Comentarios previos a la semana decisiva
Al margen de las polémicas de esta semana he preguntado sobre la percepción de los que aun estan dentro en el foro de Ghost ya que aquí percibo demasiados ataques directos hacia mi persona.
La gente en USA hay 2 bandos (los que estan preocupados y esperan que Susman si esté presente en el hearing del 1 de Diciembre) y los que piensan que todo es parte de la estrategia y que jode ver el precio de la acción pero que no es significativo.
Ojo: antes que empeceis con la misma fanfarria , ataques e ironias varias pongo este post para que veais que hay mucha gente que opina como yo, que es ahora cuando realmente empieza la chicha de este caso y que si dan la oportunidad a TPS y Tricadia de reventar el POR al margen de lo que haga Susman y el hearing de valoraciones es en este semana donde veremos hacia donde vamos.
I still think that the Equity Committee is using their monthly billings as a way to communicate with the shareholders as to where they stand. Certainly the monthly billings are worded in much clearer terms than the billings we see from the other multiple attorneys. They even assemble it in chronological order, not by individual attorney.
Check out Susman's October bill again:
What do you see?
1. Repeated reference to "trial team" and "confirmation hearings".
2. Susman himself is involved every week.
3. Solomon's firm is involved as well, and speaking directly to the EC and with Susman's trial team (they wouldn't be saying anything if the valuations they've come up with didn't support our case).
I wouldn't be surpised to eventually learn that Susman's firm is treating this as all-out war, which I have to believe favors Susman and his team over little Brian Rosen and whomever he is able to drag in to assist him.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn eventually that Dorothea and Ken stepped down from the EC with complete confidence in Esopus and Mike Willingham and the lawyers they have working with them, and that they, like us, just want to step back and get out of the way and let the professionals do what they do best
Creo que hasta que no veamos de verdad que ocurre esta semana no se puede saber con certeza nada, por eso aun hay personas que albergamos esperanza porque nuestros abogados que son los autenticos expertos aun no han dicho la última palabra.