
Invertir en compañías aéreas: empresas cíclicas pero muy atractivas.

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Invertir en compañías aéreas: empresas cíclicas pero muy atractivas.
7 suscriptores
Invertir en compañías aéreas: empresas cíclicas pero muy atractivas.
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Re: Profit warning de Ryanair

Mi consejo sería huir de American Airlines. Ya entre esas dos no sabría decirte, pero AA me parece que va directa a una nueva quiebra a este paso. Habrá que ver qué futuro se le va viendo.

Re: Profit warning de Ryanair

Delta Airlines es de las mejores y AA pero con deuda y más que van a tener con la inyección de Trump...mucho ojo que W.Buffet ha empezado a vender acciones de Delta y hace menos de un mes estaba comprando con lo cual no lo verá ahora tan claro...quizás más de una necesite una AK y eso diluye mucho a los minoritarios....yo quería entrar en RCL pero tengo las mismas dudas porque el sector va a estar tocado un largo tiempo. Está claro que se recuperará pero algunas navieras y aerolíneas veremos si lo superan o se endeudan a lo bestia como ya lo ha hecho CCL financiándose con bonos al 11%...una locura y muy malo si eres accionista.


Re: Profit warning de Ryanair

Por eso mismo, como le monten a cualquiera de estas aerolíneas la misma que le hicieron a General Motors el accionista puede ver el valor de su inversión estrellado contra el suelo.

Actualización de noticias sobre aerolíneas

Aquí una recopilación de noticias del sector
  • Lufthansa aumenta sus pérdidas y prepara un rescate de 10 mil millones 
  • Ryanair anuncia que llevará a los tribunales todos los rescates a aerolineas europeas
  • Airbus reconoce que quema caja a una velocidad elevada

Por otro lado comento que he entrado en Hawai Holding una compañía casi desconocida para el inversor nacional y aunque bastante afectada por el cierre del turismo creo que si a largo plazo sobrevive cuenta con una cierta solidez para recuperarse siempre que esta crisis no se prolongue más allá de los razonable. 


Re: Invertir en compañías aéreas: empresas cíclicas pero muy atractivas.

Hawai Holdings se marca un +35% en pocos días desde la entrada que hice en 11,31. Sin dudas las aerolineas regionales de zonas no confinadas y muy castigadas creo que son las más accesibles. En algún webinar escuche de Air Alaska pero no he mirado sus números a fondo. 

Norwegian consigue acuerdo para convertir deuda en acciones

Hoy hay Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas de Norwegian


Avianca se acoge al Chapter 1

El ADR de Avianca ha sido suspendido luego de que la empresa se declarase en bancarrota. 


