Cálculo estimado si WAMU Newco a $3 Billones: (200 millones acciones)
1 share of the new company is calculated to be valued at $15.0000 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMUQ is calculated to get 0.033432 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $0.5015 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMKQ is calculated to get 0.443333 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $6.6500 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMPQ is calculated to get 17.733333 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $266.0000 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
Cálculo estimado si WAMU Newco a $5 Billones: (200 millones acciones)
1 share of the new company is calculated to be valued at $25.0000 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMUQ is calculated to get 0.033432 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $0.8358 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMKQ is calculated to get 0.443333 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $11.0833 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
1 share of WAMPQ is calculated to get 17.733333 shares of the new company for a total calculated value of $443.3333 (in a perfect market where the price accurately reflects the value).
¿cuanto valdrá realmente la nueva WAMU tras el POR 7 Hearing? Esa es la pregunta de los Billones.
DimeQ y TPS aun no han dicho la última palabra... ¿vendrá JPM a poner los Billones que faltan? Ejemplo: Los $4 Billones