
Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Gran noticia


 Neometals commences pilot‐scale beneficiation test work on Barrambie ore to produce
concentrates for the ‘Neomet Process’ Pilot Plant and for a Direct Shipping operation.
 Significant high‐grade intercepts returned from recent metallurgical drilling include:
o 40.0 metres at 34.6% TiO2 and 0.72% V2O5, from surface
o 40.0 metres at 34.4% TiO2 and 0.66% V2O5, from surface
o 40.0 metres at 34.1% TiO2 and 0.70% V2O5, from surface
o 40.0 metres at 33.6% TiO2 and 0.64% V2O5, from surface
o 40.0 metres at 31.8% TiO2 at 0.85% V2O5, from surface
o 40.0 metres at 31.5% TiO2 and 0.69 % V2O5, from surface
 Significant intercepts returned from maiden exploration drilling at Virginia Hills prospect


o 14 metres at 18.2% TiO2 and 0.47% V2O5
o 18 metres at 18.1% TiO2 and 0.42 % V2O5


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Solo se puede comprar en degiro y en Paris?


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

No, yo las tengo con De Giro hace muchos meses compradas en el mercado australiano.


Neometals Ltd

Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

No las compre fuera del mercado australiano que probablemente tengan muy poco volumen


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza


Neometals commences test work at one of the world’s highest‐grade titanium deposits

10:20 13 Sep 2017
Neometals is well-funded with $46.5 million in cash at the end of June 2017.
Neometals commences test work at one of the world’s highest‐grade titanium deposits
Neometals has mapped out a clear plan at Barrambie

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) has commenced pilot‐scale beneficiation test work as it advances development plans for the Barrambie Titanium Deposit, which is located in Western Australia.

Barrambie is one of the world’s highest‐grade titanium deposits.

The aim of the test work is to produce concentrates for the ‘Neomet Process’ Pilot Plant and for a direct shipping ore operation.

Recent metallurgical drilling delivered: 40.0 metres at 34.6% titanium dioxide and 0.72% vanadium from surface; 40.0 metres at 34.4% titanium dioxide and 0.66% vanadium from surface; and 40.0 metres at 34.1% titanium dioxide and 0.70% vanadium from surface.

The revised Neomet Process will undergo pilot trials in late 2017.

Neometals plans to licence the Neomet Process to titanium industry partners.

The license will be conditional on the entry into a long‐term, take‐or-pay off-take agreement, for Barrambie titanium concentrates.

Metallurgical pilot test work details

Neometals has commenced the pilot scale beneficiation test work at Nagrom Metallurgical laboratories in Perth.

The concentrate that will be produced will be supplied to Chinese titanium producers and for the pilot scale test work of the Neomet Process at the company’s facility in Montreal, Canada.


Neometals has mapped out a clear plan at Barrambie, starting with the above pilot scale beneficiation test work.

This will be followed by a pilot scale hydromet test work in the December quarter 2017, and then decisions on direct shipping ore, toll treatment and / or off-take in the March quarter 2018.

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals enters first sub-licence agreement for the Neomet Process technology

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13:10 14 Sep 2017

The sub‐licence agreement will enable the technology to be applied by a third‐party joint venture.

Neometals enters first sub-licence agreement for the Neomet Process technology

Neometals has achieved a milestone

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) has achieved a milestone, following its wholly-owned subsidiary, Alphamet Management Pty Ltd, entering into the first sub-license agreement for the application of the Neomet Process.

The patented, environmentally friendly process technology has broad applications in the recovery of a wide range of metal oxides from chloride leach solutions.

Next steps

Subject to satisfactory pilot testing, the agreement will see the Neomet Process technology used at a steel mill in the Republic of Serbia to recover zinc, copper, iron, silver and lead from a new modular EAF Dust Processing plant.

The company sees this agreement as a solid step forward in its strategy to develop and hold a portfolio of royalty interests from sub‐licencing the technology in addition to deploying the process on its Barrambie Titanium Project.

READ NOW: Neometals commences test work at one of the world’s highest‐grade titanium deposits

Neometals has a strategic alliance with the Australian Engineers


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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EDITOR: Christopher Ecclestone | September 15th, 2017

Massive surge in vanadium prices have investors revisiting Barrambie

Christopher Ecclestone | September 15, 2017 | No Comments
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They say that what one sees of a typical iceberg is only 10% of the total mass. One might liken what one sees of Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT) (the lithium producer) to this situation. The largely unseen part of Neometals is its Barrambie project. When we first came to know this asset it was competing with Mt Marion for pole position in management’s affection and was then styled as a Vanadium project. Its main “competitor” was Atlantic Ltd.’s Windimurra project/mine which persisted in the face of low V prices and came to grief. Neometals restyled Barrambie as Titanium (primarily) and has lived to tell the tale.

In light of the massive surge in Vanadium prices in recent times it is worth revisiting what Neometals have in this space.

