
The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

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The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)
The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

The former president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre from the Putrid Party (PP) says he found it "amazing" that the Punic judge, Eloy Velasco, has hinted that "there has been an irregular funding of the Putrid Party (PP) in Madrid" when "has never existed and no no sign of it. "

Aguirre argues that these allusions arise because "the judge has decided that Punic was not enough with Mr. Granados but when this came it was no longer secretary general nor appeared at the party." However, he hopes that the judge declare whether or not, despite indications that there is a grabada- statement when you lift the gag order, as the PP in Madrid is studying person to the cause in order to explain Velasco "What you have though of course there is absolutely nothing," he assured flatly.

Likewise the leader of the PP in Madrid wanted to insist that the party rejects corruption and explained that therefore ceased to Granados, four mayors and López Viejo "for his disloyalty to the government."


Re: The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

The investigation opened by the Tax Agency contract Valencia Provincial Council awarded Indra to create a network to ensure all municipalities of the province and access to internet connection through wifi system has discovered what spent huge investment the contractor whose business manager in Valencia and coordinator of relations with the administration is (or was at that time) brother Esteban Gonzalez Pons, Rafael González Pons.

According to the documents to which this newspaper has had access, Indra has justified some of the 14 million euros of public funds on travel, private parking, car rental and mobile phones. There are games, very bulky, not even specified, as spending by 2.1 billion euros in "other material".

In 2009, former President Alfonso Rus signaled the beginning of the procedure aimed at hiring the service, which was part of the plan Sona la Dipu, Valencia Province Wifi. It set a maximum budget of 14 million euros, although the forecast was that between 2014 and 2015 were to service all municipalities in the province, the inspection has established that the investment has been reduced to 8.3 million, according this documentation. Rus won this service to Indra, a company that investigates anti-corruption prosecutor in the Punic case and the details of the supply would have negotiated with the brother of the PP MEP.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, inspection of the Tax Agency asked Indra documentary proof that accredits the investments made to implement the service contracted by Rus; in particular invoices justification of investments, detailed description of the assets that must yield to the Council when the contract expires or costs incurred on the project and identification.

The company is the brother of Gonzalez Pons brought a memory with an expense ratio which includes 2.2 million in own staff, hiring 192,019 euros in addition to 2.1 million in "other material". According to this documentation, Indra in "other purchases" spent 557,861 euros, 728,693 euros in "outsourcing materials" 72,981 euros in rental vehicles, 33,922 advisors, 21,118 euros in transport, 2,500 euros in fairs, 111,706 euros in "other bonuses "32,978 euros" mobile phones ". He also justified the investment of 100,000 euros on travel, which included expenses, mileage (6,035 euros), hotels and diets. Apparently, the Tax Agency has already drafted a first report which warns that Indra has not provided a detailed inspection of investment goods or information about the infrastructure costs allocated to each of the telecentres or municipalities inventory.

Judge Eloy Velasco just charge to the CEO of Indra, Javier de Andrés, to camouflage payments Punic company that improved the online reputation of leaders of the PP in Valencia and Madrid.


Re: The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

One of the companies with whom the web of corruption could spread Punic city councils of the autonomous communities of Madrid, Valencia and Murcia Spain was Cofely, a subsidiary of the French multinational GDF Suez. Two of his employees charged in the case were given a course in Paris in 2013 aimed at preventing corruption.

The legal representative of Cofely, Puyal Xavier Torras, tried to argue before the judge of the Audiencia Nacional Eloy Velasco last December the measures that the company had been taking to combat corruption. These included ethical letters were signed at the time of recruitment by all workers performing online courses to the head unit and technical courses. One of the latter, held in Paris in 2013, followed Constantino Garcia and Pedro Alvarez de la Cueva, who were, respectively, director of Public Market and Business Development Director and Cofely Spain.

Puyal Torras said the company was aware that his department and the commercial shopping were the most "sensitive" about corruption. Therefore, it was decided that Garcia and Alvarez de la Cueva made a specific course on "business ethics", in which "part referred to corruption," the legal representative.

