
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
300 / 3.346


Si la verdad me dejan con gran sorpresa ya tienen varios dias subiendo será que FRE llegará a su tope de este año rasgando los 2US? Y creo que si raya en lo desesperante, segun algunas agencias FRE deberia cerrar el año en 0us que cosas no?



Ya te digo que es desesperante. Casi un año y medio esperando el gran momento.






Somos unos autenticos sufridores los que llevamos aqui mas de un año,je,je.


Fase 2 del Discovery en marcha...

Los contrincantes se han quitado los guantes y se estan dando de lo lindo. El documento no tiene desperdicio. Ha llegado la artillería pesada.

""... production of documents and examination of witnesses most knowledgeable about the subjects in the attached document requests from regulatory entities, rating agencies, former WaMu suitors, banks, and professionals"

"that JPMC (i) engaged in sham negotiations designed to elicit confidential information from
WMI, (ii) misused and publicly leaked this confidential information, in violation of a
confidentiality agreement, to gain an unfair advantage in obtaining WMB's long-coveted assets
at a "fire sale" price, and (iii) misused access to government regulators to acquire confidential
information about contemplated government supervisory action directed at Washington Mutual
as part of an effort to "bargain and work with federal regulators for the seizure and sale"

"Moreover, JPMC's Rule 2004 Discovery suggests that JPMC may have leaked
confidential Washington Mutual information to the WaMu Suitors in an effort to reduce
competition and drive them away from a deal with Washington Mutual. Illustrating JPMC's
efforts to interfere with a potential sale of WaMu is the internal JPMC email from June 2008
reporting that when Banco Santander Chairman Botin indicated to JPMC CEO Dimon that
Santander was interested in acquiring WaMu, Dimon told Botin that WaMu's "potential losses
are higher than TPG is estimating." The e-mail further noted that "t is important to have an
open dialogue with [Santander], as Santander would not pursue any ... of these opportunities if
JPMorgan were to do the same." JPM_EX00004075, Exhibit 2. JPMC also took steps to gather
information concerning other entities' interest in acquiring WaMu and gauge their likelihood of
consummating a deal. See JPM_EX00003884, 3886, Exhibit 24 (6/17/08 slide presentation
listing and ranking potential WaMu buyers); JPM_EXOOOI3270, Exhibit 25 (9/23/08 e-mail
noting that "TD still in West process. Any of you think they post?"); JPM_EXOOOI3271-77,
Exhibit 26 (9/23/08 presentation concerning capital structures of Citigroup, Santander, Wells
Fargo, and TD Bank, among others); JPM_EXOOOI3146, Exhibit 27 (internal 9/22/08 JPMC email
forwarding article listing Wells Fargo and Banco Santander as among parties interested in
acquiring WaMu). Discovery is warranted from the WaMu Suitors to determine the extent to
which they were engaged in talks to acquire or invest in WaMu and actions that JPMC may have
taken to interfere with a potential deal."

Hasta el mismisimo Botín va a ser interrogado para ver que falsedad le dijo su amigo Dimon para que desistiera de comprar WAMU.

Weil va por el gobierno sin miramientos. Ya era hora.

No somos sufridores, solo nos va la marcha :)


Re: Fase 2 del Discovery en marcha...

Desde luego si las negociaciones no llegan a buen fin, el proceso va a durar mas de lo previsto.
Por lo que indican aqui pueden llamar a declarar desde a la periodista "Kristen Grind, por su ultimo artículo The Washington Mutua Decisión, Puget Sound Business Journal, pasando por Emilio Botín y el ex-secretario del Tesoro Paulson a fin de desentrañar toda la maraña sobre la improcedente incautacion.
Lo positivo es que ya no utilizan balas en las demandas ahora han pasado a misiles Toma-Hawk.


Esto es sólo el comienzo de 3 a 5 años

Todas las presunciones que se están haciendo en esta demanda, no significan nada hasta que se encuentren pruebas que lo demuestren. La magnitud que suponen los nombres que se citan, nos hacen ver que esto es sólo el comienzo y si no llegan a un acuerdo y esto va a juicio puede ser un proceso muy largo. De hecho una de las voces mas respetadas en los foros de usa tiene esta opinión respecto:


JPM knew this was coming. They produced the documents. They are not worried at this point and nor should they. It seems to me this is a 3 to 5 yr case, and settlement at this point I believe is unlikely (however there are scenarios where things could settle sooner).

If folks will recall the examiner's reports in the Enron case were full of damaging stuff but no money flowed until it started looking like trial. JPM is not afraid of nastiness getting has seen worse than this before... it will come down to an economic decision. It is my hope that we will be a part of the influence upon the economics of the case.

Fear about nastiness will only arrive when the government (some criminal authority) presses charges...a very remote possibility unless someone can hand some government agency - not politicized -a document that shows a crime was committed.

Viene a decir que esta demanda no tiene porque inquietar ni obligar a un acuerdo extrajudicial a jpm en este momento, sólo cuando encuentren pruebas es cuando existirá presión sobre ellos, y este proceso si va a juicio estima que será de unos 3 a 5 años.



Re: Esto es sólo el comienzo de 3 a 5 años

Ya lo decia Kostolany "Lo que todo el mundo sabe a mi no me interesa", creo que rezaba asi el dicho.
Puede que todos los que han desertado desde 0,40 hasta ahora sean los que hayan hecho el negocio y saben mas que nosotros o aceptan la ganancia realizada y no quieren esperas o mas riesgos.

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