
Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
9.775 / 17.057

Re: Farmas USA

Threshold Pharmaceuticals Announces Preclinical Data on Combination of Evofosfamide With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors to Be Presented at the SITC 2015 Meeting

Evofosfamide Helps to Restore Immune Function in the Tumor Microenvironment and Sensitize Treatment Resistant Prostate Cancer Models to Anti-CTLA-4/Anti-PD-1 Therapy

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- (Marketwired) -- 11/03/15 -- Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: THLD) today announced that preclinical data on the combination of evofosfamide with immune checkpoint inhibitors will be presented in a scientific poster at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) annual meeting in Maryland, November 4-8, 2015. Evofosfamide is Threshold's investigational hypoxia-activated prodrug, which is currently the subject of two fully-enrolled Phase 3 clinical trials for which Threshold expects to announce top-line data around the end of 2015.

"This is an exciting time for the field of cancer immunotherapy, and continued progress will depend on a better understanding of the tumor microenvironment and finding novel combination therapies that are more effective than immunotherapy alone," said Michael A. Curran, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and senior author on the scientific poster.

"Our research shows that hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment forms a barrier to T cell infiltration and fosters immunotherapy resistance in prostate cancer and other solid tumors," Curran said. "We found that evofosfamide-driven disruption of hypoxic zones sensitizes highly resistant prostate cancer models to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1."

Research conducted in Curran's laboratory shows that hypoxic zones in prostate tumors resist infiltration by T cells, which are capable of attacking and killing tumor cells. In contrast, normoxic areas of the same tumor experience robust infiltration by T cells.

In mouse models of prostate cancer, Curran and colleagues show that combination therapy with evofosfamide and anti-CTLA-4/anti-PD-1 treatment opens up the hypoxic zones to T cell infiltration.

Furthermore, evofosfamide helps sensitize otherwise immunotherapy-resistant prostate tumors to anti-CTLA-4/anti-PD-1 therapy in models of prostate cancer as evidenced by the smallest tumor burdens on average being observed with combination therapy.

"This combination of hypoxia disruption and T cell checkpoint blockade has potential to render some of the most therapeutically resistant cancers sensitive to immunotherapy," Curran said.

"Combining with immunotherapy is an exciting possibility that fits well with our development strategy to maximize the potential therapeutic applications of evofosfamide," said Tillman Pearce, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Threshold. "The data fromDr. Curran's research suggests that combining evofosfamide with immune checkpoint inhibitors warrants further investigation."

The poster titled "Tumor hypoxia drives immune suppression and immunotherapy resistance" by Midan Ai et al. will be presented on Saturday, November 7, 2015, from 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM. The abstract is now available at or by clicking here.


Re: Farmas USA


Framus, como lo ves???


Re: Farmas USA

Efectivamente , deshacer el 14% de ayer....aunque lo dudo, pero de momento , metida orden a 6,80 NVAX . Como bien dices , a ver cómo se comporta el IBB, porque con subida,me da valor de NVAX hoy a 8$!!!!!


Re: Farmas USA

Igual que siempre :)))

Ayer me dormi en los laureles y no vendi arriba siguiendo el plan que llevo de ir quitandome cromos.

Hoy lo voy a intentar, tengo puesta orden de venta en 4,05 para quitarme la compra de ayer en 3,89 y ademas promediando en even otro 20% de la carga que llevo mas arriba.

Seguro que esta bicha un dia de estos sube y sube sin parar. Puede ser, no lo se. Si es asi, ahi arriba tengo cromos que la estaran esperando con gusto. Mientras tanto voy rebajando carga. 

La grafica? Mira corto plazo un mes vista. Velas 1h. Si es que cuando se va para 4$ ya nos parece que quiere ir por el buen camino pero de eso nada ... no ha hecho nada que no hubiera hecho ya otras tantas veces, andar y desandar ... es un rollo. Ahora bien, para tradearla pues ya te sabes los niveles, al menos los de ahora, luego te cambia el juego y a volver a reevaluar.


Algun dia se hartara y subira ... digo yo ...



Re: Farmas USA


Since early October, Advaxis has been in an ongoing dialogue with the FDA. Over the course of these discussions, the FDA has identified certain risk mitigation measures for implementation once the hold is lifted.

The Agency requested proposals from the Company regarding such measures. The Company promptly provided its recommendations, including appropriate patient inclusion / exclusion criteria, as well as certain patient surveillance and monitoring measures.

Further, the FDA has concurred with the Investigator’s assessment that the patient’s cause of death, in the safety report triggering the clinical hold, was due to cervical cancer progression

Reanudación inminente en mi opinión.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

Vendida toda la posición a 7,60, compradas en 7 más la ayuda del $/€
Las espero más abajo