
FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab

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FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab
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FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab
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Facephi firma un préstamo capitalizable por 4 millones de euros

 FACEPHI BIOMETRÍA, S.A. anuncia la firma de un acuerdo de inversión con Nice & Green, S.A. por un importe de CUATRO MILLONES DE EUROS (4.000.000 €).

Dicho acuerdo se materializará a través de un préstamo capitalizable por importe de 0,5 millones de euros y la emisión de warrants convertibles en acciones por importe de 3,5 millones de euros.

El compromiso de inversión finaliza en septiembre de 2020. El préstamo desembolsado a la firma del acuerdo devenga un tipo de interés del 3% y se capitalizará mediante una ampliación de capital por compensación de créditos al importe menor del 92% del precio medio ponderado de la acción en las 6 sesiones bursátiles anteriores a la firma del acuerdo de inversión. 

Adicionalmente, el precio de ejercicio de los warrants se establecerá de igual forma que el préstamo capitalizable una vez solicitado por el emisor los desembolsos correspondientes. 

Como garantía del acuerdo alcanzado, los consejeros D. Javier Mira Miró y D. Juan Alfonso Ortiz Company se han comprometido a prestar a Nice & Green acciones de su titularidad. 

En este sentido, a la fecha de este hecho relevante han prestado a Nice & Green S.A. 141.470 y 150.586 acciones respectivamente cada uno de ellos en garantía del préstamo a capitalizar. Los fondos obtenidos serán utilizados para acelerar el crecimiento orgánico que está experimentando la Compañía en áreas geográficas como Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y Asia, entre otros. 

Tanto la ampliación de capital por compensación de créditos como la emisión de warrants están supeditadas a la aprobación por la Junta General de Accionistas de la Sociedad la cual será convocada una vez sean elaborados los correspondientes informes de administradores y se haya obtenido la certificación del auditor de cuentas de la Sociedad a efectos del préstamo a capitalizar y el informe de experto independiente a efectos de la emisión de warrants convertibles en acciones. 

FacePhi firma un contrato en Argentina

Hecho Relevante
FACEPHI BIOMETRÍA, S.A. anuncia la firma de su primer contrato en el sector sanitario con Swiss Medical
Group de Argentina
incrementado así su presencia en el país y en otras áreas de negocio.
A través de este acuerdo, llevado a cabo junto al socio tecnológico Compusistem, será posible contratar un
plan de salud de Swiss Medical con la tecnología de SelphID.

De esta manera, el alta de un nuevo socio se realizará a través de la tecnología de onboarding digital que
refuerza los niveles de seguridad del proceso y que mejora la experiencia de usuario. Su funcionamiento es
muy simple, se realiza desde cualquier lugar , capturando la imagen del documento de identidad y de un
selfie se activa el sistema de reconocimiento facial que autentica la identidad del usuario.


No señala el importe y contrato en Argentina como está el país habrá que ver cuanto logran cobrar 


Re: FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab - Hecho Relevante (Resultados Primer Semestre 2019)

29/10/2019 18:23h Hecho Relevante

Resultados Primer Semestre 2019
Ventas 1,06 millones (vs 0,94 millones a 1ºS/18)
Deudas c/p 2,27 millones (vs 1,91 millones a 31/12/2018)
Deudas l/p 0,63 millones (vs 0,59 millones a 31/12/2018)
Perdidas 0,75 millones (vs Perdidas 0,64 millones a 1ºS/18)

Re: FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab

El tiempo lo irá diciendo
Tic, Tac, tic, tac

Acepto privados.


