
Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

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Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet
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Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet
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Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet


es un informe donde indica el num de accionistas actuales .... la lectura que hay que hacer es que despues de 4 años sin presentar nada empiezan a ponerse al dia ...

veremos donde acaba esto ¡¡¡¡¡



Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Hoy a saltado DANR se podia haber comprado a 0.0007 o 8 hoy mucho movimento ha subido a 0.0014 con volumen ... y XNNHQ gran soporte a 0.020 ¡¡


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

DANR 0,0025x0,0027 ..,,   cuando avise 0,0007 aprox posible Merger .... estos de EEUU estan xalados ...y les estoy pillando el paso ;)

DANR - Dana Resources Potential Merger Ahead 

Miami, FL – April 24, 2019 ( Newswire) –, an elite wall street independent small cap media group with a history of bringing lucrative opportunities, Reports on Dana Resources (OTC:DANR). 

Potential Merger 

DANR is starting to get some eyes from the investment community due to a potential reverse merger. Currently the stock is a shell (A Shell Company is a company, other than an asset-backed issuer, with no or nominal operations and either 1) no or nominal assets; 2) assets consisting of cash and cash equivalents; or 3) assets consisting of any amount of cash and cash equivalents and nominal other assets, as defined by Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 12b-2. SEC reporting companies designate their shell status in their periodic filings). 

A company like DANR with only a 500M AS and clean is already attracting private companies seeking to go public through a reverse merger. Bitcoin and Cannabis are the hottest sectors now. Private Bitcoin company OKC Holdings Corp, is looking for a vehicle (A Shell) like DANRto go public to avoid going through the complexities and regulatory intricacies of an official IPO. 

Reverse Merger Takeover 

ISBG, a hot cannabis company with multiple CBD products, is currently public and trading under the ticker symbol ISBG. The company is working several issues with the OTC Markets at the moment but speculators are pitching the idea for ISBG to take its assets over DANR via a reverse takeover. 

DANR Breaking-Out 

This undervalued stock should be in everyone’s watchlist. DANR current share structure is the following: AS 500,000,000 million, OS 435,144,980 million. The market cap at the time of writing was $261,087. The current share price is $0.0014. 

DANR Chart 

Today the stock saw a spike to .0014 breaking major resistance at .0009 and .0012. The stock is expected to continue its momentum, with an AS of 500M only the sky is the limit here. Our chart technicians are predicting a potential move to .0025-0050 area. 



Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Posiblemente se fusione con ISBG, distribución de bebidas incluso de derivadas de la MARIHUANA ;)

ISBG is the authorized importer, licensor, and marketer of premium alcoholic beverage brands, including Besado Tequila, Dziaq, and CBD Infused Products. The Company's mission and purpose is the development and actualization of leading alcoholic beverage brands. In this capacity, as a "brand incubator", the Company intends to nurture emerging brands through critical stages of market development, including conceptualization, go-to-market strategy, supply chain and logistics engineering, integrated marketing, and distribution. The Company plans to expand its wine and spirit portfolio by building brands both in-house as well as through targeted acquisition activity. The Company's overall market strategy is predicated on the belief that the brand incubator construct fills a current gap within the industry, and potentially aligns individual brands as acquisition targets. In addition, through strategic relationships, including potential partnerships and/or acquisitions, the Company plans to complement its brand incubation segment with a focus on the development of logistics technology solutions tailored to the alcoholic beverage industry. Investment in this segment is anticipated to further enable expansion of the Company's incubation segment and generate potential value as an enterprise product. ISBG is seeking listing on a national stock exchange in the United States,



Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

parece que ser que puede ser una noticia fraudulenta ...


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Nuevo CEO en TRON SR.Gaetano Tedeschi

A 28 anni, è stato general manager del Consorzio CO.GLTAU., poi nel 1986  amministratore delegato e direttore generale di COSIAC SpA. Dal 1988 al 1997 direttore generale di Bonatti SpA, e quindi di  Italstrade SpA e  Astaldi SpA. Ha lavorato anche come Amministratore Delegato di Italstrade  Regno Unito dal 1999 al 2001, poi è stato consigliere di Torno SpA dal 2001 al 2002, commissario presso il  Ministero dell'Internoper gli interventi urgenti relativi alla messa in sicurezza dell'area  Enea-Eurex.

Fra le altre aziende in cui ha ricoperto incarichi analoghi, Agitec SpA, Logitech Gestioni, Baldassarini-Tognozzi-Pontello,  K.R. Energy S.p.A., nella quale aveva già ricoperto cariche minori.

