Assuming the MOR is correct (but we know it is undervalued),
and we add 1.9B$ of the tax refund that is in escrow,
so A>L in 1.9 B$ (with 500ML in claims agints WMI)
At this point we need 4B$ for TPS, 3.5 for P&K, and the excess for Q
If SN give up all their investment (2.5B$), A>L in 4.4B$
TPS receive 4b$, A>L 0.4B$
If the tax refund in escrow that is assumed to be given to JPM and FDIC (3.77B$) is given to WMI,
Then A>L = 4.17B$
Pay P and K 3.5B$, and A>L= 0.67B$ for commons (0.394$/share)
At this point:
What happens with the 4B$ deposit assumed to be included in the MOR?
What happens with JPM and FDIC legal cases.