Sería una buena noticia! Si fuera así, el efecto de no acudir a la ampliación no sería tan catastrófico.
Copio algunos párrafos que he encontrado en la web oficial, en los documentos “Board of Directors Report” y “Convening Notice”. En resumen los párrafos indican que se autoriza una ampliación de 30.000 millones de nuevas acciones, que es un máximo para que independientemente del precio de la acción, la ampliación pueda realizarse y que los términos están pendientes de definir por la empresa.
“The Proposal is to approve an increase of the Company’s authorised share capital by EUR 3,000,000,000 equivalent to 30,000,000,000 ordinary shares without nominal value. If the Proposal is approved by the EGM and taking into account the aforementioned par value reduction, the Company’s authorised share capital (including the issued share capital) will amount to EUR 3,199,585,721.30 represented by 31,995,857,213 ordinary shares without nominal value.”
“The number and issue price of the Announced Rights Shares will be determined on the basis of the market price of the ordinary shares of the Company at time of the launch of the Announced Rights Issue. In order to ensure that the Announced Rights Issue can yield proceeds in an amount of EUR 3,000,000,000, the requested authorisation is for a number of shares such that the Company has sufficient authorised shares to enable it to reach this objective.”
“On 5th February 2016, the Company announced its intention to increase its capital through a rights issue with shareholders benefiting from non-statutory preferential subscription rights on terms to be determined by the Company.”