Re: Farmas USA
Le conceden a VVUS permiso para vender el fármaco directamente al público. El articulista comenta que es un punto a favor también para la competencia porque será la manera de que la gente empiece a hablar de él, se amplíe la cobertura de los seguros y el mercado se expanda.
I anticipate that, as the DTC campaign heats up, that we will see better trends in script numbers for both Qsymia and Belviq. That is exactly what both of these companies need right now, as script sales to date have been more modest than many anticipated. Arena's Belviq should see DTC campaigns start as early as the first week in December.
Big challenges in the anti-obesity space are consumer awareness and insurance coverage. Sometimes consumer awareness can help drive the bus toward broader insurance coverage. With better insurance, more revenue gets to the bottom line.
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