
Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

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Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA
27 suscriptores
Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA
2.066 / 2.233

Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

$AMZN Amazon  reported Q4 EPS of $0.03, $0.14 worse than the analyst estimate of $0.17. Revenue for the quarter came in at $149.2 billion versus the consensus estimate of $145.64 billion.

reported Q4 EPS of $1.05, $0.13 worse than the analyst estimate of $1.18. Revenue for the quarter came in at $76.05 billion versus the consensus estimate of $76.07 billion


$AAPL Apple misses by $0.07, misses on revs as iPhones, Macs, wearables all miss expectations; company typically gives Q1 color on call Reports Q1 (Dec) earnings of $1.88 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $0.07 worse than the S&P Capital IQ Consensus of $1.95; revenues fell 5.5% year/year to $117.15 bln vs the $121.67 bln S&P Capital IQ Consensus. 

caen en AH cosa de un -4%


Re: Otras Aventuras de los Farmas USA

En teoria en interactive la liquidez en dolares también te la pagan. la verdad es que no me he parado a comprobarlo, solo se que me han pedido el impreso de irlanda, alguno lo habéis mandado? no se si habrá sido por subir la liquidez en dolares alli. 
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