
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
5.644 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

La verdad es que estoy empezando a flipar con la lista de valores que tenia comprados cuando el magin call me sobrevino en Octubre y me obligo a venderlo todo. De entonces para aca, en 6-7 meses, de las que llevaba compradas:

- PPHM doblo y mas, casi llego a 3. las tenia en 1,3x

- FCEL llego a los 4, super dobladas. Las tenia en 1,3x

- MACK de 4 a 8, dobladas, la tenia en 4altos.

- ARNA desde los 4 se fue a los 8, doblo tambien. Aqui las tenia en 5 y pico

- SNTA dormida

- CLSN en coma

(por aquel entonces no llevaba THLD )

me alegro por el criterio tan fino que hay en este foro ... pero anda no me jodas que es para cagarse en todos los irlandeses y en la perra que pario a la jefaza de la FDA. :(

Vaya pasta no ganada desperdiciada ... 



Re: Farmas USA

Bueno, pues a seguir mientras se pueda, eso que tu has escrito lo llevo pensando 7 meses. una pena.


Re: Farmas USA


Demasiado bonito para ser cierto. ¿Quién es este pavo?

Ray Gordon Stands By $8.00 Price Target On ACTC

A lot of chatter has circulated on various websites and boards regarding Advanced Cell Technology Corporation (ACTC), the fledgling regenerative-medicine stem-cell company which some believe will dominate this emerging field. Until science or bankruptcy proves otherwise, I see no reason to abandon my $8.00 price target for this stock, based on parity (at the time of the prediction) with Regeneron (REGN), now a $28.5b company on the basis of its recent closing price, mostly on the strength of Eylea, its "landmark" drug that slows the progression of wet Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD). By contrast, ACTC's RPE cell treatment for dry AMD (and Stargaart's) has shown safety, and strong efficacy in a trial designed only to prove safety. One patient has improved his sight from 20/400 to 20/40 in three weeks, making reality out of the promise that swept the medical-research community with the genome project in 1993, during which time I was working fo a top medical research center that had recruited a top "gene therapy" doctor of the day. I made a mental note to track the progress of this science, while avoiding its stock offerings, due to the potential for insider maipulation. With the science now at hand, this concern has lessened.

ACTC's share price has taken a hit lately, to $0.0585, after its 10-K filing shows very little liquidity, a number of "hit pieces" in other media have made unfounded attacks on both ACTC's patent rights,and even its underlying science. Meanwhile, Dr. Lanza has been quoted twice in peer-reviewed medical journals, including a study that showed embryonic cells were 30,000x more potent than the adult-cell alternatives our government chose to fund for political rather than scientific reasons. Dr. Lanza was the only man who stayed the course, resulting in a patent sweep for ACTC which will pay off huge soon. The company should have little difficulty raising cash as they need to, and once the results from their RPE study are published in a major journal, and the public realizes just how deep and game-changing their pipeline really is, the stock shold"go viral" and hit the stratosphere. Any buyout attempt is likely to result in a bidding war, so that is not a major concern.

Beware of pretenders in this sector who are piggybacking the regenerative-medicine concept while exploitking public ignorance about their true market position, or their underlying science. ACTC is the real deal, and while the non-embryonic companies mayu have their place, that place should be that of a distant also-ran to what very well could become the world's first trillion-dollar clompany. At $0.0585 a share, a mere $5,850.00 would buy 1000,000 shares, enough to becmoe a millionaire if ACTC does nothing more than match Regeneron's current market cap. Issues such as a cash crunch, or dilution, will seem minor in hindsight.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

ya te dije que las voy a dejar todo el tiempo que necesiten pero si se hunde no pierdo nada, si llegan a 8$ menudas vacaciones con las lobas, ni willy fog. :)


Re: Farmas USA

Por cierto, las BAXS, me desconciertan, las miro de reojo. Se han pasado los dos meses de correccion biotech aguantando ahi estoicamente el 1$. Las farmas han dejado de caer a plomo pero es ahora BAXS la que se casca nuevos minimos anuales. Incomprensible salvo que se esperen news inminentes.



Re: Farmas USA


Si a alguien le interesa el tema, seminario sobre células madres MSCs en mascotas: "Stem cell studies in pets: Toward rapid advancement of stem cell therapies in people". Es el investigador que lleva todos los ensayos de ACTC en el Tufs.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


Anuncia resultados trimestrales para el día 8 de mayo.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»