Lufthansa rescatada y Latam Airlines en bancarrota

Aquí el comunicado de LATAM Airlines sobre la presentación del Chapter 11

Santiago, Chile, May 26, 2020 – LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (“LATAM”) (NYSE: LTM; SP IPSA: LTM) and its affiliates in Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and the United States today initiated a voluntary reorganization and restructuring of their debt under Chapter 11 protection in the United States with the support of the Cueto and Amaro families and Qatar Airways, two of the largest shareholders of LATAM. In light of the effects of COVID-19 on the worldwide aviation industry, this reorganization process provides LATAM with an opportunity to work with the group’s creditors and other stakeholders to reduce its debt, access new sources of financing and continue operating, while enabling the group to transform its business to this new reality.
The Chapter 11 financial reorganization process is a proven legal framework under which LATAM and said affiliates will have the opportunity to resize their operations to the new demand environment and reorganize their balance sheets, enabling them to emerge more agile, resilient and sustainable. LATAM and its affiliates will continue flying as conditions permit throughout the process.
“LATAM entered the COVID-19 pandemic as a healthy and profitable airline group, yet exceptional circumstanceshave led to a collapse in global demand and has not only brought aviation to a virtual standstill, but it has also changed the industry for the foreseeable future,” said Roberto Alvo, Chief Executive Officer of LATAM. “We have implemented a series of difficult measures to mitigate the impact of this unprecedented industry disruption, but ultimately this path represents the best option to lay the right foundation for the future of our airline group. We are looking ahead to a post-COVID-19 future and are focused on transforming our group to adapt to a new and evolving way of flying, with the health and safety of our passengers and employees being paramount.”
The group has secured the financial support of shareholders, including the Cueto and Amaro families, which have lasting ties to LATAM, and Qatar Airways, to provide up to $900 million in debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing. These partners have a profound understanding of the industry, the group and its operational challenges. Their support demonstrates a belief in LATAM and its affiliates and their long-term sustainability. To the extent permitted by law, the group would welcome other shareholders interested in participating in this process to provide additional financing. In addition, as of the filing, the group had approximately USD$1.3 billion in cash on hand.
LATAM and its affiliates are also in discussions with their respective governments of Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Peru to assist in sourcing additional financing, protect jobs where possible and minimize disruption to its operations. LATAM and its affiliates would like to thank its shareholders, employees, creditors and the communities it serves for their support to help secure the group’s long-term future. The group is confident that this process will bring together these diverse stakeholders to build a new LATAM that is better placed to succeed for years to come.
“Faced with the biggest crisis in the history of aviation, the Board has approved this path forward having analyzed all the available alternatives to ensure the sustainability of the group. As we have adapted to new realities in the past, we are confident that LATAM will be able to succeed in the post-COVID-19 context and continue to serve Latin America, connecting the region with the world,” said Ignacio Cueto, Chairman of LATAM’s Board of Directors.
The group is continuing to adapt and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and is actively preparing to welcome customers back once travel prohibitions are lifted and demand increases, guaranteeing the highest safety standards for passengers and crew for which LATAM is highly recognized.
Continuing to serve Latin America
LATAM group is committed to preserving business continuity as it reorganizes – especially with respect to employees, customers, suppliers, commercial partners and local communities.
  • LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and its affiliates will continue to operate passenger and cargo flights, subject to demand and travel restrictions.
  • All current and future tickets, travel vouchers and frequent flyer miles and benefits, as well as flexibility policies, will be honored.
  • The group’s employees will continue to be paid and receive benefits as provided in their employment agreements.
  • Suppliers will be paid in a timely fashion for goods and services delivered from May 26, 2020 forward and throughout this process.
  • Travel agencies and other commercial partners will experience no disruption in their interactions with the LATAM group.
The right option to strengthen the group
The LATAM group has shared its journey with the people of Latin America, thriving in times of growth and pulling together to overcome times of adversity, and like many, LATAM and its affiliates began 2020 with hopes of progress that COVID-19 has brought to a virtual standstill. In 2019, the group launched 26 new routes and transported a record 74 million passengers, 5.4 million more than in 2018. The group’s plans for 2020 included further enhancing its passenger experience through cabin transformations and strengthening its strategic partnerships to further connect Latin America with the world. While the group will change through the Chapter 11 process, its culture, commitment to customers, shared history and Latin American identity will not.
After careful consideration, LATAM is confident that the Chapter 11 reorganization process is the best path forward to achieve the group’s objectives and meet its obligations while comprehensively managing its fleet and addressing its debts, most of which are held in the United States. Importantly, this process is markedly different from the concept of “quiebra”, “bancarrota”, or liquidation. LATAM intends to rely on specific relief that will allow it to pay its employees, meet benefit obligations, pay critical suppliers and conduct other day-to-day business operations as the group works with the court and creditors to resolve its case. With Chapter 11 protection, the group’s management team will remain in place and will continue to lead LATAM through the reorganization and transformation process.
These unique provisions of the Chapter 11 reorganization process will enable the group to minimize disruptions to the business and protect the interests of stakeholders while it restructures its balance sheet to emerge as a more agile, resilient and sustainable airline group.
While most of LATAM’s affiliates are included in the reorganization process, several entities are not, due to the nature of their debt structure and current financial status. A full list of filing entities is available at The list below summarizes the inclusion of these entities in the Chapter 11 financial reorganization and other proceedings.
Material filing entities:
  • Chile: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and certain other entities incorporated in Chile are included in the Chapter 11 filing and will also file recognition proceedings in Chilean Courts in order to ensure that the Chapter 11 process is given full credit and effect, providing even greater protection to LATAM’s businesses.
  • Colombia: LATAM Airlines Colombia and other entities incorporated in Colombia are included in the Chapter 11 filing and will also file recognition proceedings in the Superintendencia de Sociedades in order to ensure that the Chapter 11 process is given full credit and effect, providing even greater protection to LATAM’s businesses.
  • Peru: LATAM Airlines Perú and other entities incorporated in Peru are included in the Chapter 11 filing and are also filing a “Preventative Reorganization Process” with INDECOPI in order to ensure to these businesses are further protected from adverse actions of creditors.
  • Ecuador: LATAM Airlines Ecuador is included in the Chapter 11 filing.
  • United States: All of the Group’s operating entities, other than special purpose vehicles, in the United States are included in the Chapter 11 filing.
Non-filing entities
  • Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay: LATAM’s affiliates in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguayare not included in the Chapter 11 filing. LATAM’s affiliates in Brazil are in discussions with the Brazilian government about the next steps and financial support for their Brazilian operations.
Importantly, whether included in the filing or not, all of the companies in the group will continue to operate as travel restrictions and demand permit.

