eso no es asi boston realmente el acuerdo es que PT se integre en OI y se lee claramente en el comunicado oficial del acuerdo de ayer emitido por OI:
"The shareholders of TmarPart unanimously approved the adoption of an alternative share structure, after analyzing options and taking into consideration the current obstacles to a registration of TmarPart shares with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) that would be necessary to allow the incorporação de ações (“Merger of Shares”) of Oi and TmarPart, as described in the Material Fact of March 26, 2015. The adopted alternative share structure allows the main goals of the Transaction to be met, with Oi able to adopt the corporate governance best practices prescribed by the regulations of the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&F Bovespa S.A. – Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (“BM&F Bovespa”) and disperse its voting rights, keeping in mind the final objective of opportunely completing the Transaction with the result of listing the shares currently held by Oi shareholders, and, at a later point, those of the shares held by PT SGPS, on the Novo Mercado."
primero se integrara telemar en OI y mas tarde PT en OI y cotizaran en el mercado brasileño
"with the result of listing the shares currently held by Oi shareholders, and, at a later point, those of the shares held by PT SGPS, on the Novo Mercado"