Re: FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab


FacePhi se hace fuerte en México firmando un contrato con la plataforma fintech Albo


3/12/2019 - 

VALÈNCIA (VP). FacePhi encara el último trimestre del año con un nuevo contrato con la plataforma fintech Albo en México, consolidando así su plan de expansión en Latinoamérica, uno de los principales mercados donde la firma especializada en biometría dentro del ámbito fintech concentra una importante parte de su actividad comercial. Se trata del quinto contrato que FacePhi logra en México hasta ahora y del décimo acuerdo que la compañía ha alcanzado a lo largo de 2019, ampliando su cartera de clientes con más de 30 entidades financieras y de otros sectores como el sanitario.  

En concreto, los clientes de Albo, gracias a este acuerdo, podrán utilizar la herramienta de biometría facial Selphi y SelphID. Se estima que cerca de 1,5 millones de usuarios podrán hacer uso de ambas herramientas de reconocimiento biométrico. La incorporación de esta tecnología aporta un mayor grado de seguridad en el proceso de creación de una cuenta y de forma paralela favorece la experiencia de usuario de los clientes. El acuerdo se ha realizado a través del socio tecnológico Moneta.

El CEO de FacePhi, Javier Mira, ha valorado positivamente el cierre de este nuevo acuerdo, del que ha destacado que “viene a reforzar nuestros movimientos comerciales con entidades financieras de México, país en el que ya manteníamos presencia desde el año 2016. Este último contrato es el tercer acuerdo que hemos cerrado en México durante 2019. El mercado latinoamericano supone un importante nicho de negocio para nuestra compañía, aunque también tenemos puestas grandes expectativas en el mercado asiático, donde existe una fuerte demanda en productos de biometría”, ha puntualizado el directivo.

La tecnología Selphi extrae las principales características del usuario para convertirlas en un patrón
que permite autenticar su identidad y así operar en la plataforma fintech. Por otro lado, el producto SelphID es una completa solución de onboarding digital que contribuye a contratar una cuenta o un producto financiero desde cualquier lugar, simplemente capturando el documento de identidad por ambas caras y tomándose un selfie que se compara con la fotografía del documento. 

Los productos tecnológicos de FacePhi han realizado más de 500 millones de autenticaciones a nivel mundial
y cuentan con más de seis millones de usuarios en el mundo. Como factor diferencial, la tecnología de esta compañía destaca por la tasa de acierto en la autenticación del usuario que ronda el 99,998%, cifra que reduce el riesgo de fraude a cero. 


Re: FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab


Financials launch biometric and digital ID tech from Signicat, Keesing, Fortress Identity, FacePhi

