
Argonaut resources

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Argonaut resources
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Argonaut resources

He estado mirando las empresas mineras de litio y he visto que esta ha adquirido hace poco una segunda mina. En las ultimas dos semanas ha bajado un 30% y creo que es buen momento para entrar. ¿Como la veis?


Re: Argonaut resources

Tengo algunas a 0.0020. Yo la veo bien, pero no pondria mucho, es un mini chicharro.


Re: Argonaut resources

Bueno pues en una noche ha recuperado todo lo perdido en dos semanas. Impresionante la subida que ha hecho hoy de un 30%


Re: Argonaut resources

Pensé de meter esta noche, pero degiro no me dejaba meter la oferta antes de las 0:00. Y tenía que madrugar hoy... Lastima


Re: Argonaut resources

Muy buena noticia, tienen litio casi en superficie, subidón esta noche del 15%

Argonaut Resources NL reveals lithium upside of acquisition in Canada

Friday, March 11, 2016 by Proactive Investors

Argonaut Resources NL is dialling in to lithium in Canada

Argonaut Resources NL (ASX:ARE) earlier in the month secured an exclusive option to acquire 100% of the Crescent Lake Lithium Project in Canada.

The area is highly prospective, with several internationally significant hard rock lithium deposits occurring in the region.

The project consists of two adjacent lithium deposits 250 kilometres NNW of Thunder Bay in Ontario.

Crescent Lake contains hard rock, ‘complex-type/spodumene sub-type’ pegmatite deposits.
The deposits are defined by two phases of drilling: historic diamond core drilling, undertaken in the 1950s; and limited modern diamond drilling completed in 2011, plus trench sampling.

The lithium market is known to be in short supply due to the sharp increase in demand for lithium-ion batteries used in electric cars and domestic power storage systems.

Argonaut has now outlined some impressive historical highlights.

The project features two prospective areas: Falcon Lake and Zigzag.

Historic highlights:

Falcon Lake

- 8.1 metres at 1.48% LiO2 from 2.7 metres;
- 10.5 metres at 1.15% LiO2 from 34.5 metres;
- 14 metres at 0.99% LiO2 from 69.3 metres;
- 7 metres at 1.07% LiO2 from 55.3 metres; and
- 11 metres at 1.10% LiO2 from 39.4 metres.


- 6.1 metres at 1.08% LiO2 from 12.4 metres.

Keys to the deposits

The deposits are hard rock pegmatite deposits containing spodumene mineralisation.

Adding interest, the areas surrounding these known deposits are yet to be systematically explored, providing potential to define extensions and additional deposits.

Providing an infrastructure solution, the deposits are well located close to the North American rail network and a major port.

Previous Exploration

The areas were drilled in the 1950's, during a Canadian lithium exploration boom, and then again in 2010-11.

Neither drilling program was extensive.

Drilling data from the time was reported prior to modern JORC and NI43-101 standards being established.

This late 1950's diamond core drilling was undertaken by British Canadian Lithium Mining Corporation. The 2010-11 era drilling at Falcon Lake and Zigzag is reported to NI43- 101 standards.

Argonaut said that all previous drilling has focused on surface or near surface lithium bearing pegmatites.

Project details

The project consists of 12 claim areas in two clusters. These areas are accessible by road from Thunder Bay via Armstrong Station.

A class-one railway line runs within 20 kilometres of the project area, and Armstrong (railway) Station is located 75 kilometres to the south-west.

The rail network interconnects with the US.

The Port of Thunder Bay is a major facility that ships grain, coal, liquids and general cargo via the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Electricity substations and gas pipelines are located between Lake Superior and Lake Nipigon, 50-60 kilometres south of the project area.

Regional lithium deposits

Several internationally significant hard rock lithium deposits occur in the region.

Tanco Mine: is an underground lithium, caesium and tantalum mine located in Manitoba Province, 500 kilometres west of Crescent Lake. The Tanco ore body is also pegmatitic.

Separation Rapids: is a complex-type lithium pegmatite deposit located 440 kilometres west of Crescent Lake within the same geological sub-province.

Georgia Lake: spodumene pegmatite deposit located 60 kilometres south of the Crescent Lake Project.

Seymour Lake: is a Lithium-Beryllium-Tantalum pegmatite deposit located 10 kilometres west of the Crescent Lake Project.

Option agreement to acquire 100%

A subsidiary of Argonaut entered an option agreement with Canadian Orebodies Inc., with the principal terms:

- COB grants Argonaut an exclusive option to conduct a due diligence study on the Crescent Lake Project for a period of six weeks in return for a payment of C$20,000.
- The Option defines the material terms of a definitive agreement.
- Argonaut may exercise the Option by paying COB C$50,000.
- An interim option fee of C$150,000 is due on 1 July 2016.
- Argonaut will then have until 30 November 2016 to complete its assessment of the project at which time it can elect to purchase 100% the Crescent Lake Project for C$200,000.
- The following milestone payments are also defined in the Option:
- C$400,000 in cash or shares payable to COB on announcement of a maiden resource; and
- C$1,000,000 in cash or shares payable to COB on decision to mine.
- Claims are subject to a 2% royalty, payable to historic vendors.

The transaction may be subject to ASX approval.


Re: Argonaut resources

Que le ha ocurrido, no sé si esta mal la info de seekings pero me dice que ha caído un 80%


Re: Argonaut resources

steri, estoy dentro de GXY desde hace pocas semanas, tu crees que este valor levantara cabeza y podre recuperar los 400€ de perdidas que llevo en este momento?. Gracias.