Indeed, "such training in anti-corruption measures" was considered during the interrogations "more reprehensible from the point of view of guilt" by prosecutors in the case, Teresa Galvez and Carmen Garcia, as it meant that the accused had "a profile educated very high "to have been" trained in preventing corruption. " In the case of "bribes by many millions of euros" are investigated, they recalled.

Both Garcia and Pedro Alvarez Constantino must take note of learning, because to do their work in Spain and sign contracts with municipalities energy efficiency ficharon the alleged mastermind of the corrupt plot, the builder David Marjaliza, boyhood friend of former Secretary General of the PP in Madrid Francisco Granados. His job was to "influence public office and officials from different municipalities mainly Madrid Community to further the interests of the trade millionaires award processes," concludes the Civil Guard in one of his reports.

The builder acted as "an external consultant" - a "fixer", as he prefers to call the judge whose function was to "get the highest turnover in the public sector", which "would conceal really use its influence on public offices and officials to try to decide in advance the outcome of contracts on payment of compensations notorious or gifts ".

Both Garcia and Alvarez and his superior, the director and CEO of Cofely Spain, Didier Maurice, sought her right not to testify in court, so they did not provide any explanation as to why they decided to hire Marjaliza instead of another person linked in principle to the public sector. In fact, the judge focused on this point with the legal representative of Cofely, comparing the signing of Marjaliza with the mayor of Madrid Miguel Angel Villanueva, who resigned after the Madrid Arena. For Velasco, the Villanueva made sense because it could help government contracts, and that he knew, but not Marjaliza. The only answer he found is that once the proposed Constantino Alvarez and then "did not jump any alarm."

For the fiscal, Cofely "the most important in 2012, 2013 and 2014 sponsor" he had been Marjaliza, because their influence "in 12 municipalities in Madrid" getting the company had the sheets before their competitors and until drafted to Instead of paying a commission that had the municipal exchequer through "a sham, a pantomime, a laugh audit quality control" had just paying the Consistory through other companies Marjaliza.

With these practices, Collado-Villalba signed a 15-year contract with Cofely 42.9 million, for which the plot sensed an annual fee of 2% (57,220 euros). In a tapped conversation between Constantino Alvarez and Didier Maurice hear them say: "To these we must give them something, because we have helped."

Mostoles, where according to another plot tapped conversations "have committed to deliver 240,000 euros", the signed contract amounted to more than EUR 73 million with a annual fee of 121,000 euros. In Valdemoro, the contract amounted to 60.8 million over 15 years with an annual fee of 81,119 euros.


Re: The quagmire of corruption in the Putrid Party (PP)

BARCELONA.- Un hombre de 50 años de nacionalidad senegalesa ha fallecido hoy en Salou al saltar del balcón de la vivienda en la que se encontraba, situada en un tercer piso, cuando trataba de huir de los Mossos d'Esquadra, en una operación contra el "top manta".

Tras conocer el suceso, un numeroso grupo de compatriotas del fallecido, unos 200, se ha concentrado en la plaza de Sant Jordi de Salou, donde se han enfrentado con los antidisturbios de los Mossos d'Esquadra, a los que han arrojado algunas sillas y mesas de las terrazas de la plaza, así como piedras.

No obstante, la situación no ha ido por ahora a más, si bien se mantiene una fuerte tensión entre los compañeros del fallecido y el cordón de los Mossos d'Esquadra que siguen en la zona.

Según han informado fuentes policiales, los hechos han ocurrido hacia las seis de la mañana, cuando los Mossos d'Esquadra estaban llevando a cabo un dispositivo, con autorización judicial y en presencia del secretario judicial, con la previsión de registrar tres viviendas de Salou supuestamente vinculadas con una red dedicada al "top manta".

Cuando los agentes han entrado en una de las tres viviendas, situada en la plaza de Sant Jordi de Salou, un hombre de origen senegalés que estaba en su interior ha saltado por el balcón, desde un tercer piso.

Según han informado los Mossos d'Esquadra, el hombre ha saltado sin que previamente haya tenido ninguna interacción con los agentes.

Los Mossos d'Esquadra han avisado al Sistema de Emergencias Médicas (SEM), que ha enviado a una ambulancia al lugar, aunque cuando han llegado sólo han podido confirmar que el hombre había fallecido.

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