Dec 3, 2019 | Chris Burt
The bank account verification service offered by SurePay has been integrated with Signicat’s Digital Identity Platform to allow financial institutions and other business in the Netherlands to cross-check payees’ digital identities with their bank account details. Alerts from Account Check about mismatched payment information can prevent misdirected payments, as well as reduce bank and identity fraud, according to the announcement.
SurePay is a fintech subsidiary of Rabobank, and verifies the name associated with an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) in its database during the pre-payment stage. Before the payment is sent, end-users receive a notification with information on the beneficiary, alerting the person sending the payment to any inconsistencies, which indicate a need for further due diligence. Consumer payments, B2B transactions, and employee salaries can all be conducted with greater transparency through SurePay, the companies say.
“By verifying account holders at the point of payment, bank and identity fraud diminishes by 72 percent in online banking. Not to mention a 90 percent decrease in of failure in the onboarding process of new customers. By integrating the check in at the payee on-boarding stage both customers and suppliers have found it to prevent dropouts for second line investigation,” says SurePay Co-founder Marcel Rienties.
The partnership and Signicat’s integration of Dutch electronic identification (eID) system iDIN, customers can verify not just the name and address of other parties, but their bank account information as well.
Keesing biometrics launched to Norway bank branches
Almost all bank branches in Norway now offer facial biometric and document verification services from Keesing Technologies, which have been rolled out in collaboration with Keesing partner Risk Information Group (RIG).
In addition to 96 percent of physical bank locations in Norway, the AuthentiScan technology, which was launched to general availability as a web API with facial recognition and biometric liveness in October, is now gaining traction in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, according to a company announcement.
Up to 14 percent of Nordic countries’ GDP is made up of the ‘shadow economy,’ according to IMF and Eurostat figures cited by Keesing, and despite strict anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, most is still laundered through traditional channels. In addition to helping RIG customers meet their KYC and AML requirements, Keesing says its technology also helps Norwegian financial institutions meet the new ‘re-authentication’ requirements included in the recent update of the country’s compliance rules.
“As customers’ reliance on mobile devices increases, transactions and onboarding processes take place online more often. At the same time, FIs must take responsibility to protect their customers and their businesses against identity fraud. Current legislation requires FIs to exercise care and due diligence in their identification procedures. On top of that, the customer is key in the process and demands a seamless, smooth experience. Customer onboarding systems should include an easy and secure identity verification process that complies with legislation and is customer-friendly. Keesing AuthentiScan fits perfectly to this need”, says Preben Fjeld, CEO of RIG.
Digital bank Zenus launches Fortress Identity biometric authentication
U.S.-based challenger bank Zenus has integrated the Fortress Identity Onboarding Authentication platform to complement its access control, transaction approval, fraud detection and compliance services with biometrics.
Fortress Identity’s platform can validate thousands of identity document from hundreds of countries in a few seconds, and compare the validated image with a biometric selfie to satisfy KYC and AML requirements and protect the customer and bank throughout the digital onboarding process, according to the announcement.
“We wanted to work with a vendor that provided a full cycle integration of customer biometric validation and frictionless connectivity with the multiple vendors we need to consult for financial irregularities and fraud prevention.” says Mushegh Tovmasyan, chairman of Zenus Bank.
“Selection by Zenus confirms our vision of a unified identification platform that uses compound biometrics for onboarding, authentication and compliance and is an excellent strategy for banks that are innovating. Our platform eliminates the need for passwords and other weak links in the security chain, and smooths the overall customer experience,” states Fortress Identity CEO Alessandro Chiarini. “And reduces risk in the process.”
FacePhi implemented by Mexican fintech
Fintech platform Albo has reached an agreement to provide Selphi and SelphID facial biometrics from FacePhi to its roughly 1.5 million users for account creation and authentication. FacePhi says in a company announcement that the deal is its tenth so far in calendar 2019, and its fifth in Mexico since 2016, consolidating its Latin America expansion plan.
SelphID document and biometric check will be offered for remote onboarding, and Selphi for log-in and transaction authentication on the fintech platform, enhancing security while improving customers’ user experience, FacePhi says.
Speaking on the new agreement, FacePhi CEO Javier Mira says “it comes to strengthen our trade movements with financial institutions in Mexico, a country where we already had a presence in since 2016. This last contract is the third agreement we have closed in Mexico in 2019.”
“The Latin American market is an important business niche for our company, although we also have high expectations in the Asian market, where there is a strong demand for biometrics products,” he adds.
FacePhi’s client portfolio now includes more than 30 companies. 