Re: Argonaut resources

Pues ahora puedes ver Galaxy Resources, en máximos de los últimos 8 años. Es cuestión de paciencia. Al igual que Argonaut Resources, ya empieza a levantar cabeza y busca los máximos del pasado año. Cierra con +11% arriba y con buenas noticias de las últimas semanas.

Argonaut Resources NL commences drilling for gold
Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Email Print Download PDF version 10:53 09 Oct 2017
The Higginsville prospects are located near to multi-million ounce gold deposits.

Shares in Argonaut are trading strongly in 2017
Argonaut Resources NL (ASX:ARE) has commenced drilling on two gold prospects at its Higginsville Project located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

The reverse circulation drilling program of 18-22 holes is targeting oxide and primary gold mineralisation at Amorphous and Footes Find prospects.

Historical drilling at the two projects from the early 1990s includes results of 8 metres at 2.07 g/t gold from 26 metres at Amorphous and 7 metres at 2.13 g/t gold at Footes Find.

READ: Argonaut Resources plans to drill

The strike length at the Amorphous prospect based on existing geochemistry and drilling is around 1 kilometre and the strike length of the Footes Find prospect is circa 700 metres.

A lack of deep, historical drilling means primary gold mineralisation is untested, leaving scope for a significant upgrade of the targets.

The two prospects are located 5 kilometres along existing roads from an operating mill.

Higginsville drilling program
The tenements that make-up the Higginsville project are in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields.

Drilling now underway will confirm deposit geometry by targeting down-plunge extensions of both oxide and primary gold mineralisation at Amorphous and test zones with potential for structural thickening.

The reverse circulation program will comprise 18 initial drill holes with a further four contingent holes to be sited on the basis of visual results.

Gold mineralisation at Amorphous and Footes Find is typically hosted in quartz veins.

Historical assays may be understated
The program will also seek to resolve discrepancies between different historical assay methods, where examples under-reported gold results compared to nearby fire-assay results.

Gold grades may be significantly upgraded by 2017 drilling if historical results are confirmed to be understated.

Argonaut shares performing strongly
Shares in Arognaut are up 85% year to date, currently trading at $0.013.

The strong trading in the company’s shares has been attributed to its Torrens Copper Project located in South Australia where similarities can be drawn to the world-renowned Olympic Dam mine.

READ: Does Argonaut have the next Olympic Dam?

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Re: Argonaut resources

Argonaut Resources NL : Gold Drilling Commenced at Higginsville

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10/10/2017 | 11:05am CET

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Release date- 09102017 - Argonaut Resources NL (ASX: ARE) (Argonaut or the Company) is pleased to announce that drilling on two gold prospects at Higginsville in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia (WA) has commenced.


A program of 18-22 reverse circulation drill holes has commenced near Higginsville in the Eastern Goldfields, WA.

Drilling is targeting oxide and primary gold mineralisation at Amorphous and Footes Find prospects:

The Amorphous prospect is 1km in strike length.

The Footes Find is 700m in strike length.

A lack of deep, historical drilling means primary gold mineralisation is untested, leaving scope for a significant upgrade of the targets.

The prospects are located 5km along existing roads from an operating mill.

Higginsville Project

The tenements that make-up the Higginsville project are in Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields. Geologically, the package sits within the Norseman-Wiluna Belt, a belt of ancient rocks endowed with gold and nickel that sits within the broader Yilgarn Craton. Approximately 70% of Australia's historical gold production has come from the Yilgarn Craton and most of that from the Norseman-Wiluna Belt.

The Higginsville Project is located south of Kambalda, west of Lake Cowan and adjacent to Higginsville where over two million ounces of gold has been historically defined. Gold discoveries at Baloo and Monsoon (Polar Bear) by S2 Resources are located immediately east of the Higginsville Project at Lake Cowen.

The package of tenements at Higginsville is held by Loded Dog Prospecting Pty Ltd. Argonaut and Loded Dog Prospecting are parties to an earn-in joint venture agreement which grants Argonaut the right to earn up to 80% of the tenements in two phases. The earn-in agreement is currently in the first phase.

Gold Exploration

Argonaut's goals are to explore for near-surface oxide gold in areas with historic shallow drilling results and to target deeper primary gold mineralisation at previously untested depths. The strike length at the Amorphous prospect based on existing geochemistry and drilling is around 1 kilometre and the strike length of the Footes Find prospect is approximately 700m.

The Amorphous and Footes Find targets are located approximately 5km along existing roads from an operating mill and present an excellent opportunity for a meaningful, near-term exploration outcome. Existing drilling at both prospects averages 65m in deep and targeted near-surface oxide mineralisation. This lack of deep, historical drilling means primary gold mineralisation is untested, leaving scope for a significant upgrade of the targets.

2017 RC Drilling

Drilling now underway will confirm deposit geometry by targeting down-plunge extensions of both oxide and primary gold mineralisation at Amorphous and test zones with potential for structural thickening. The program will also seek to resolve discrepancies between different historical assay methods. An assay method used to analyse some historic drill samples appears to have under-reported gold results compared to nearby fire-assay results. Gold grades may be significantly upgraded by 2017 drilling if historic results are confirmed to be understated.

The RC program will comprise 18 initial drill holes with a further four contingent holes to be sited on the basis of visual results. Gold mineralisation at Amorphous and Footes Find is typically hosted in quartz veins within a steeply dipping gabbroic unit


Re: Argonaut resources

Argonaut Resources NL Technical Analysis Chart | ARE | AU000000ARE9 | 4-Traders

Re: Argonaut resources

Otro buen cierre. +10%


Re: Argonaut resources

Otro tironcito de sólo  +13%


Re: Argonaut resources

7% arriba