
Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
87 suscriptores
Farmas USA
6.786 / 17.051

Re: Farmas USA



La solicitud en Canada no va bien. Algo no ha gustado y EISAI en lugar de susanarli, retira la solicitud y dice que volverá a solicitar cuando todo esté resuelto, vamos que algo trivial no sera....

Solicitud en Israel en curso. Milestone de 250.000

Problemas de etiquetado en USA en alguna tirada. Nada grave

A mi me hace pupa lo de Canada....grrr


Re: Farmas USA

Que sigan apareciendo buenas noticias, a ver si nos metemos en el carril 6-7$ y después a por la magic-line en 7.80. Despacito y con buena letra lo conseguiremos, espero que en pocas semanas.


Re: Farmas USA

sí, soy como el predictor, jajajaj, ahora puedo contestar, sigo sin tiempo, feliz puente a quien lo disfrute a mi me lo han capado en un simple domingo, después de plantarme y razonar que si el descanso en Domingo yo no voy a ser menos, suerte y mucha nieve.


Re: Farmas USA

Para el que le apetezca algo de lectura, un par de post usanos:


My major takeaway from the Piper Jaffray Conference ....

Piper Jaffray Healthcare Conference New York, NY December 3, 2014, 11:00 a.m. ET Presenter: Stanley. Erck ( NVAX Chief Exec. Officer, Pres, Director and Member of Fin. Committee ) 

My major takeaway from the Conference :

Towards the end when Edward Tenthoff with Piper Jaffray asked " how do you ultimately see commercializing " the NVAX vaccines .

Mr Erck responded as follows :

" What we announced a couple of years ago is that we weren't going to partner RSV anytime soon because we thought that would do two things :

1 - we would lose some piece of the economic pie prematurely

2 - Anytime you partner these things you get into monthly and quarterly steering committee meetings, you get decisions that have to be made, you lose time. We're ahead of the industry by probably three or four years . We want to stay there . As long as we have Investor support on that, we can do do it . We've had a lot of Investor support. We've had $250m put into the company the last 15 months . All because of our RSV and I think all because we own it . Our thought process is we will commercialize it at least in the United States ourselves. We clearly will need marketing partners globally


Sobre el tema Ebola, las grandes farmas y la presión que harán

Just to be mentioned in the same line as GSK, MERCK and JNJ, it is already very impressive. These are the titans of biopharma with each Market Cap that is 100x-300x more than Novavax. And Novavax is probably going to make a better Ebola vaccine than them with the help of Matrix-M. The brand value it is currently creating is incredible...every news article that puts all of these big pharma and Novavax in the same sentence...the public and media is starting to take notice. I think everyone is just taking a wait and see approach to Novavax. They want to see the Ebola VLP vaccine, and what it can do. No one really knows about VLP, and I don't think many are expecting that a small company like Novavax can create a competitive Ebola vaccine when all of the big pharma is using some monkey cold virus as the carrier. If Novavax can show that its Ebola vaccine is effective, they actually have some very good talking points...their vaccine is generated from the most recent strain. They created this strain very quickly since they downloading the strain sequence in September...the response is spectacular...I had my doubts, and Novavax delivered a major surprise. I don't think any big pharma expected Novavax to come up with a Ebola VLP vaccine this is really unimaginable that they can do it.

Yes, big pharma have the $$$ to lobby. But I think Novavax doesn't need to go into Africa, they just need to show it is safe and generate good data, and I think Novavax just needs a piece of the funding. And relative to the competitors size, a small funding for Novavax will go a long way to fund their whole operation since BARDA is already paying most of the bills. If Ebola funding does happen, it will propel Novavax significantly.




Re: Farmas USA

Jose, aqui sale Obama diciendo que ya un ensayo clinico avanzado ( habla de GSK ) de la vacuna del Ebola.




Pero en la entrevista que sale luego, con el Doctor Fauci, le hacen LA pregunta, el talon de aquiles de la vacuna de GSK, "esta vacuna no protege indefinidamente, verdad? " . El doctor responde que asi es, que estan buscando otras soluciones candidatas ya que la actual de GSK protege hasta 10 meses.