Financials launch biometric and digital ID tech from Signicat, Keesing, Fortress Identity, FacePhi Dec 3, 2019 | Chris Burt CATEGORIES Biometrics News  |  Facial Recognition  |  Financial Services Financials launch biometric and digital ID tech from Signicat, Keesing, Fortress Identity, FacePhi The bank account verification service offered by SurePay has been integrated with Signicat’s Digital Identity Platform to allow financial institutions and other business in the Netherlands to cross-check payees’ digital identities with their bank account details. Alerts from Account Check about mismatched payment information can prevent misdirected payments, as well as reduce bank and identity fraud, according to the announcement. SurePay is a fintech subsidiary of Rabobank, and verifies the name associated with an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) in its database during the pre-payment stage. Before the payment is sent, end-users receive a notification with information on the beneficiary, alerting the person sending the payment to any inconsistencies, which indicate a need for further due diligence. Consumer payments, B2B transactions, and employee salaries can all be conducted with greater transparency through SurePay, the companies say. “By verifying account holders at the point of payment, bank and identity fraud diminishes by 72 percent in online banking. Not to mention a 90 percent decrease in of failure in the onboarding process of new customers. By integrating the check in at the payee on-boarding stage both customers and suppliers have found it to prevent dropouts for second line investigation,” says SurePay Co-founder Marcel Rienties. The partnership and Signicat’s integration of Dutch electronic identification (eID) system iDIN, customers can verify not just the name and address of other parties, but their bank account information as well. Keesing biometrics launched to Norway bank branches Almost all bank branches in Norway now offer facial biometric and document verification services from Keesing Technologies, which have been rolled out in collaboration with Keesing partner Risk Information Group (RIG). In addition to 96 percent of physical bank locations in Norway, the AuthentiScan technology, which was launched to general availability as a web API with facial recognition and biometric liveness in October, is now gaining traction in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, according to a company announcement. Up to 14 percent of Nordic countries’ GDP is made up of the ‘shadow economy,’ according to IMF and Eurostat figures cited by Keesing, and despite strict anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, most is still laundered through traditional channels. In addition to helping RIG customers meet their KYC and AML requirements, Keesing says its technology also helps Norwegian financial institutions meet the new ‘re-authentication’ requirements included in the recent update of the country’s compliance rules. “As customers’ reliance on mobile devices increases, transactions and onboarding processes take place online more often. At the same time, FIs must take responsibility to protect their customers and their businesses against identity fraud. Current legislation requires FIs to exercise care and due diligence in their identification procedures. On top of that, the customer is key in the process and demands a seamless, smooth experience. Customer onboarding systems should include an easy and secure identity verification process that complies with legislation and is customer-friendly. Keesing AuthentiScan fits perfectly to this need”, says Preben Fjeld, CEO of RIG. Digital bank Zenus launches Fortress Identity biometric authentication U.S.-based challenger bank Zenus has integrated the Fortress Identity Onboarding Authentication platform to complement its access control, transaction approval, fraud detection and compliance services with biometrics. Fortress Identity’s platform can validate thousands of identity document from hundreds of countries in a few seconds, and compare the validated image with a biometric selfie to satisfy KYC and AML requirements and protect the customer and bank throughout the digital onboarding process, according to the announcement. “We wanted to work with a vendor that provided a full cycle integration of customer biometric validation and frictionless connectivity with the multiple vendors we need to consult for financial irregularities and fraud prevention.” says Mushegh Tovmasyan, chairman of Zenus Bank. “Selection by Zenus confirms our vision of a unified identification platform that uses compound biometrics for onboarding, authentication and compliance and is an excellent strategy for banks that are innovating. Our platform eliminates the need for passwords and other weak links in the security chain, and smooths the overall customer experience,” states Fortress Identity CEO Alessandro Chiarini. “And reduces risk in the process.” FacePhi implemented by Mexican fintech Fintech platform Albo has reached an agreement to provide Selphi and SelphID facial biometrics from FacePhi to its roughly 1.5 million users for account creation and authentication. FacePhi says in a company announcement that the deal is its tenth so far in calendar 2019, and its fifth in Mexico since 2016, consolidating its Latin America expansion plan. SelphID document and biometric check will be offered for remote onboarding, and Selphi for log-in and transaction authentication on the fintech platform, enhancing security while improving customers’ user experience, FacePhi says. Speaking on the new agreement, FacePhi CEO Javier Mira says “it comes to strengthen our trade movements with financial institutions in Mexico, a country where we already had a presence in since 2016. This last contract is the third agreement we have closed in Mexico in 2019.” “The Latin American market is an important business niche for our company, although we also have high expectations in the Asian market, where there is a strong demand for biometrics products,” he adds. FacePhi’s client portfolio now includes more than 30 companies.

Re: FacePhi, próxima salida al Mab

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