
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

92,6K respuestas
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
176 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
6.535 / 11.627

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Ni hecho, en pre subía un 20%....

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Os pego mis posiciones por si necesitais ideas (espero que buenas....jejejejej)


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Pues a ver qué pasa las próximas 7 sesiones hasta la fecha del AACR...
Si los resultados de esas 2 fases II son buenas, perfecto, pero como sean malas...
Por otra parte, parece que el compuesto REM-001 de la empresa adquirida, es prometedor...

1. In four Phase 2 and/or Phase 3 clinical trials in CMBC , primarily targeting patients who had previously failed radiation therapy, our REM-001 Therapy was able to reduce or eliminate a substantial number of the treated CMBC tumors.
Specifically, our analysis of the data collected from these trials (shown in the chart below) indicates that in approximately 80% of evaluable tumor sites treated with REM-001 Therapy, there was a complete response; meaning that follow-up clinical assessments indicated no visible evidence of the tumor remaining.

2. REM-001 Therapy has also been studied in patients with basal cell nevus syndrome ("BCCNS") who developed extensive basal cell carcinoma. BCCNS is a rare but serious condition that is often characterized by the formation of multiple and recurring cutaneous basal cell carcinoma lesions. The FDA granted orphan-drug designation to REM-001 in the rare disease indication of BCCNS in January 2018. In a Phase 1/2 clinical trial (CA001B), 14 patients with BCCNS were enrolled and treated with REM-001 Therapy. A total of 157 lesions were treated in these patients and showed a 91% overall response rate. This was composed of a 68% complete lesion response rate (no remaining visible evidence of a lesion) and a 23% partial lesion response rate (lesion was reduced in size by more than 50%). In addition, 7% of lesions had stable disease (any increase in lesion size was less than 25%). The various response rates are shown in the graph below and are similar to the results seen in CMBC patients as we would expect.

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Joer, pues mi broker no lo tiene.


Mierda, lo estaba metiendo mal en los dos...como suba mañana me doy dos leches.

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

 Que opináis de CHK? puede ser interesante meterse si cae un poco más, así en modo apuesta.
Se que está muy cerca de la quiebra, pero creeis  que podria al menos sobrevivir? 

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Ahora mismo no se diferencia de un casino, al más puro estilo HTZ/LK.
Con dinero que no te importe perder está bien, si apuestas por una coyuntura que evite los rumores de quiebra.
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