The Barrambie Project

This project is located 80 kms north of Sandstone in Western Australia and is 100% owned by Neometals. The deposit was discovered by Hector Ward in the 1960s and was acquired by Neometals (then Reed Resources) in April 2003 from Precious Metals Australia Ltd. and Magnum Properties Pty Ltd.

Barrambie’s Eastern Band is one of the highest grade hard rock titanium deposits globally and contains a Mineral Resource (2005) of 48mn tonnes @ 22% TiO2, 0.63% V2O5, and 46.7% Fe2O3, at a cut-off grade of 15% TiO2.


The Prefeasibility Study for Barrambie was published in September of 2015 and signaled that Barrambie had the potential to be a viable hard-rock titanium mining and processing operation.

The mining operation was envisaged as being rather compact as the ore is contained within 14 pits that strike north- south along the ore body and have a maximum depth of 70 vertical metres. The LOM strip ratio was expected to be 2.9:1. Mining costs were estimated at AUD$25.60 per tonne of ore with an extra AUD$6.65 per tonne as ore movement cost.

The PFS presumed the construction of a mineral processing facility to treat run-of-mine ore. This ore would be crushed, screened and concentrated at the minesite and the concentrate trucked to a processing facility near Kwinana (the state’s major port/industrial complex), where high purity titanium, vanadium and iron compounds will be produced.

The development scenario envisaged by the PFS was:

  • A Mine Wet Plant (MWP) at Barrambie treating 550,000 tpa of mined ore and producing 308,880 tonnes of magnetic concentrate per annum
  • The concentrate will be transported by road to Kwinana (834 km) in side tipping road trains
  • A Chemical Processing Plant (CPP) at Kwinana will treat around 308,880 tpa of concentrate, using iron leach, titanium leach, titanium hydrolysis, iron oxide precipitation, vanadium precipitation and acid regeneration operations (that have been piloted for the PFS).

The proposed process for the CPP comprises the following steps:

  • Primary leach of ROM feed in recycled hydrochloric acid to selectively dissolve up to 99% of the vanadium and <1% of the titanium. Most of the iron is dissolved in this step
  • Recovery of pure vanadium pentoxide (>99.9% pure) via solvent extraction, precipitation of ammonium metavanadate and calcining
  • Secondary leach to dissolve >90% of the titanium. All the remaining iron dissolves in this stage.
  • Precipitation of >99% pure titanium dioxide
  • Hydrolysis of the combined titanium and iron barren solutions for the precipitation of a pure hematite product (>99% pure) and recovery of the hydrochloric acid for recycle
  • The average cost per tonne for processing was estimated at AUD$336.78

I find it worth noting that Vanadium is the first metal recovered by this process, precipitating an AMV product before calcining to V2O5, packaging and transport.

The V will be a significant co-product from the Neomet Process when applied to Barrambie. This will mean the V cost will be down in lowest quartile as really there is only minor reagent use to recover. No mining/crushing/beneficiation/leaching cost is attributable.

Commodity Prices

In these days of wildly fluctuating prices the price assumptions used in studies can quickly become outdated. This is to some degree unavoidable however using heavily discounted prices certainly reduces that risk. The economic model of the Barrambie PFS assumed conservative, real long-term prices of US$1,838/t for titanium dioxide, US$14,873/t for vanadium pentoxide, US$520/t for synthetic iron oxide pigment.

For vanadium, at least, that reads like ancient history as the liftoff in the price now has the metal trading at over US$24,500 per tonne. That’s a full $10,000 per tonne over the price used in the PFS.

At the time of the PFS’s publication the prices used were lower than the reigning market rates and, particularly in the case of the synthetic iron oxide pigment price, the assumed price was discounted by 30% to the long term price (out to 2025). The output of Barrambie in this mineral will constitute 20% of current global production, hence a significant new addition to global supply.

The Economics

Firstly it is useful to note that the model also used an AUD exchange rate of US$0.75 (currently around 79.8 cts to the USD).

As can be seen in the table that follows summarizing the key metrics of the project the minelife is very significant at nearly 20 years and with payback after four years, the period for which the project will be free-carrying is significant.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Impresionante como van las subidas del precio del litio . Esta empresa está algo rezagada, tendrá que subir. La empresa tiene cash y per 3.





Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Alguna otra empresa de Litio que este en bolsa creciendo que conozcais??


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Veo que neometals tiene bastante cash y al ser la inversión bastante especulativa me tranquiliza tu porque estas dentro que te llamo la atención que veo que la.llevas tiempo siguiendo
Que parte de su negocio es solo litio y que parte es otros metales y cuáles son ?


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Esos porcentajes no los sé. Pero tienen patentes, y varias explotaciones fundamentalmente litio y titanio. Tienen cash y poca deuda. Está barata. Le veo mucho potencial. 

Ha subido un 11%, podría romper la lateralidad de los últimos meses


También llevo metalicity, tienen gran proyecto de zinc por explotar con China para comienzos de años. Lleva dias subiendo también.

Y de las mejores Galaxy Resources, ya tienen ventas con China y parece que habrá acuerdo con Pannasonic u otras grandes marcas de baterias y coches eléctricos


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Cierra 7% arriba

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