
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.903 / 3.346

Besugo y Manzana un tandem genial

Muchachos que ya se que las P´s estan a $5... pero esto no me quita el sueño porque en unos días se habrán evaporado.

TPS y el EC no han firmado un acuerdo para que las preferentes reciban este tipo de cantidad así que relajense y mantengan la calma... no nos queda mucho para saber la conversión.

Hay muchas cuestiones que estan ocurriendo y pienso que para el 15 marzo sabremos más... hoy en el Hearing a las 4.30pm sabremos algun detalle más.

Order directing Registry Funds to WMI:


Mr Simpson el fenómeno

He visto hacer perder dinero a la gente siguiendo recomendaciones de compra con informacion manipulada pero ninguna con perdidas tan decomunales como esta del 94%, eres un fenomeno Mr Simpson. La desverguenza en insistir cuando ya se ha cerrado el capitulo no tienen parangon con las acciones practicamente a un valor casi nulo.


Gracias Gracias

No podia esperarme menos de una persona que no se juega absolutamente nada y que está todo el día despotricando. Te voy a dar un solo dato TPS!!!!

Estos no han firmado $4 Billones a la ligera si no supieran que hay valor en la NewCo.
Todo tuyo...


Re: De nada, de nada

El asunto TPS esta por ver si tiene alguna repercusion en los accionistas o estos tambien han sido SOBORNADOS como el trustee, examiner etc. etc. o sea vive de realidades y no de fantasias que los pillados deben estar hasta los huevos de tus majaderias. El valor de las acciones es lo que importa y que ahora no refleje ni tan siquiera el importe nominal del capital de la Compañia que es el triple no deja de ser muy preocupante para los accionistas.


Re: Hearing Live

Eres el Zapatero de Rankia o lo que es lo mismo la ruina personificada.


Re: Hearing Live

:) viniendo de ti eso me lo tomo como un piropo... guapetón.


Re: Hearing Live - MBS la ultima piedra en el camino...

Nobody's been able to explain why it's relevant, so some of us (guilty as charged) tends to give short answers. "
So far the date itself is irrelevant from Newco,s POV as long as the plan remains as is.
What does a delay represent?

using comma,s for that problem fixed?

If the date is pushed out then:
the NOL,s value drops
the return to H,s(which I hold, thus my personal angst) diminishes.

If MBS was a slam dunk for class 18 why allow them to extend the hearing? If as Charliendude speculates there is a settlement in the works what would that consist of? How much would H,s be affected by such a deal or by MBS placement fully or partially(ala DIME) in class 12?How would Newco be affected if MBS gets a piece of the action(ala DIME)? If the H,s are wiped out or reduced significantly and AAOC does not get full contractual benefit( taking away $200million from H,s would accomplish this,IMO) will they demand more from Newco?If the Trustee from WF grows a pair at the behest of AAOC and contests any items which effect AAOC,s returns how much further will the effective date be put off?Would a settlement change the flow of the Liqiudation Trust returns?The holders of the loan to Newco say they expect to see no return from the Liquidating Trust. If they are guaranteed to not see such a return will the terms of the note change? If the interest increases from 13 to 15% how will that effect Newco,s ability to raise capital in the market place?

From Charliendude:"Dixdeau: I believe that recent filing on the D&O Indemnification was in regard to their reserve."

Yes it is. The class in which the claimants will be placed has been settled.The maximum amounts which will go to them has been settled. The classes below 12 can only benefit from changes in those payouts,so far.All parties can live with the numbers as is. This leaves MBS as the last non housekeeping issue to be dealt with. How much of a surprise coming from that quarter will it take to upset the delicate balance?

None of this keeps me awake at night but until the effective date passes all/any changes are possible.

There is always something, until there isn't.