
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.510 / 3.346

Re: Alemania abre con subidas

Pues deja ya de hablar de mis seres queridos y centrate en mi o en los temas de Bolsa que es de lo que va este hilo.


Re: Alemania abre con subidas

Bueno, pues apuntate esta, despues de que presente el POR Rosen, y lo analice, casi con seguridad abriré cortos, agarrate que vienen curvas para los accionistas las siguientes fechas.


POR delay

The new POR v7 looks to be a little slow coming out. Thus far, the only thing we have heard about the form it might be taking was the press release from WMI...and that was nothing but an outline of the concessions by the hedge funds. What we all wanted to know was the form that the releases would take and how would the newco stock would be allocated between common and preferred with the assmumption that JPM and the FDIC were not giving up anything. So now, no PORv7 yet even though Rosen suggested it was a matter of only 7-10 days. The debtors want to move the process forward quickly, ostensibly to save the estate money, but more likely to protect the GSA for the parties involved. What is likely to be going on now is that Susman and the EC are taking the gloves off with the debtors. Equity has a much more powerful place at the table now that the hedge funds have been pushed away...and Susman is likely to be using that to talk to Weil and essentially tell them how things are going to be. This process will inevitably lead to...JPM Chase Bank and their participation in the deal and that's likely to be what the negotiations are about right now. Hardball negotiations. Painful negotiations. But...the outcome is likely to be good for equity. Can the debtors move ahead without the hedge funds and the EC? Someone posted 'bloomberg news' yesterday with a quote allegedly by Rosen threatening that. That may have been made up stuff but if it were a real quote, it is an empty threat...and Susman is likely making that clear in several different ways. The bottom line is that delay is likely to be good for equity. Be patient.


Re: POR delay

Bop: If TPS objects the plan can still be confirmed but commons won't get a piece of the reorganized firm.

Then there will be a battle between EC & TPS because it's EC's pursuit of the SNHs IT that has moved these negotiations along to include equity and not wipe them out. So if TPS cannot win their appeal against JPM or make a better deal then they will have to work within what the EC negotiates as it needs the commons for the "prior equity" to maximize the NOLS.

I'm sure there are a lot of negotiation ideas on the table to make it work in ALL directions at this point.

JPM & FDIC want out with as much of their goods that Rosen is giving them and with their releases to avoid future legal battles for it.

SNHs want their goods with no IT trading charges in the BK court to lose their money and with possible criminal charges, i.e. loss of business; loss of life as they know it.

EC wants as much value and ownership of the reorganized company as they can get out of the above three parties ... from the tangible assets and NOLS. With no cancellation of the shares.

TPS wants to get paid as much as possible ~~ more than the $50MM they were offered.

JMW just wants us the heck out of her court!!!


Re: News

¿Decías algo de bajadas?


Re: Se cancela Hearing Lunes 6 Junio


Te quería hacer varias consultas:

1) Que paso con la votación; les podría afectar en algo a los accionistas que no votaron. Entiendo que muchas accionistas se abstuvieron de votar por falta de información.

2) En el caso de que se llegué a un acuerdo con algún beneficio para los accionistas. En ese momento las acciones dejan de cotizarse y si es así como se pagará a los accionistas.

3) A si mismo si se llegará a algún acuerdo para los accionistas (como las que se comenta entregar participaciones en una nueva compañia). En ese caso las acciones actuales que tememos los accionistas de WAMPQ,WAMKQ,WAMUQ, se remplazarían AUTOMATICAMENTE por las de la nueva compañia .

4) En el caso de que se reemplacen las acciones de WAMU por las de la nueva compañia; estas acciones que reemplazan a las anteriores se cotizarían normalmente en la bolsa.

Te agradezco de antemano por tus aclaraciones.


Re: Se cancela Hearing Lunes 6 Junio

1. Tienes 1 año para dar releases si no votaste. Yo no lo hice.
2. No creo que dejen de cotizar lo seguiran haciendo pues hay muchos temas aun por resolver en hearings. Otra cosa es que nos comprara JPM entonces probablemente si que habria una parada.

3. Creo que asi seria el caso aunque tb se habla de conversiones entre preferentes y comunes. Todo esta en el aire.
4. Si. La nueva empresa cotizaria en bolsa.

Rosen lleva un farol y Susman lo sabe por eso no ha presentado nada aun.
La olla express parece que esta a punto de estallar lo mas probable que sea el martes.
Buen fin de semana y mucha suerte para la proxima!