Forward Looking Statements
This report contains forward-looking statements. Such statements may include words such as “may” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “project,” “believe” or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs and expectations. These statements are based on LATAM’s current plans, estimates and projections and, therefore, you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements involve inherent known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of LATAM’s control and difficult to predict. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. These factors and uncertainties include in particular those described in the documents we have filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them, whether in light of new information, future events or otherwise.

Easyjet despedirá al 30% de su plantilla

Los recortes de plantilla siguen en el sector europeo


Estados Unidos se plantea bloquear a las aerolíneas chinas

Parece que habrá una prohibición mutua de aerolíneas norteamericanas y China

Análisis Ryanair Holdings PLC (RYA.L) - Ryanair (RYA)

 Perfil de la Empresa: RYANAIR HOLDINGS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY es una empresa tenedora de Ryanair Limited (Ryanair). Ryanair opera una aerolínea de servicios programados de pasajeros de tarifa muy baja, de recorridos cortos con rutas punto a punto entre Irlanda, el Reino Unido, Europa Continental, Marruecos e Israel. Ryanair ofrece diversos servicios auxiliares y se dedica a otras actividades relacionadas con su servicio central de transporte aéreo de pasajeros, incluyendo servicios programados que no son aéreos, servicios relacionados con Internet y la venta durante el vuelo de bebidas, alimentos y mercancías. Ryanair comercializa servicios de alojamiento y seguros de viaje a través de su página web. Ofrece servicios de hotel y alojamiento. Ryanair ofrece sus propios servicios de aviones y manejo de pasajeros y boletos en el Aeropuerto de Dublín. Al 30 de junio de 2016, Ryanair tenía una flota principal de más de 350 aviones Boeing 737- 800 y ofrecía más de 2.000 vuelos diarios programados de recorrido corto, dando servicio a aproximadamente 200 aeropuertos en toda Europa.

Comentarios: Ryanair Holdings PLC (RYA.L), es bajista para largo plazo. En estos momentos, se encuentra realizando su pauta de continuidad. Si lo perdiera, podría tener un posible objetivo sobre los 9 peniques. El punto a vigilar para este trimestre serían los 13 peniques. Si lo superara, cogería confianza los inversores.

Los datos fundamentales indican que tiene una deuda total del 60%. Su ratio de solvencia se sitúa en 0,67. El valor de la empresa sale negativo. Mi ratio potencial sale a -1,03, indicando descenso económico. Mi fuerza de tendencia sale -100%, indicando crecimiento bajista.

Conclusión: Si rompe la pauta será buena oportunidad para posiciones cortas. Vigilar el punto importante.


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Las inversiones en bolsa son de alto riesgo y se puede perder el capital que se vaya a invertir. El usuario debe tener el conocimiento suficiente del funcionamiento y del riesgo de los productos de inversión que vaya a utilizar. Las ideas o análisis no garantiza rentabilidades en las inversiones, ni tampoco garantiza la ausencia de pérdidas que el usuario realice.