton renounced his severance package. Also, the company was trying to roll up the entirety of the $110 pre-petition term loan into Debtor in Possession Financing (DIP). If that would have been approved there was no chance of reorganizing the company. Instead, only $16 million were approved on an interim basis to be rolled up. A lot of the hot item tickets will happen in January including the pre-payment penalty.

If you haven't done so in the last week, fill out the form now

We need huge numbers in order to compel the trustee to approve our petition especially because they are trying to wipe us out with the lowball offer. (If you haven't filled out the form below please do so now. If you have please disregard.) And also share it everywhere you can in the social media space. Particularly Twitter, Yahoo Message Board, and Stock Twits.

Our first filing has hit the court

Update from our Lawyer

Judge James Garrity granted the Synergy Pharmaceuticals’ financing on a second interim basis, with certain modifications described below, at a contested hearing yesterday in New York.

Judge Garrity granted some of, and overruled some of, the objections lodged, including our objection as well as the  objection from the recently  appointed official committee of unsecured creditors.   Although Judge Garrity approved the DIP on a further interim basis, he made clear he was “unconvinced” of the necessity to approve the proposed case milestones and the “Acceptable Plan” concept that we were objecting to.  Accordingly, the court will “deal with” the milestones at the final DIP hearing, which is scheduled for Jan. 17, 2019, at 11 a.m. ET.  This is important because the Debtor was attempting to lock in the case timeline, which we believe would have destroyed value.

We made clear our group formed on Dec. 18 and represents the interests of about 310 shareholders owning about 18 million Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc. shares. We explained that we were formed because there is good reason to believe that the value of the Debtors’ assets and business should be more than enough to pay all creditors in full and provide a meaningful distribution to equity holders if these Chapter 11 proceedings are conducted in a proper way.
We also met with Andrea Schwartz, the trial attorney from the U.S. Trustee.  She asked that we present our letter requesting official appointment to her next Wednesday, December 26, 2018.  She seemed receptive to hearing us out.  We will prepare that letter for circulation and review.
We will be in touch in short order to discuss the bid procedures, which is scheduled for a hearing on January 4, 2019.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»