
Deutsche Wohnen

75 respuestas
Deutsche Wohnen
Deutsche Wohnen
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Deutsche Wohnen

Empresa alemana de residenciales. Veo que tiene unos ratios muy atractivos excepto algo cargada de deuda.
La acción está alcista y ahora algo corregida. Han presentado los resultados trimestrales, crecen por encima del 30% respecto al trimestre del año anterior.
Principales ratios:

Per 8

Price to Book 1,2 !!!!

ROE 11%

Cash flow/ ventas 55%

Cash flow por acción 0,7

Deuda neta / ebitda 10

Buen crecimiento en ventas y ebitda desde 2013.

Crecimiento por acción superior al 50% en los últimos 3 años.


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Rating Summary: Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:DWN) Gets Vote of Confidence From DZ BANK. What to Expect?
November 17, 2016 - By Michael Collier

Rating Summary: Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:DWN) Gets Vote of Confidence From DZ BANK. What to Expect?
Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:DWN) Upgrade
Stock research analysts at DZ BANK’s equity division increased Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:DWN)‘s stock to a Buy on Thursday, 17 November.
Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) Ratings Coverage
Out of 20 analysts covering Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:DWN), 13 rate it a “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 6 “Hold”. This means 65% are positive. €44 is the highest target while €23 is the lowest. The €34.06 average target is 21.34% above today’s (€28.07) stock price. Deutsche Wohnen has been the topic of 103 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. As per Tuesday, March 22, the company rating was maintained by UBS. On Wednesday, January 27 the stock rating was upgraded by Baader Wertpapierhandelsbank to “Buy”. Independent Research maintained Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) on Tuesday, September 22 with “Hold” rating. The firm has “Hold” rating by Independent Research given on Tuesday, January 12. On Friday, August 14 the stock rating was downgraded by Goldman Sachs to “Sell”. On Tuesday, December 1 the stock rating was upgraded by Landesbank to “Buy”. Berenberg upgraded it to “Buy” rating and €28 target price in Tuesday, November 10 report. Warburg Research upgraded Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) on Friday, January 8 to “Buy” rating. The stock has “Buy” rating given by Landesbank on Friday, January 15. Societe Generale upgraded Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) rating on Wednesday, December 2. Societe Generale has “Buy” rating and €30 price target.

About 329,677 shares traded hands. Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWN) has risen 0.92% since February 19, 2014 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.71% the S&P500.

Deutsche Wohnen AG is a Germany-based holding company, primarily engaged in property management and development of its own residential property portfolio. The company has a market cap of 9.97 billion EUR. The Firm divides its activities into three divisions: Residential Property Management; Disposals, and Nursing and Assisted Living. It has a 7.25 P/E ratio. The Residential Property Management segment’s core activity is the management of residential properties, including modernization and maintenance of the property portfolio.

More notable recent Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) news were published by: which released: “Deutsche Wohnen Slumps After Offering to Buy LEG in Record Deal” on September 20, 2015, also with their article: “Deutsche Wohnen: Good Entry Level” published on November 15, 2016, published: “Germany’s Vonovia Fails to Win Support for Deutsche Wohnen Deal” on February 10, 2016. More interesting news about Deutsche Wohnen AG (ETR:DWNI) were released by: and their article: “Germany’s Vonovia Formally Launches Tender Offer for Deutsche Wohnen” published on December 01, 2015 as well as‘s news article titled: “Deutsche Wohnen Boosts Takeover Fightback With Dividend Rise” with publication date: January 11, 2016.


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Hola steri, a que precio entrar y donde pongo stop
Donde crees que puede llegar???


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Compañero, una empresa como ésta con crecimiento, el último trimestre mejoran en un 30%, per 7 , para que stop loss? Yo sinceramente nunca los pongo, estudio las emrpesas donde entro y voy a medio y largo plazo.
Si no tienes prisa, esta empresa valdrá mucho màs en meses


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

ok, entrare y ya te contare.S2S


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Mantiene la tendencia alcista de largo plazo, ha superado los 29 euros, a ver si tira y se acerca a máximos. Tiene per 7


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

A ver si consigue los 30 euros


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Gracias de antemano steri por tu magnifica labor.
HE visto Deutsche Wohnen y debo de decir que me gustan sus numeros.Hace unos dias entré en este otro valor
similar GYC y me gustaria saber que opinión tienes.
Pego este comentario que lei , Grand City Properties que para Mans Larsson tiene un potencial de 55 a 60% en los próximos dos años.


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Sigue bastante bien intentando irse a máximos, roza los 31 euros


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Morgan Stanley le otorga un precio de 39 euros,

Morgan Stanley belässt Deutsche Wohnen auf 'Overweight'


Re: Deutsche Wohnen

Se anima tras las recomendaciones de Morgan Stanley