È stato membro di diverse istituzioni, fra cui il comitato direttivo di IEFE, Istituto per l'Economia e Politica dell'Energia e dell'Ambiente presso l'Università Bocconi di Milano, il comitato di gestione del Programma per il Ministero delle Attività Produttive ed il Comitato Internazionale di Fisica Nucleare Management - Euratom, dal 2001 al 2004.

È stato direttore generale di  RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, e di  ENEA, l'Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e Ambiente.

È stato presidente della  U.S. Avellino dal 1991 al 1994 e nella stagione 2003-2004.


Y parece que SCRCQ tb se mueve .....


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

¿ utiliza tiempo real para inverir en este mercado ? ¿ y de qué proveedor ? Saludos


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Si el de  investors hub la subscripcion L2 son unos 45$ mes per hacen un dto al  subscribirte anualmente


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Sobre TRON, en el caso de que finalmente cierren algun cuerdo con UPCON o MOCHO, pido la opinión sobre este tipo de tecnologias ... me gusta que este relacionado con  Blockchain Payment Services esto no va ser lo que se va a cargar los bancos ;)

Upco International Inc. is a cloud-based mobile service company which provides high-quality voice termination to a market driven by the growing activity in online communications and commerce. Upco is a licensed Global Telecom Carrier within the international VoIP (voice over IP) wholesale business. Upco has designed a software application for Apple iOS and Android, similar to SKYPE and WhatsApp. With the forthcoming addition of the Upco e-Wallet using Blockchain Payment Services, users will be able to: send invoices, approve payments, transfer international funds, convert international currencies, and track transfers and payments.


The opportunities of using Blockchain technology seem almost endless. It has the potential to change significantly the way of banking we know today and replace existing mechanisms for the exchange of money and financial information and the method by which customer records are stored and processed.

El futuro ests aqui y quizas TRON participe:


Las oportunidades de usar la tecnología Blockchain parecen casi infinitas. Tiene el potencial de cambiar significativamente la forma de banca que conocemos hoy y reemplazar los mecanismos existentes para el intercambio de dinero e información financiera y el método por el cual los registros de clientes se almacenan y procesan.


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Ayer en ACTL toco el 0,0003 con el mayor volumen en dos años unos 250 millones de acciones negociadas ... el OS es muy confuso pero puede estar sobre los 800 mill de acciones



Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

XNNHQ acaba de ponerse al dia ... es una Shell totalmente limpia con una capitalizacion de 300.000 ... soy propietario del 1% de la empresa el 2% del float aprox ... veremos en que tipo de negocio se convierte ... a ver si por fin meto un pelotazo de los buenos


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet


Ayer $TRDX subio casi un 50% con volumen, es una SHELL hay rumores de Merger

$XNNHQ la semana pasada toco el 0,03 

$URBF cotiza en el peor mercado de todos el gris, pero hay muchos inversores de SOLI que confian en ella

$TRON se esperan actualizaciones, se ha retardado en presentar informes, ceo etc ....

$SCRCQ capitaliza a dia de hoy unos 100.000$ y tiene solo unos 200 mill acciones emitidos puede ser candidata a SHELL

$ACTL y $FONU cotizan a 0,0002 son chicharros dentro de los chicharros 

Suerte ¡¡¡


Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Yo te podria pasar algunas buenas en las que se puede comprar , en el foro y en tiempo real. Ahora estoy buscando broker para invertir en este mercado. La última oportunidad que he visto es la de RAFARMA PHARMACEUTICALS. ¿ Que broker usas ?

Yo tengo tiempo real en FreeStockCharts , creo que es el mejor. Saludos



Re: Wall Street - OTCBB Pink sheet

Seguimos, nueva actualización:

$TRDX Entorno los 0,0030 se esperan noticias en cualquier momento sobre el Merger

$XNNHQ ayer cerro 0,0200 y fuera de horas publicaron una actualización sobre el estado de la SHELL:

$URBF cotiza en el peor mercado de todos el gris, pero hay muchos inversores de SOLI que confian en ella ayer cerro 0,0011 parce que la oferta se esta agotando en OS es muy bajo

$TRON se esperan actualizaciones, se ha retardado en presentar informes, ceo etc .... parece la nueva empresa se enfoca a las tajeta sde PAGO

$SCRCQ capitaliza a dia de hoy unos 100.000$ y tiene solo unos 200 mill  acciones emitidos puede ser candidata a SHELL

$ACTL y $FONU cotizan a 0,0002 son chicharros dentro de los chicharros 

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